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It was rainy, and I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she had insisted that I come to see something at the top of the mountain.

So here I was, reluctantly making the two-hour journey through fog that hung like veils. By the time I saw how thick it was near the summit, I’d gone too far to turn back.

Nothing could be worth this, I thought as I inched along the dangerous highway.

“I’ll stay for lunch, but I’ m heading back down as soon as the fog lifts,” I announced when I arrived.

“But I need you to drive me to the garage to pick up my car,” Carolyn said, “Could we at least do that?”

“How far is it?” I asked.

“About three minutes,” she said, “I’ll drive—I’m used to it.”

After ten minutes on the mountain road, I looked at her anxiously. “I thought you said three minutes.”

She grinned. “This is a detour.”

Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old pine needles. Huge black-green evergreens towered over us. Gradually, the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.

Then we turned a comer and stopped—and I gasped in amazement.

From the top of the mountain, sloping for several acres across the mountain side and valleys, were rivers of flowers in numerous colors. It looked as though the sun had tipped over and spilled gold down the mountainside.

A series of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?

As we approached the home that stood in the center of the property, we saw a sign that read: “Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking.”

The first answer was: “One Woman—Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain.” The second was: “One at a Time.” The third: “Started in 1958.”

As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen. I could scarcely speak. “She changed the world.” I finally said, “one bulb (球茎) at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.”

The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if I’d had a vision and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might I have accomplished?”

Carolyn looked at me sideways, smiling. “Start tomorrow,” she said. “Better yet, start today.”

【小题1】What was the weather like when the author drove to visit her daughter?
A.It was snowing.B.It was foggy.
C.It was freezing.D.It was sunny.
【小题2】What can be inferred about the daughter?
A.She told a white lie to her mother.
B.She was an experienced driver.
C.She didn’t know the way very well.
D.She knew everything about the woman.
【小题3】The mother began to enjoy herself when ________.
A.they were driving in the car
B.they were at the garage
C.they were on their way back
D.they were walking in the woods
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe the owner of the property?
A.Crazy and silly.B.Determined and persistent.
C.Brave and careful.D.Beautiful and courageous.
【小题5】What do you think the mother will do after this visit?
A.She will look after her grandchildren.
B.She will pay a second visit to the garden.
C.She will begin to do something meaningful.
D.She will come and live with her daughter.
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When the dog Abby disappeared in Dothan, Alabama, all she left behind was her collar(项圈)and an empty tie-out line. June Rountree and her husband searched the neighborhood door to door for their missing 4-year-old black-and-white fur baby to no avail. Three weeks passed and there was no sign of Abby, then something unexpected happened.

June was working on the weekend at the Walmart register when she heard a lot of noise. Somehow, a dog had gotten loose in the store and was cleverly dodging(避开)the would-be shoppers and staff as she rushed through various departments.

“I was like,‘What in the world is happening?’” customer service associate Danielle Robinette said. When the dog arrived at June’s post,register No. 6, it was clear that she wasn’t checking out,but she was checking in. June could hardly believe it. The dashing dog was her long-absent Abby. “I called her name and she came to me,” Rountree said. “I bent over and hugged her. I completely lost it then. I couldn’t speak. I was in complete shock and just couldn’t believe it. ”

No one is sure where Abby was for the three weeks, but for a dog that had been on its own three weeks she was in pretty good shape. The Rountrees believe someone must have been feeding her even if they were unable to catch her, and they’re truly grateful for that.

Someone guesses that since June had been with Abby in the Walmart parking lot a few times, the dog might have recognized the location when she happened upon it in her travels. While we’re not sure where Walmart generally stocks(存货)happy reunions, we think it’s safe to say when Abby left the store to go home with her mom, she was one satisfied customer.

【小题1】Where did June find Abby?
A.In a store.B.In her house.
C.In a parking lot.D.In her neighborhood.
【小题2】What can we infer from the third paragraph of the article?
A.June was lost in Abby’s departure.
B.June almost forgot Abby at that time.
C.June was afraid that she would lose Abby forever.
D.June was so excited that she was almost out of control.
【小题3】What probably happened to Abby when she got lost?
A.She was caught by someone.
B.She was adopted by a new owner.
C.She went through very hard times.
D.She was fed by warm-hearted people.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The Magic of Kindness
B.A Heart-warming Reunion
C.Abby’s Love for the Store
D.The Pleasure of Owning a Pet

It was a crowded flight and a beautiful lady aged around 40 years boarded the flight as the passenger. She searched for her seat and found her seat was next to a black man.

She showed that she wasn’t in a hurry to take her seat as she found it too hard and awkward to sit next to a black man. Feeling disgusted, the beautiful lady called the air hostess and asked her to change her seat.

The airhostess was shocked to hear these hard words from the one who looked so dignified (庄重的) and composed.

The airhostess went in search an empty seat for the lady. The airhostess told the lady, “I’m afraid Madam, there is no vacant seat in the economy class and the flight is almost full! However, we do follow the policy to fulfil the desires of our passengers to the maximum extent possible. So, give me a minute. I will check with my captain and get back to you.”

The lady waited for a couple of minutes and the airhostess came.

The latter replied, “Madam, sorry for this inconvenience. We don’t want to make your journey unpleasant by making you sit next to someone with whom you aren’t comfortable. There is one seat available in the first class. Although we don’t allow any passenger to move from economy class to first class, to make you a happy customer, we are doing this for the first time in our company’s history. Our captain agreed to shift from economy class to first class!”

Just before the lady said any word as a reply, the air hostess humbly requested the black man and told him, “Dear sir, would you please shift your seat to first class? Please retrieve all your personal items from your seat and our captain would like to move you to first class as we don’t really want to have an uncomfortable journey sitting next to an unpleasant person, with an ugly mind!”

The lady was quiet and frozen! A few of the fellow passengers were happy and gave huge applause for the flight crew!

【小题1】Why didn’t the woman hurry to take his seat?
A.Because the seat itself made her feel sick.
B.Because she wanted to have a seat in the first class.
C.Because there’s a long time before the plane took off.
D.Because she disliked to sit with a black man beside her at all.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “composed” in the third paragraph mean?
【小题3】What can we infer according to the passage?
A.The lady’s behavior annoyed the passengers.B.The captain knew the black passengers well.
C.The problem was solved as the lady expected.D.The lady was invited to move to the first class.

A few years ago, David, a top manager, thought his life wasn’t moving forward. So he started to set himself 30-day challenges. The idea was simple: think of something you want to add to your life-or to give up-and try it every day for 30 days.

David began with easy projects like going to work by bike, not watching TV and giving up sugar. Then he tried more difficult ones, like writing a novel in 30 days. David learned that if you do something for 30 days. It can become a habit. If you stop doing something for 30 days, you can break the habit. As he did harder challenges, he got more confident. He learned that he could do something if he really wanted to do it. After doing the challenges for a few months, he had enough confidence to climb the highest mountain in Africa.

David gave an online talk about how the challenges changed his life. More than 5 million people around the world have watched his talk and the 30-day challenge quickly became very popular.

【小题1】What was David a few years ago?
A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.A manager.D.A soldier.
【小题2】What is one of David’s more difficult projects?
A.Going to work by bike.B.Not watching TV.
C.Giving up sugar.D.Writing a novel
【小题3】How did David feel as he did harder challenges?
A.More confident.B.More careful
C.Less lucky.D.Less comfortable.
【小题4】How many people have watched David’s online talk?
A.About 5 hundred.B.About 5 thousand.
C.Over 5 million.D.Over 5 billion.
【小题5】What would be the best title for the text?
A.A working report.B.The 30-day challenge
C.An important notice.D.The life in Africa
