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A new study shows that rising levels of planet-warming gases may reduce important nutrients in food crops.

Researchers studied the effects of one such gas—carbon dioxide—on rice. The researchers grew rice plants in a controlled environment. They set carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century. They found that the resulting rice crops had lower than normal levels of vitamins, minerals and protein. The researchers said the effects of planet-warming gases would be most severe for the poorest citizens in some of the least developed countries. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least complex diets, they noted.

In the experiment, scientists grew 18 kinds of rice in fields in China and Japan. They pumped carbon dioxide gas over the plants in an effort to create the atmosphere of the future. Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels of four B vitamins and 10 percent less protein. The crops also had 8 percent less iron and 5 percent less zinc(锌)an rice grown under normal conditions. However, vitamin E levels increased by about 13 percent on average.

The results are bad news, “especially for the nutrition of the poorer population in less-developed countries,” said the University of Tokyo’s Kazuhiko Kobayashi, who helped to write the report. That includes about 600 million people in Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Laos and other nations, mainly in Southeast Asia, the report said.

One of the scientists is Sam Myers of Harvard University in the American state of Massachusetts. He said that findings like this are an example of the surprises climate change create. “My concern is there are many more surprises to come,” he said.

Myers noted that pollution, loss of some species, destruction of forests, and other human activities are likely to produce unexpected problems. He said that you cannot completely change all the natural systems that living organisms have grown to depend on over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our own health.

The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of climate change. One way, Kobayashi said, is grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to higher carbon dioxide levels.

【小题1】Which county would be influenced most by planet-warming gases according to the text?
【小题2】How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?
A.By comparison.B.By giving examples.
C.By analyzing causes.D.By describing a process.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?
A.Climate change will be difficult to predict.
B.Climate change will lead to more good effects.
C.Climate change will be harmful to environment.
D.Climate change will cause more unexpected problems.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A.Myers said we could change all the natural systems for the sake of our health.
B.The poorest people in all the least developed countries would be influenced most.
C.The researchers grew 18 kinds of rice in China and Japan in a controlled environment.
D.Protein in rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions is increased by 10 percent.
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Many songs, poems, and books have been written on love’s strong effect on people. The state of being in love has even been compared to being sick or mad. A study by Professor Semir Zeki of University College London has found that love does affect people’s brains by making them feel great.
Zeki studied young men and women who had recently fallen in love. He found that, when they were looking at photos of their loved ones, there was heightened activity in four areas of their brains. These areas deal with emotions, and one of them, in particular, is known to respond to drugs that cause feelings of great joy and excitement.
Interestingly, the study also found a lack of activity in two other areas of the brain when the volunteers looked at their lovers’ photographs. One of these areas is linked to feelings of sadness, while the other is often active in people suffering from depression. It seems love really can be uplifting.
The state of being in love, according to some scientists, may actually be good for your health. Although scientists know that being in love can make a person feel great, the exact influence of love on a person’s health is harder to determine. However, scientists say that people do need love in order to live healthy lives.
According to Dr. Thomas Lewis, people need to be in relationships because that is how we are designed. He says the brain can only maintain(保持) the overall stability of a person’s immune(免疫) system, bodily rhythms, and heart if it receives input(输入) from outside the body in the form of emotional connections with others.
Professor Antonio Damasio has a similar view. He says that love enriches a person’s imagination and creativity, and makes a person’s body work better. He also believes that love can even improve the body’s ability to fight against disease. Damasio’s wise words of advice are “ Choose love and you will live longer.”
【小题1】The main idea of this passage is __________.
A.love can really cause people active
B.love has effect on songs and books
C.love is linked with emotion
D.love is what we need
【小题2】What does the underlined word “uplifting” mean? It means __________.
【小题3】From the passage we know__________.
A.People write songs, poems and books to say love is the sweetest thing
B.nobody but Professor Semir Zeki has found love does affect people’s brains
C.being in love sometimes may make someone act as if he/ she were mad
D.love causes heightened activity in all areas of a person’s brains
【小题4】Which of the following statements is not true?
A.Some scientists have the idea that love does good to people.
B.It is possible for scientists to decide how much influence love can give people.
C.People are born to be in need of getting on touch with each other.
D.A person’s health depends on partly on emotional connections with others.

What is a star? We are all pretty familiar with stars. We see them on most clear nights as tiny shining light spots of light in the sky. Stars are the topic of countless poems, stories, and children’s songs. But, exactly, what is a star?

A star is a ball of gas, which gives out light. The gas is mostly made up of H₂ and He, held together by its own gravity. Nuclear fusion(核聚变)reactions in its center part support the star against gravity and produce photons(光子)and heat, as well as small amounts of heavier elements. The Sun is the closest star to Earth.

According to present theory, stars are born as a huge ball within huge gas clouds that fall in suddenly themselves. The cloud’s material heats up as it falls inward under the force of its own gravity. When the gas reaches about 10 million K(18 million℉), H₂ nucleus(原子核)begin to fuse into He nucleus, and the star is born. Energy from nuclear fusion radiates outward from the center of the rapid-growing star, and gradually prevents the gas cloud from falling in.

A star’s color relies on its temperature: hotter stars give out bluer light and cooler stars give out redder light. Temperature is also related to weight. Red dwarf stars have as little as 0.075 solar and the surface temperature is less than 4,000 K. The heaviest star known at present is R136a1, a Wolf-Rayet star 265 of times the Sun—its surface temperature keeps at a red-hot 50,000 K.

The heaviest and hottest stars exhaust their energy within a few million years, while tiny and cool red dwarf stars can keep on burning for many billions of years.

【小题1】What can we learn about stars from the first paragraph?
A.They are children’s favorites.
B.They are small shining light clouds.
C.They are popular with writers.
D.They are seldom described in stories.
【小题2】What does the author mainly intend to tell us in paragraph 3?
A.Why stars give out light.
B.What starts are made up of.
C.How stars come into being.
D.Where stars finally go.
【小题3】What makes stars’ color different from each other?
A.The kind of gas included in them.
B.Their surface shapes.
C.The distance between them.
D.Their temperatures.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.What Is a Star?
B.How Does a Star Affect Earth?
C.Why Is a Star Important?
D.Where Does a Star Come from?

Bath or shower? How do you prefer to keep yourself clean? Whatever your daily ablutions, we know it’s important to have good personal hygiene. Nobody wants to smell, and nobody wants to catch your odour! A shower can bring you certain other benefits, but how often should we wash ourselves under a watery spray?

Although you might think taking a daily shower should be part of your cleaning ritual, there’s no hard and fast rule, although dermatologists agree that as a society, we shower too often. In fact, too much washing can deplete the vital oils in our skin. It can waste water as well. However, if you have a fitness routine that causes you to sweat, a more regular sprinkle of water is recommended to stop you ponging!

How often you shower is, of course, a personal choice. There’s nothing better than a hot, soapy scrub under the shower, and this doesn’t just have to be to clean yourself. Some people enjoy a shower to help them relax, warm up or to soothe any aches and pains. It’s also a good opportunity to wash your hair at the same time. Again, though, experts say we shouldn’t shower too often because, like your skin, your hair contains essential oils that you don’t want to lose through excessive scrubbing.

If the idea of a hot, steaming shower appeals, how about a freezing cold one instead? This might be a necessity if your boiler has broken, but some people choose this option because it has many health benefits, some experts claim. There is increasing evidence that braving an icy shower in the morning could keep illness at bay and may even help your brain stay sharp. A BBC podcast called Just One Thing with Michael Mosley, found the shock of being doused with cold water could have a positive impact on your body and brain.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “ablutions” mean?
【小题2】What benefit of taking cold shower is mentioned in the passage?
A.Removing the vital oils.B.Relieving aches and pains.
C.Helping your brain stay sharp.D.Curing you of some deadly diseases.
【小题3】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Why do We Take a Shower?B.Why do We Prefer Shower to Bath?
C.How do We Take a Shower?D.How Often Should We Take a Shower?
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Too much washing can waste a lot of water.
B.Both a cold and a hot shower are good for us.
C.Taking a cold shower is better than taking a hot one.
D.Neither a cold shower nor a hot one can keep you away from diseases.
