改错-单句改错 适中0.65 引用1 组卷26
【小题1】It’s acknowledged that great changes in our country have been taken place in the last decades.
【小题2】Early retirement is a relatively new phenomena in Britain.
【小题3】He set off earlier than before in order catch the early train.
【小题4】The experiment turned out great success, which we hadn’t expected at all.
【小题5】He is a teacher of rich experience, from which we have learned a lot over the years.
【小题6】He rather than you are responsible for the event.
【小题7】Such many questions were put forward that we had to delay our meeting until 6 p.m.
【小题8】For all the preparations have been made, we can start our experiment as planned.
【小题9】Never walk behind a horse in case of it kicks you.
【小题10】The measures made an important contribution to reduce industrial accidents.
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