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How to improve reading efficiency

1.Make sure of your purpose of reading.

Before you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons: pleasure or knowledge. Being specific and clear about your reading purpose not only helps you to avoid books that you don’t need to read, it also reminds you the book is important to you.【小题1】

2.Read only what you are attracted to.

Whether you are reading fiction or nonfiction, it's important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may recommend books that they love, but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy. 【小题2】

3.Give up books that you don't enjoy.

You may have selected books that match your purpose. You may have selected books that you are attracted to. But you are reading them, there may still be some books that you won't enjoy reading. 【小题3】 Remember reading shouldn't make you feel annoyed.


Having a reading goal helps you figure out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day.

5.Give yourself a deadline to finish each book.

Before you read each book, ask yourself when you need to finish this book. What I find interesting is that I tend to read books that I borrow from libraries faster than the books I bought. 【小题5】 I don't need to return those books. When you don't set a deadline to finish you book, there isn't a sense of urgency. And when something isn't urgent, you tend to slow down.

A.Set a reading goal.
B.Understand each word of the sentence.
C.Read books which you are interested in.
D.Reading is the most important way to get knowledge.
E.The reason is that the books I bought don't have a due date.
F.This encourages you to keep reading and complete the book faster.
G.Whenever you realize that you aren't enjoying the book you are reading, give it up.
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You’ve probably heard people expressing alarm about the spread of ―fake news‖ – stories that look like news articles but describe things that never happened. Fake news is written to attract attention, to trick people so they will look foolish, or to work as satire ( 讽 刺 ) making a point about society. But regardless of the source’s motivation, spreading fake news embarrasses you and harms others, so follow these steps to ensure you only share real news.

Check its grammar

Legal news sites check their grammar carefully, so articles with many errors are usually fake. Also watch out for sentences written in all capital(大写的) letters and the use of multiple exclamation points(感叹号) at the ends of sentences. These are designed to bring about an emotional reaction, but they aren’t considered professional, so trustworthy publications don’t use them.

Read the whole article

Even in real news articles, headlines sometimes overstate or simplify the point of the article. Before reacting, read the article carefully to make sure you understand the whole context. Sometimes the claims of fake news articles become unreasonable as the article goes on.

Consider the source

If you’ve never heard of the publication, check the ―About‖ section on its website. Fake news sites often lack such a page, provide little information or even admit that they are fake. Also check an online article’s URL; if it ends with ―.com.co‖, it’s probably a fake news site.

Check the support

Does the article support its claims with quotations and citation(s 引用)from experts? If not, don’t trust it. If so, you should still look up those sources and make sure they actually say what the article claims. There are also websites, such as snopes.com, that will tell you whether the facts in online articles are accurate.

【小题1】What do we know about legal news sites?
A.They make grammatical mistakes.
B.They apply overstated headlines.
C.They fail to quote from experts.
D.They use some exclamation marks at one place.
【小题2】Which of the following sources is probably real?
A.ABC News whose URL is abcnew.com.co.
B.WTOE 5 news whose articles have a URL.
C.PolitiFact whose "About" page is in detail.
D.Boston Tribune whose ―About‖ section is missing.

When it’s hot outside and we have to go out, surely we want to keep cool. We can put on hats, wear light clothing, or stay at a cool place. However, nothing can beat a good fan. Now I’ll show you how to make a good DIY (Do It Yourself) paper fan.

What to prepare

Please prepare two pieces of paper. All paper will work, but your DIY fan can be used for a long time with quality (优质的) paper. Then get glue, two sticks, etc.

How to make a DIY fan

The first step is to draw pictures on the paper. Just draw anything you like. The next step is to fold up (折叠) the paper. Then glue the two pieces of folded paper together. After that, paint the sticks. The final step is to glue the sticks onto the folded paper. And everything is done.

If you look at your watch, you will be surprised: it takes less than 15 minutes to make a good paper fan. Then you can fold it up and drop it in your bag. When you are out in the heat next time, just take it out and enjoy the gentle wind.

【小题1】Which is the best way to keep cool according to paragraph 1?
A.Putting on hats.B.Using a good fan.
C.Wearing light clothing.D.Staying at a cool place.
【小题2】Why is quality paper a good choice to make a fan?
A.It is light.B.It is colorful.
C.It lasts long.D.It looks beautiful.
【小题3】What is the second step of making a paper fan?
A.Painting the sticks.B.Drawing pictures on the paper.
C.Folding up the paper.D.Gluing the sticks onto the folded paper.
【小题4】From the last paragraph, we can tell that making a paper fan is    .
【小题5】What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To sell paper fans.B.To show how to save time.
C.To share a fun story.D.To teach how to make paper fans.
