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We live in a world where we want everything instantly. In this instant world it is hard to succeed in anything. To achieve your goal you first have to change your life from instantly to persistently(坚持地).

Persistence is the course you need to set. When you change your expectancy from instantly to persistently you will gain an advantage of time that many do not have. Time works against those who live instantly. Opportunities are never seen because when something doesn't happen instantly people move on to the next thing on their list and consider the current goal a failure.

Persistent people have the advantage of time. It allows them to step back, observe and assess the progress of the goal they are pursuing(追求). Some things take longer to develop; some just need to be left there for a while to find their own way.

When you live instantly you gain and lose instantly. Many times you do not know how you got there or how to get back because it is not repeatable.

When you live persistently you learn how things work, how to correct a plan and how to guide it to make it successful. You do not panic because you know you have more than enough time.

Slow down and take time to enjoy the journey. If what you are doing is not fun then stop doing it and do something else.

Everything you do should be in pursuit of a better tomorrow than you had yesterday. You should take time to develop your abilities to reach your goals. Do not get discouraged just because your success is not instant.

Celebrate each step along the way. People who live instantly don't take time to appreciate what they have accomplished. They are just looking for the next thing that they can get instantly.

You must be grateful for the time it takes to reach your goal. Persistence will get you there if you really want to get there.

【小题1】People who want things instantly will fail in many things because _______.
A.they want greater efficiency
B.they don't stick to their goal
C.they often change their lifestyle
D.they tend to pursue a higher target
【小题2】The main advantage persistent people have over instant people is ______.
A.the willpowerB.a target
C.a planD.an opportunity
【小题3】According to the text, persistent people ______.
A.focus more on the result
B.work slower than instant people
C.will get rewarded for their efforts
D.look for the next thing to do immediately when finishing one target
【小题4】The writer's main purpose of writing the text is _______.
A.to blame those who live instantly
B.to persuade people to live happily
C.to praise those who have succeeded.
D.to suggest learning the art of persistence
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As I look out of the window, an icy wind blows oak leaves across the yard. The stove in the living room has been maintaining a temperature that keeps my family comfortable through this winter’s temperature swings. 【小题1】

Plants naturally lose water from leaves through a process called transpiration (蒸腾作用). As a result, the plant’s roots take up water from the soil to replace what was lost.【小题2】 The flow of warm air over the plant’s leaves causes it to transpire at a faster rate. This means plants should be moved so that they are not in the path of airflow from the stove. It also means the soil should be checked for dryness more often during winter months.

【小题3】 Plants are commonly used in entryways to welcome guests. However, a wintry chill of 50 degrees or less every time a door is opened can have an adverse effect on some of the more sensitive plants. Secondly, we generally locate our plants where they will receive the best amount of sunlight for their needs. However, as seasons change, so does the sun’s location. In fall/winter months, the sun moves southward to a lower position in the sky. 【小题4】You may need to move the plant so that the light it receives is suitable for its needs.

Since light levels are lower in winter and plant growth slows, houseplants typically have little need for fertilizer during winter months. 【小题5】 A general rule of thumb when using houseplant fertilizers is to apply the fertilizer at one-half the rate recommended on the label.

A.It is not recommended to fertilize.
B.Eventually, the soil will become dry.
C.Wait until late winter/early spring to fertilize.
D.It may change the amount of light reaching your plant.
E.There are two additional considerations for where to place houseplants.
F.You should water when the soil feels dry to the touch one-half-inch deep.
G.While this may be good for the family, it may not be so for my houseplants.

How to Be Happy: 3 Habits to Add to Your Routine

Happiness looks different for everyone. For you, maybe it's being at peace with who you are. Or having a secure network of friends who accept you unconditionally. Or the freedom to pursue your deepest dreams. 【小题1】A few adjustments to your regular habits can help you get there.

* Smile more often. You tend to smile when you're happy. 【小题2】 We smile because we're happy, and smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier. That doesn't mean you have to go around with a fake smile on your face all the time. But the next time you find yourself feeling low, crack a smile and see what happens. Or try starting each morning by smiling at yourself in the mirror.

* 【小题3】You arrive for an appointment with 10 minutes to spare. What do you do with that time? Pick up your cell phone to scroll through social media? Worry about the busy week you have ahead of you? 【小题4】At the start of each month, make a short list of happy memories or things you're looking forward to on a small piece of paper or on your phone. When you find yourself waiting for a ride, standing in line at the grocery store, or just with a few minutes to kill, break out the list.

* Face stress head-on. Life is full of stress, and it's impossible to avoid all of them. There's no need to. It's said that stress isn't always harmful, and we can even change our attitudes about stress. Learn more about the upside of stress. For the stress you can't avoid, remind yourself that everyone has stress --- there's no reason to think it's all on you. 【小题5】 Instead of letting yourself get overwhelmed, try to face the stress head-on. This might mean starting an uncomfortable conversation or putting in some extra work, but the sooner you handle it, the sooner the pit in your stomach will start to shrink.

A.Take time to reflect.
B.Create a thought list.
C.But it's actually a two-way street.
D.And chances are, you're stronger than you think you are.
E.Take control of your thoughts during these brief windows of time.
F.Remind yourself of any fun activities you once enjoyed, but that have fallen by the wayside.
G.Regardless of your version of happiness, living a happier, more satisfied life is within reach.
Read the post from Paul on the “Answers 4U” website.

Hello everyone,

I’m studying journalism in university. In the first term, everyone has to do a course called“Creative Thinking and Writing”. At first, I thought it wouldn’t be a problem — but now I’m really anxious because I’m not a creative person at all! I’m scared that I’m going to look stupid and I won’t pass the course, or else I’ll only get through it with great difficulty.

Can anyone help me? Some tips on being creative would be good.

Thanks a lot.


Read what Sarah writes in reply to Paul.

Hi Paul,

I read your post and can completely relate to it. I’ve been in exactly the same situation —   I even did a journalism course, just like you. So here are my thoughts.

You say “I’m not a creative person”. Look — everyone’s creative. If you tell yourself you’re not creative, you’ll easily start to believe it. So, the first thing to do is: stop thinking like that. People sometimes talk about“thinking outside the box”. Actually, the box is the way we’ve been brought up to see problems. A central difficulty in our ability to think outside the box is that we must always have a “right” answer, which limits creative thinking. So, try to stop seeing things as “right” or “wrong”.

Another problem is that we often find faults with our own ideas before we give them a chance to grow. While you’ re thinking, just try to brainstorm ideas in an enjoyable way — then choose the best ideas later.

And don’t worry about looking stupid. If you try an idea and other people laugh at your idea, that’s their problem, not yours. Try to look at the course as a way to have fun. Work hard, don’t hold yourself back, do everything with great interest, and you’ll be fine.

Anyway, enough from me. I hope these ideas help.


【小题1】What problem does Paul have?
A.He worries about his career life.
B.He considers himself not creative.
C.He has difficulty understanding things.
D.He will fail his course however hard he works.
【小题2】What can we learn from Sarah’s reply?
A.She doesn’t get why Paul is afraid.
B.She believes each question has the right answer.
C.She thinks people should often reflect on their ideas.
D.She thinks people should think freely without fear of judgement.
【小题3】From the passage we know that ________.
A.Paul and Sarah are strangersB.Paul and Sarah have the same idea
C.Paul and Sarah are college classmatesD.Paul and Sarah are from the same place
