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在我们的成长过程中,我们心中总有特别向往的工作,我们学校将以“My dream job”为主题举办演讲比赛。请你根据以下要求写一篇英语演讲稿,要点如下:
1. 你理想的工作;
2. 选择的理由。

My dream job

知识点:职业内容愿望 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

To some people, the sizzle and clatter of restaurant kitchens might be like an orchestra; to me, such sounds behind the swinging doors just meant chaos. However unpleasant I felt the places were, I decided to apply for a part-time job at a popular restaurant. The reason was simple: I needed money. I wanted to join a camping trip to the Blue Mountains with my friends, but that would cost about 150 dollars. “You have to pay for entertainment by yourself,” my parents said.

So I applied, and Mr. Smith, the boss of the restaurant, allowed me to have a try. My job was super easy and boring: the newly prepared dishes would be put at the counter between the kitchen and dining room, and it was my duty to deliver them to the right customers.

The first few days were tiring but OK. However, setbacks soon followed as I struggled to keep pace during a particularly busy lunch rush. I awkwardly spilled a tray of drinks, making loud noises and the floor messy. I was embarrassed and began to feel nervous. One evening, I mixed up orders for a large party, causing chaos and frustration.

I felt desperate. I screwed everything up. Then I heard Mr. Smith call me, and I went into his office with my head low. To my surprise, he didn’t blame me. Instead, he made me a cup of coffee. “Relax, young man,” he said. “Try to smile. Things always go wrong if you can’t really enjoy what you’re doing. Feel the fun in the job, and you’ll be OK!”

I thought he was right. The next day when I was working, I glimpsed into the kitchen and was amazed: in the narrow and crowded space everyone was busy — the chefs swirling (翻动) pans, the manager yelling customers’ requirements, others coming and going with dishes to deliver — but everything went smoothly without any lumping or bumping. This was incredible!

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

My attitudes towards the restaurant job began to change.


On the last day of my contract, I went into Mr. Smith’s office again when I finished my job.

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in about 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible

One Person/ Multiple Careers

In an art show at a gallery, Gedvile Bunikyte is among the crowd, introducing her latest works on exhibit. However, her talents extend to far more than her beautifully geometric(几何图形的) artworks. Bunikyte is what is known as—someone who has multiple talents, which she has turned into professional careers, each separated by a"slash" in her job title.

It has become common for people to have a hard time describing what they do for a living, with an increasing number of work-related labels attached to each individual. The slasher culture has infiltrated(渗透) every industry. The "lawyer/ fashion blogger' combination may seem contradictory to some, but makes perfect sense to multi-passionate millennials(千禧一代). Slash careers are an interesting concept when it comes to work-life balance and satisfaction, which has little to do with time spent in areas, but more to do with fulfillment across various areas that make up feelings of balance in one's life.

Slash careers can also make you more desirable to an employer. They give you greater creativity and a broader skill set. Companies are always looking for self-starters and innovators on their teams to help them get to the next level. People who have taken the initiative to develop a slash career are more likely to bring those qualities into their office.

Furthermore, it's no secret that millennnials are struggling with money. Americans aged between 18 and 34 had higher rates of being late with mortgage payments, overdrawing checking accounts,and having trouble with medical costs. A slash career might not help with the financial literacy, but it could help pay some of those bills.

The possibilities of slash career options are truly limitless. However, However, Marci Alboher, the author who popularized the phrase “slash career,” believes it's better to deeply immerse oneself in a particular career, and then layer in another slash. Personally, when I look back on my own slash career, I find this to be true as well. I began as a mental health counselor, which led to consulting opportunities. Eventually, I made money from my blog and became a social media influencer.

