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November is the month when many people offer thanks. 【小题1】 Use these tips to help develop a sense of gratitude (感激) in each of your children, no matter what their age.

【小题2】 While sitting at the dinner table, ask each member of the family to think about their day and share something that they are thankful for. Meanwhile, use this same time to ask everyone if there is something that they could improve upon or do better tomorrow.

Make yourself be the model. Children learn what they see, not what you say. Keep a gratitude journal. 【小题3】 Let their first entry (日记的一则) be the ABC’s of gratitude, naming one thing for each letter that they are grateful for.

Write thank-you notes. We live in a time when we communicate through text messages, Twitter, and Facebook. Show children the value of writing a thank- you note by hand. 【小题4】

Put together a “care package” of donations (捐赠物) for an orphanage nearby. In the season of giving, teaching your child to share his blessings with those less fortunate can be a valuable lesson in gratitude. Use the activity as a jump-off point.

Gratitude isn’t “taught” overnight, and it is certainly not something that children of a young age can grasp at the start. 【小题5】 Being grateful is something our kids begin to understand when we act as the model. Grateful kids come from grateful parents.

A.Create a routine of giving thanks.
B.Teach them to write it frequently.
C.Let them create their own thank-you cards.
D.The means of showing gratitude is important.
E.Parents prepare enough cards for their children.
F.Share what you are grateful for with your children.
G.It’s a time when we reflect on and count our blessings.
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How to Avoid Distractions

Nowadays, it can be tougher than ever to focus without getting distracted. Many of the thoughts, behaviors and devices that play an important role in daily life turn out to be distractions. Here are some tips on how to avoid distractions.

Create a distraction-free environment.

Shut off your phone and other electronic equipment. Before you dive into working, cleaning, writing or whatever else you need to do, turn off or silence your cell phone and anything else that might prove to be distraction. This includes the TV, video games, etc. 【小题1】

Find out where you work best.

Pick a place where you can work comfortably for long periods of time. This could be a small corner desk, a well-lit sunroom or your favorite coffee shop. The point is to surround yourself with an atmosphere that makes completing tasks easier. 【小题2】 For example, trying to work in a quiet bedroom may just make you sleepy.

Make sure you won’t be interrupted.

When you have big projects that demand focus, stay in a quiet place. If you work in an office, for instance, shutting the door can relay the message that you’d better not be bothered. 【小题3】 However, you should at least be able to single out which interactions are necessary and which aren’t.

Focus with intention.

【小题4】 Many people never truly learn how to stay focused and find it difficult to keep their minds from wandering. Try to shut off your own mental distractions so that you can concentrate on checking items off your to-do list.


Most people are only able to stay focused for a few hours a day, so be sure that you’re making the best use of that time. If you’re a morning person, wake up and get busy as early as you can. Night owls can divide their tasks up between regular working hours and free time after everyone else has gone to bed.

A.Do the most important work first.
B.Set aside specific time to work.
C.You have to remind yourself to actively focus sometimes.
D.Technology may be the biggest distraction in modern society.
E.Be careful of surroundings that can dull your focus in other ways.
F.This may not always be possible if you share a space with coworkers.
G.An ideal working environment is one where you can work most effectively.

“There is nothing noble (高尚的) in being superior (优秀的) to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” —— Ernest Hemingway

As Hemingway says, self-improvement is a noble process. 【小题1】 Much of who we are is determined by how we relate with others around us. When we seek to improve ourselves, we can also make our relationships with others better.

【小题2】 If you have a good self-image, then others are likely to relate to you in a positive way. When people see a self-controlled and confident individual, they are likely to be affected in a positive way. And this can result in a more optimistic and constructive relationship.

Only when you have accepted who you are can you grow. If you continuously fight against yourself, you won’t have the emotional energy you need to better yourself. If you wish to get on with people better, then you may start by accepting yourself. 【小题3】

If you are on a personal path that is going upwards, then you are likely to find a friend or partner who is also seeking to better themselves and their circumstances. 【小题4】

Focusing on your good qualities and attempting to protect and improve these characteristics will help you become a better person. 【小题5】 When you stop damaging who you are, you are likely to avoid ruining relationships and this can lead to longer and more meaningful connections with others.

A.People with similar mind attract one another.
B.When you feel confident, you keep calm.
C.It will also stop you from damaging yourself.
D.The way you view yourself affects how others view you.
E.This will probably help you become a successful person.
F.People like to be around individuals who like and accept themselves.
G.It can help us learn about who we are and enable us to be better people.

Are you worried about moving up to senior high school? Have you ever thought about how to spend your senior high school life? It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn't be frightened. Here are some tips to help you.

You are not alone. Maybe you do not notice that everybody else in your grade is just as nervous as you are. 【小题1】 Try to see your new school as a chance instead of a problem. Relax, and be open-minded.

【小题2】 Living up to senior high school means learning new rules and meeting different people. If you don't know what to do or have problems, you should ask for help. Teachers are certainly the best people to turn to because they have experience in dealing with students' problems, including helping them get used to the new environment. Also, if you cannot attend school for several days, ask your teachers about any missed work. It is your responsibility to catch up, not theirs.

Organize your time. There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will have to deal with various projects and assignments from different subjects, so make sure you are wise in organizing your time. 【小题3】Try to make yourself a schedule or a plan to manage your tasks. This will help you take actions earlier and become less likely to delay.

Avoid being late. 【小题4】 But being late for unacceptable reasons, such as getting up late, or meeting a friend, is not allowed. Always remember that your school has ground rules with regards to the number of times you can be late. If you are a person who is late or absent too many times, your school may punish you. Additionally, you may have to spend a lot of time and effort catching up on the schoolwork missed because of your lateness.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Going to bed early makes a difference. 【小题5】 It is mainly because they go to bed so late and thus do not get enough sleep. Many studies show that a night of good sleep makes you more focused in class.

A.It is risky to start on your work a few days before your deadline.
B.If it is for acceptable reasons, it's understandable to be late or absent.
C.Do not risk your future.
D.So remember that you all are in the same boat.
E.Your friends will help you solve them.
F.The teachers will help.
G.Some students find it hard to get up early in the morning.
