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What Should We Do during an Earthquake?

If you’re inside a building,what should you do?

For most of us,the biggest danger in an earthquake is not from a building collapsing(倒塌),but from things inside the building falling off flying around while the building is shaking.Danger may come from overhead lights,ceiling tiles(天花板瓷砖),cabinets(橱柜),windows,furniture or other equipment(设备).

The best things to do are:

1.Stay under a heavy table.If there’re no tables,hide under or between chairs.

2.If you have nothing to hide under,sit down against an inside wall.

3.If you are in bed,it’s best to stay there.Pull the pillows(枕头) over your head for protection.

4.If children are in another room,tell them to do the same.

5.Don’t stand in the doorway.It’s not safe there.

6.Turn off the water,gas and lights.

If you’re outside,what should you do?

1.Get away from buildings,walls,trees or power lines.

2.Sidewalks(人行道) next to buildings are one of the worst places.Going back inside a building is better than staying on the sidewalk.

3.If you’re in a car,slow down carefully.Don’t stop on or under the bridge if you can avoid (避免) it.

4.If you live near the ocean,be careful about possible tsunamis(海啸).

Question:What will you do if a disaster like a storm happens to you?

