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Friday would be Samia and Salem’s wedding day! Everyone in the village was excited and was busy preparing for the happy event. The villagers were very proud of Salem as he worked long hours and cared about the people in his village. While others were enjoying the prewedding celebrations, together with the nurses, the groom was busy delivering a baby in his clinic.

The bride was in her room happily arranging her hair and make-up, getting ready for the arrival of her guests. Her family and friends had excitedly prepared the henna (涂指甲花) party. Grandma and Mum were busy in the kitchen with the food they had made for the henna feast for the day before Friday. Samia’s friend Mariam was making the wedding cake. Her friend Shaikha was collecting the bride’s dress from the tailor. At 12 noon the henna maker arrived. Following the tradition, she started decorating the bride’s hands. There was an air of excitement in the room. Grandma started singing a traditional folk song.

Suddenly, the bride felt a strange tingling (麻刺感) in her hand. It grew worse and worse. Her hand became red and swollen soon. Grandma said, “Oh dear, I think it best that you wash your hands immediately.” As an emergency first aider, Mariam suggested applying some cold cream on Samia’s hand and ran off and returned with some in her hand. Neither of these worked. Mum took control and phoned Salem but in vain. Without hesitation, she took Samia to the hospital urgently with Dad and other friends. Dr Ahmed looked at her hand and said, “You’ve had an allergic reaction to the henna. Tomorrow is your wedding. What about drawing the henna using body colors?” Everyone smiled.

【小题1】What was Salem doing the day before the wedding?
A.Working with the nurses.B.Decorating the bride’s hands.
C.Preparing for the wedding cake.D.Visiting the tailor for the wedding suit.
【小题2】What event took place in the village on Thursday?
A.Celebrating a wedding ceremony.B.Holding a baby’s birthday party.
C.Having a feast party.D.Ordering the wedding dress.
【小题3】Why did Mariam run away when she saw what happened to Samia?
A.To get some water.B.To call a first aider.
C.To inform Samia’s mother.D.To fetch some cream.
【小题4】How did Samia’s mother feel facing the emergency?
知识点:医疗 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When your pet has an emergency,first aid is not a substitute for veterinary(兽医的) treatment.However,before you are able to get your pet to a veterinarian,knowing some basic first aid can help.

Bite Wounds

Approach the pet carefully to avoid getting bitten.Wear a mask for the animal and then check the wound.Clean the wound with large amounts of saline(盐水). If these are not available,then regular water may be used.Wrap large open wounds to keep them clean.


Apply firm,direct pressure over the bleeding area until the bleeding stops.Hold the pressure for at least 10 minutes.Avoid bandages that cut off circulation.

Breathing Stops

Check to see if the animal is choking(窒息) on a foreign object.If an animal is not breathing,place it on a firm surface with its left side up.Check for a heartbeat.If you hear a heartbeat but not breathing,close the animal's mouth and breathe directly into its nose—not the mouth—until the chest expands.Repeat 12 to 15 times per minute.


Wash the burn immediately with large amounts of cool,running water.Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes.Do not place an ice pack directly on the skin.Wrap the pack in a light towel or other cover.If the animal has large quantities of dry chemicals on its skin,brush them off.Water may activate some dry chemicals.


Symptoms include pain,inability to use a limb(腿). Wear a mask for the pet and look for bleeding.If you can control bleeding without causing more injury,then do so.Watch for signs of shock.Don't try to set the fractures by pulling the limb.Transport the pet to the veterinarian immediately,supporting the injured part as best as you can.

【小题1】If your pet is burned by chemicals,you should        .
A.wash away the chemicals with saline
B.put an ice pack directly on the skin
C.bind up the cut with a bandage
D.get rid of them before washing
【小题2】The passage is mainly about         .
A.doing pet first aid
B.treating sick pets
C.dealing with an emergency
D.working as a veterinarian
【小题3】The underlined word “substitute” in the first paragraph means something        .
A.that is necessary
B.that can replace other things
C.that is familiar with us
D.that can calm people

Curtis Fraser was a fashion designer. One afternoon in August, when he reached out to measure some materials, he lost his balance and fell down. The accident left the 55—year—old unable to use his hands and feet. So he had to arrive at the strange London to begin his long recovery period.

Having long had an interest in birds, he discovered Horatio's Garden London & South East before long which belonged to the hospital. Then he visited this garden at least once a day.

Working in the garden helped his hands to function normally. Not only that, he also felt that there was a different feeling when he was in nature. He loved the sweet smell of the flowers and the colors of the plants. It's therapeutic(治愈的).

Fraser was eventually introduced to Ashley Edwards, the head gardener, in September, for one—to—one gardening lessons. “When Curtis first came in, he had very little hand function and was hardly able to hold tools,” says Edwards. “He required a lot of help in the gardening classes but, as each week goes by, I’ve seen a huge improvement in his movements.”

Fraser recalls the first lesson: “It was 80 good. We were chatting away and the time went by so quickly. Soon, I could do things that I didn't think I would ever do again.”

For Fraser, the garden offered relief(减轻) from the painful treatment. “It gave me clear thoughts. In the garden, I'd forget that I was in hospital. I'd come out and think, ‘Oh man, sill here’—but I'd get a good feeling from the garden.” Fraser has been in recovery for seven months and left hospital on March 1.

The new gardener now suggests the garden to fellow patients, who return to tell him about its unique benefits. “That garden helped my recovery so much. Even for a little moment, I'd tell people to visit one. It can clear your mind.”

【小题1】What was Fraser' s hobby?
A.Designing houses.B.Watching birds.
C.Collecting plants.D.Studying materials.
【小题2】What can we infer from Edwards' words?
A.Gardening benefited Fraser.
B.Fraser was unlucky.
C.Fraser had a gift for gardening.
D.Garden tools were hard to use.
【小题3】Why did Fraser advise patients to go to the garden?
A.It was a nice place to chat.
B.They could make more friends.
C.It offered an escape from reality.
D.They could get free classes there.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.An Old GardenerB.A Terrible Experience
C.Gardening Gets PopularD.Gardening Works Wonders
