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It is not so long ago that the extended family lived under the same roof. Children grew up knowing their cousins,aunts,uncles,grandparents,and other relatives. These children felt connected(关联的).

In these not-too-long-ago times people were connected with their food. Most people grew their own vegetables and fruit. Many families had a house cow for milk,cheese,butter and cream. Most families also had meat animals. When visitors came unexpectedly,the dad would be sent out to kill the chicken for dinner. Everyone was involved(参与)in cooking and the mealtime was a social event. When the meal ended,most of the family were involved in cleaning up and washing up. How different is the situation today?

The fast life is all around us —fast food,fast cars,fast conversations,fast families,and fast holidays. Our fast-paced life has weakened these connections. We have been fooled into thinking we need to,or even must,be fast and have what the "fast life" gives us. Stress is leading to many new health problems.

The solution is the Slow Movement. It aims to deal with the problem of "time poverty(缺乏)" through making connections. It supports a growing cultural change towards slowing down. It has spread to more than sixty countries and become a worldwide movement.

The Slow Movement tells us that we need to slow down and connect our life. We need connections to people-ourselves, our family, our community, our friends, to food, to places (where we live), and to life. By being part of the Slow Movement, many people have known how they lost connections to most aspects of their life and to the natural world around them. And more importantly, they have been reconnected —they have lived a new connected lifestyle.

【小题1】If we are connected with our food, we _________.
A.eat each meal slowly
B.buy our food by ourselves
C.enjoy our mealtimes in restaurants
D.prepare and cook our food by ourselves
【小题2】According to the passage, which group of the following words can be used to describe today's life?
A.Healthy, busy, disconnected.
B.Rich, disconnected, comfortable.
C.Fast, busy, stressful.
D.Easy, relaxing, fast.
【小题3】According to the author, many people have _________.
A.got used to the fast life
B.had unwise opinions about the fast life
C.had diseases caused by fast food
D.benefited from the fast life
【小题4】What's the purpose of the passage?
A.To compare modern life with traditional life.
B.To explain the meaning of making a connection.
C.To explain the disadvantages of disconnected life.
D.To support a worldwide movement.
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Valuable Values

The spending power of young people varies from person to person. Each, however, is faced with the same question: what to do with their money?

However people intend to use their money, managing it seems to be hugely important to younger generations. A 2016 study said 17 states of the US require high school students to take courses in personal finances. For those who have no access to courses, help might be at hand thanks to Jerry Witkovsky and his method of using four jars to teach teenagers how to spend their money wisely.

When Jerry’s grandchildren turned 13, his present to each of them was three jars: one for Spending, one for Saving, and another for Giving- he has since added a fourth jar for Investing. It was from then on that his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive: spend, save, invest or give? Jerry’s birthday present to his grandchildren is, however, much more than money and a few jars — he is giving them the opportunity to learn lifelong values.

The value taught with the Spending jar is that you are responsible for your own happiness. Money gives you independence and the opportunity to buy something you like. After all, it’s OK to be nice to yourself!

The Saving jar gives you a vision for the future. This could involve saving for university, but it could also mean saving for that special something you’ve seen in the stores. It’s up to you.

The Investing jar not only represents a vision for the future, but gives the opportunity to build for the future. Although this could likewise involve putting aside money for your university education, it also means investing in yourself.

The Giving jar is all about kindness and helping. Whether you want to help out a friend, give money to an animal charity or to children in another country, it’s your money to give to whatever cause you believe in.

The aim of the jars is to encourage teenagers to think more objectively about money and the things that it can do. In this way, can they grow up understanding the value of the valuable.

【小题1】Why did Jerry give his grandchildren the jars as birthday presents?
【小题2】Please paraphrase the underlined sentence in your own words.
【小题3】Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
It is the parents who are responsible for the teens’ use of the money in the Spending jar.
【小题4】How are you going to manage your money after reading the passage? Why? (about 40 words)

Things You Can Do to Benefit your Brain

       A mind is a valuable thing to waste. You’ve heard the saying many times, but it truly does ring true. Your mind is your most valuable thing.【小题1】 So here’s a list of things you can do every day to benefit your brain:
       Take a nap.
        Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain function, increase memory, and improve your mood. 【小题2】So take a nap, feel refreshed, and help your brain all in one. Naps improve your brain performance, so why are you still awake?
       Do something creative just before going to bed.

【小题3】Take advantage! Whether you’re writing the next great American Novel or dusting off the old paint brush and canvas, finding your creativity just before going to bed can yield great results. So tap your inner Picasso and create something beautiful. Just don’t fall asleep with the brush in your hand.


Did you know that it’s actually impossible for your brain to multitask? By focusing on one task at a time, you can keep your brain working at maximum capability and accomplish more than you imagined. Find a task you need to finish and focus solely on it. Leave the phone in the other room, turn the TV off, and focus. Your brain will thank you.

       Write. Like on a real piece of paper.

Computers, iPads, tablets, smartphones and the connection to the internet everywhere means it’s becoming less and less likely that you will pull out a piece of paper and write. But research suggests handwriting makes you smarter.   【小题5】

A.Focus on one task at a time.
B.You need to take care of it.
C.It is wise of you to make full use of it.
D.Find a task and then another before you start working.
E.When you’re tired, your brain can be more creative.
F.Even just a 15-minute nap can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life.
G.So leave the computer on your desk during your next meeting and write your notes.

How To Be More Attractive

Having a beautiful face is hot but having a kind soul is hotter. Having visible success is hot but having invisible achievement is hotter. 【小题1】. After some research, I find some things that instantly attract me.

Living with passion and purpose

People with purpose move differently. You can see confidence in their eyes, discipline in their action, and determination in their voice. When you come across such people, you’re instantly drawn to them. 【小题2】. It leaves you with a whisper, “You’ve got this too”.

Empathy & compassion (同理心)

The most attractive people are kind and ask for nothing back. It tells you a lot about a person when they help a stranger with directions, a homeless person with a meal, a friend with an immediate move and a family member with a listening ear. 【小题3】.


People who are kind but say yes to everything are not kind. They are just people-pleasers who are constantly seeking agreement and have a hidden motive most of the time. They are never afraid to say no to unhealthy relationships and self-doubt.

A sense of humor

You know that kind of person, right? The one who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. 【小题5】. When talking with them, you’ll find your guard naturally comes down, and that you’re transported back to that childlike state. It’s like that they accept you with all your flaws (瑕疵). This sense of comfort and acceptance is attractive.

A.Having bottom lines
B.Thinking before acting
C.These little things make a big difference
D.Charm is all about the treasure that lies within
E.Friendship is built on trust and help from one another
F.The one that can make you laugh until your stomach hurts
G.Their energy is so powerful that it lights up your own ambitions
