语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用2 组卷95

Over the centuries, there have been a few people who plan the future of the world for a living and they 【小题1】 (call) futurologists.

Hundreds of futurologists will gather at Newcastle University to hold a seminar about the future. Many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises 【小题2】 (base) on the predictions they will hear. I clicked 【小题3】 the websites of a few futurologists and got several predictions.

【小题4】 (short), computers will become handier. Then all of us can use our voices to control computers such as downloading files 【小题5】 updating computers just by saying a few words. By 2015, garments will have been made of new materials that will remain stainless 【小题6】 you spill on them, and they will never get old and worn. By 2025, there will have been no 【小题7】 (starve), no people who have to live on welfare, no discrimination, no conflict and people 【小题8】 (live) in peace and equality. By 2030, tiny, insect-like robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies 【小题9】 (assess) our health , which will have made it possible for us to live for at least 150 years. By 2050, we will be linking our brains to the much 【小题10】 (smart) computers and a huge database9 and a new type of electronic human might have developed!

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