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As the weekend approaches, perhaps you're looking forward to a meal out or sitting in front of the TV with a takeaway. But as you settle down to enjoy that comforting plate of beef or start spooning that fragrant lamb curry over the rice, will you be worrying about whether you are really eating what was written on the menu?

Yesterday it was revealed by the Food Standards Agency that more than a fifth of the 665 meat samples tested last year contained DNA from animals not listed on the label. Of the 145 problem samples, 73 came from supermarkets, while 22 came from processing plants. The remaining 50 all came from restaurants.

I have no doubt that over the next few years, the percentage of meal coming from dubious origins will continue to rise unless something drastic is done. Why? There are two main reasons. First, too many businesses are willing to boost their profits by adulterating their products in the meat industry. I believe there is a systemic problem within the meat industry that makes it particularly attractive to unscrupulous characters who are really nothing more than criminals,the second is the complexity and length of the meat supply chain. If you buy a chicken-based ready meal from a supermarket, as you might imagine, that chicken will pass through many hands before it ends up on your plate here. Worse still, the meat will often he partially processed somewhere along that chain—usually with salt and water added to boost flavour and volume—which is quite legal.

Obviously, it is impossible for consumers to be detectives about every piece of meal they eat.

However, what you can do is to avoid processed foods and never buy ready meals. Stay away from burgers made in factories. Don't go to chain restaurants. Instead, go to local, independent restaurants where it is more likely the chef and owner—often the same person—cares about where the meat comes from, and will be happy to tell you. So, try to buy your meat from a good local butcher.

And no, what I am suggesting is not going to hurt your purse or wallet. The essence, then, is to buy meat that has had as small a journey from field to fork as possible, because that is the only way you can he sure of what you eat. It’s that simple.

【小题1】How does the author feel about what you eat?
【小题2】How does the author introduce the meat you eat is unsafe in Paragraph 2?
A.By holding some activities
B.By offering some examples.
C.By making some comparisons.
D.By using some specific figures.
【小题3】Which kind of food should you eat for the sake of healthy?
A.Ready meals.B.Processed foods.
C.Burgers made in factories.D.Meat from a good local butcher.
【小题4】What can you infer from the last paragraph?
A.We should not change our eating habits.
B.We should focus on the safety of what we eat.
C.We should take care of our purse or wallet.
D.We shouldn’t treat our friends to meals in order to save money.
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Today,we are constantly bombarded with media reports about research on the right diet to follow to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight—but it’s hard to know which one to pick and,once chosen,it's harder still to stick to it.And now there’s another choice to get our teeth into.

A flexitarian(弹性素食者)diet involves eating plant—based foods and only occasionally eating meat and fish.This eating style allows you to supplement some ingredients that you wouldn’t get in a stricter vegan(素食主义者)diet—another trend growing in popularity.And like veganism,flexitarianism isn’t about eating carefully to help you lose a few pounds—it’s something people choose for ethical reasons,to help the planet.And a study into the global food system and how it affects the climate,has found that eating mainly plant-based foods is one of three key steps towards a sustainable future for all by 2050.

This research found that food waste will need to be halved and farming practices will also have to improve to achieve this.But without a single solution,a combined approach is needed.Dr Marco Springmann from the University of Oxford was one of the lead authors of the report.He told the BBC“We really found that a combination of measures would be needed to stay within environmental limits and those include changes towards healthier more plant—based diets.”

But whereas vegans think it's wrong for animals to be killed for food,flexitarians believe eating meat once in a while is acceptable.And Dr Springmann agrees—as long as we“treat it as a luxury,it’s probably OK but you shouldn’t have more than one serving of red meat,which includes beef and pork,per week.”And here’s another fact to digest:If we moved to this type of diet,the study found that greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture would be cut by more than half.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To lead to the topic.B.To entertain the readers.
C.To ask for information.D.To present an idea.
【小题2】From the text,we can know that a flexitarian diet__________.
A.is the most popular eating styleB.involves eating no meat
C.benefits the environmentD.only balances the nutrition
【小题3】What does Dr Marco Springmann agree with?
A.It’s wrong to kill animals for food.
B.Improving farming practices makes no sense.
C.A plant-based diet has nothing to do with climate change.
D.Combined measures are needed for environmental protection.
【小题4】What can be the suitable title for the text?
A.Methods of keeping fitB.Choose a flexitarian diet
C.Measures to protect the environmentD.Keep a strict vegan diet

Craving for food is a normal part of life. Some people eat what they want and do not worry about it. Others cannot control their desires. Cravings can come from the senses. They can come from the smell of fresh bread when we walk by a bakery. They can come from stress that drives us to eat fast food.

What is the solution? Scientists say cravings are normal. They are coming up with new ideas. “Mindfulness” is one idea. Experts say, “You do not have to make cravings go away. But you also do not have to eat because of them. It is accepting them rather than pushing them away.”

Dieting is not the answer. Dieters are more likely to notice food. They have a harder time removing their attention from food. They crave more food. A doctor said, “Our cravings rise and fall, like waves in an ocean. Trying to fight that wave will never work. Accept that it is there and surf with it.”

Focus on how food tastes, and then replace the problem food with higher-quality food. For example, replace candy with blueberries. A study showed that people who used acceptance and mindfulness kept their weight off.

A doctor told the story of a patient who ate a bag of potato chips when she watched a TV show. The doctor advised her to pay attention to every single chip she ate. How many chips did it take her to feel satisfied? A few weeks later, the woman said she had reduced her chip habit. Now she satisfied her craving after the second potato chip.

【小题1】Which of the following will inspire a craving for food?
A.A moving film.B.The pressure of work.
C.A desire to control something.D.The lack of knowledge of food.
【小题2】What solution do experts suggest to deal with such cravings?
A.Fighting with them.B.Making them disappear.
C.Having meals immediately.D.Taking them.
【小题3】Why is the story of a patient mentioned?
A.To prove the result of the study.B.To show the importance of habits.
C.To add more opinions on cravings.D.To suggest a way of losing weight.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may the text appear?

You might notice something new in the next few years as you watch Disney programs: Starting in 2016, there won’t be any candy, sugary cereal or fast-food commercials (广告)  aimed at kids.

The Walt Disney Company has become the first major media company to ban(禁止) ads for junk food on its TV channels, radio stations and websites. It hopes this will stop kids from making poor food choices. First Lady Michelle Obama called it a “game changer” that is sure to send a message to the rest of the children’s entertainment industry. “Just a few years ago, if you had told me or any other mom or dad in America that our kids wouldn’t see a single ad for junk food while they watched their favorite cartoons on a major TV network, we wouldn’t have believed you, ” said the First Lady, who heads a campaign to help stop child obesity (肥胖).

The ban would apply to Disney-owned ABC stations as well as Radio Disney and Disney-owned websites aimed at families with young children. In addition, Disney plans to make changes to its kids’ menus at theme parks and resorts (度假胜地). Fast-food options will be replaced with healthier choices, such as smoothies (果汁), apples, vegetables and yogurt.

In addition to candy bars and fast-food meals, other foods that don’t meet Disney’s nutritional standards will be banned from the company’s kid-targeted media. Any cereal with 10 grams or more of sugar per serving will be off the air. There will be no ads for full meals of more than 600 calories. Juices with high levels of sugar and foods with too much salt will also be pulled.

Leslie Goodman, Disney’s senior vice-president of Corporate Citizenship, said a company that wants to advertise will need to show that it offers a range of healthy options.

Disney isn’t the only one pushing away unhealthy foods. Last week, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested a ban on drinks over 16 ounces sold in movie theaters, restaurants and convenience stores in the Big Apple. He says large, sugary drinks are partly to blame for obesity.

【小题1】What will the Walt Disney Company do from 2016?
A.Stop broadcasting advertisements for junk food on TV
B.Help kids develop healthy lifestyle in the program.
C.Produce more and better cartoons for young kids.
D.Provide healthier food for kids while they are watching programs.
【小题2】What Michelle Obama said suggests that while watching cartoons, _______.
A.kids didn’t believe what the commercials said
B.kids enjoy eating candy, sugary cereal or junk food
C.kids find pleasure in watching fast-food commercials
D.kids were to see a lot of fast-food commercials on TV
【小题3】The underlined words in the last paragraph are similar in meaning to ______.
【小题4】According to Michael Bloomberg, to fight child obesity, kids should _______.
A.watch fewer cartoonsB.not go to movie theaters
C.drink less sugary drinksD.take more physical exercise
