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Take care of your spine(脊柱

The spine stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support. It also contains your spine cord, a massive collection of nerves conveying electric signals from the rest of your body to your brain【小题1】

Maintaining good posture( 姿势) is one of the most important things you can do to keep your spine healthy. Proper posture means standing or sitting while keeping your spine straight, except for its natural curves. Posture comes into play even when you are asleep. Sleeping on your side puts less stress on your spine than most other positions. 【小题2】 . Especially if you work at a desk most of the day, it's important to get up and stretch regularly.

【小题3】Stretch can help the muscles around your spine relax and allow bones to shift into better arrangement. Strength exercises like pushups(俯卧撑) can also help by strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don’t overdo the exercise, as repeated motions can strain the muscles around your spine.

Finally, your diet affects the health of your spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. In particular, vitamins B and D are essential to keep bones healthy, so you may want to consider taking a supplement.【小题4】, so it is also helpful to do some of the back exercise outside.

Many of the actions necessary to keep your spine healthy are identical to those used to preserve your health in other ways.【小题5】

A.However, the latter is also absorbed from sunlight.
B.Staying still for too long can be hard on your back.
C.So protect your back, the rest of the body will benefit.
D.Protecting your spine with yoga is also a necessary step.
E.Try the following exercises to keep your spine more flexible.
F.Exercise is also an important factor in the health of your spine.
G.So you should take the following factors into account to have a healthy spine.
知识点:方法/策略身体部位 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Parties for teens can be great fun, but they can also be incredibly stressful for the person trying to pull them off! Don’t worry. There are some particular considerations for you to figure out. 【小题1】

Plan in advance

Throwing a party for a teenager can be a difficult process. 【小题2】 If you’re the teen planning the party, you’ll need plenty of time to check in with your parents and talk to your friends.

Set a time

You want to make sure that the teen’s friends can make it to the party, so try for advance notice for a bigger party. 【小题3】 Avoid school nights and Sunday nights during the school year. Teens should, hopefully, be rested for school and have time to do their schoolwork. Partying will cut into that time.


Again, this can depend on the type of party, but it’s usually a good idea to have different designated areas for different activities. Make sure that you’ve provided obvious trash containers in each area. This will make it easier for them to be less messy and have the clean-up be easier. It’s best if the teen figures out where each area to be because they know their friends best.

Clean up afterwards

It’s best to have the teen clean-up as a part of their learning process. They have the party, so they have to clean-up afterwards. They should also know they’ll be taking care of whatever happens. 【小题5】 Put on some music to make it more enjoyable.

A.Set up zones for the party
B.Make sure the place is easy to find
C.Once you’ve got those done, you’ll be ready to go.
D.They can ask a few friends to stay afterwards to help.
E.For a smaller party, you usually won’t need as much time.
F.The parents of the invited teens should be well informed.
G.The opinions of teenagers and their parents are often in entirely different universes.


There is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet. For example, scientists have insisted for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food.【小题1】.

【小题2】. The average American gets 1/3 of his or her sugar through sweet drinks alone. The American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves to less than 100-150 calories a day from sugar, which is less than what is usually contained in one can of sweet drink or in a single candy bar.          

Beyond this, you can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables, which are full of vitamins and fibre, rather than processed foods. Besides this, it is also important to have some meat, beans, or dairy products in your diet, as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth. As with everything in life, moderation is key.【小题3】

Finally, a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly. It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to tell your body that you are full. Eating slowly also allows your body to digest your food better, and will allow you to enjoy your food more. 【小题4】, for example, taking three meals a day at the same time each day, are better for our health. It is also better to eat a modest amount of food each time, rather than to eat a lot in one meal, and then a little in the next.

There is no one trick to healthy eating. Rather, healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude towards food. One question you can ask yourself is, 【小题5】 If you are using food mostly for nutrition, then you are on the right track with your diet.

A.“Do I eat to live, or live to eat?”
B.It is up to you to decide how you want to live.
C.In addition, studies show that consistent eating habits.
D.Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks.
E.This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.
F.The ideal diet is a balanced one, without too much or too little of any one thing.
G.However, there is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar.

Don’t Buy Fertilizer (肥料)! It Is All Around You.

The cost of everything seems to be rising around the world. So, growing our own food is a good way to save money. However, the cost of gardening has also been rising. Now make your own!

Consider cut grass

If you leave cut grass on the grassland, you may not need fertilizer. As grass breaks down, it benefits the soil (土壤). 【小题1】But do not use fresh cut grass in garden beds. It will burn your plants.

Make your own compost (堆肥)

Compost is the best thing you can add to soil. Compost helps to control how much water stays in the soil. It keeps dry soil wet. Compost also adds nutrients (营养) to the soil.

To make your own compost, simply collect fruit and vegetable leftovers. Do not add meat, milk, or fats. You can keep the food leftovers in a bowl in your kitchen. 【小题2】As the leftovers breakdown, they add nutrients.

Just be sure to bury (埋) them at least 25 to 30 centimeters deep. This will keep hungry wildlife from digging them up. 【小题3】This will avoid damaging roots.

Use leftovers from around your house

Are you a fish owner? Plants can also get help from used fish-tank water. This water is rich in nutrients. Do you cook vegetables in water? If so, save it! 【小题4】

And water from cooked eggs is full of calcium. This is especially useful for tomatoes. Just make sure to let the water cool to room temperature before using it on your plants.

You can even use eggshells (壳). Dry out the eggshells. 【小题5】Add the small pieces to your garden’s soil.

A.They are good for plants.
B.Then break them up into tiny pieces.
C.This will help grass to continue to grow.
D.The same can be done with banana wastes.
E.Whenever it fills up, bury it directly in the garden earth.
F.And bury the leftovers several centimeters from the plants.
G.The water is filled with useful things that could help your garden.
