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Humans’ invention of zero was vital for modern mathematics and science, but we’re not the only species to consider “nothing” a number. Parrots and monkeys understand the concept of zero, and now bees have joined the club, too.

Honey bees are known to have some numerical skills such as the ability to count to four, which may come in handy when keeping track of landmarks in their environment. To see whether these abilities extended to understanding zero, researchers trained 10 bees to identify the smaller of two numbers. Across a series of trials, they showed the insects two different pictures displaying a few black shapes on a white background. If the bees flew to the picture with the smaller number of shapes, they were given delicious sugar water, but if they flew toward the larger number, they were punished with bitter-tasting food.

Once the bees had learned to consistently make the correct choice, the researchers gave them a new choice: a white background containing no shapes at all. Even though the bees had never seen an empty picture before, 64% of the time they chose it rather than a picture containing two or three shapes, the authors report today in Science. This suggests that the insects understood that “zero” is less than two or three. And they weren’t just going for the empty picture because it was new and interesting. Another group of bees trained to always choose the larger number tended to pick the nonzero image in this test.

In further experiments, the researchers showed that bees’ understanding of zero was even more complex: for example, they were able to distinguish between one and zero-a challenge even for some other members of the zero club. Advanced numerical abilities like this could give animals an evolutionary advantage, helping them keep track of predators(捕食者)and food sources. And if an insect can display such a thorough grasp of the number zero, write the researchers, then this ability may be more common in the animal kingdom than we think.

【小题1】According to the trials, the researchers have found that bees ________.
A.have the same intelligence as parrots and monkeys
B.can count many numbers after being trained
C.can identify the smaller number quickly
D.understand the concept of zero
【小题2】The researchers trained another group of bees to ________ .
A.confirm the bees are able to identify the smaller number
B.find the big difference between the two groups of bees
C.prove the bees are interested in new things
D.show the bees can be distinguished easily
【小题3】What do the researchers suggest in further experiments?
A.Bees should be trained more.
B.Numerical abilities could help predators find bees.
C.Insects are better at understanding zero than animals.
D.Animals may display a thorough grasp of the number zero.
【小题4】What is the best the title for the text?
A.New Findings About Bees’ Concept of Zero
B.Experients on Bees’ Numerical Skills
C.Complex Trials About the Zero Club
D.A Science Report of the Species of Bees
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Every decision we make is arrived at through hugely complex neurological processing. Although it feels as though you have a choice, the action that you ‘decide’ to take is entirely directed by automatic neural activity. Brain imaging studies show that a person’s action can be predicted by their brain activity up to 10 seconds before they themselves become aware they are going to act. Multiple neuroscientific studies show that even those important decisions that feel worked out are just as automatic as knee-jerk reactions (膝跳反应) (although more complex).

Decision-making starts with the amygdala: a set of two almond-shaped nuclei (杏仁状核) buried deep within the brain, which generate emotion. The amygdala registers the information streaming in through our senses and responds to it in less than a second, sending signals throughout the brain. These produce an urge to run, fight, freeze or grab, according to how the amygdala values various stimuli.

Before we act on the amygdala’s signals, however, the information is usually processed by other brain areas, including some that produce conscious thoughts and emotions. Areas concerned with recognition work out what’s going on, those concerned with memory compare it with previous experiences, and those concerned with reasoning, judging and planning get to work on constructing various action plans. The best plan—if we are lucky—is then selected and carried out. If any of this process goes wrong, we are likely to hesitate, or do something silly.

The various stages of decision-making are marked by different types of brain activity. Fast (gamma)waves, with frequencies of 25 to 100 Hz, produce a keen awareness of the multiple factors that need to be taken into account to arrive at a decision. If you are trying to choose a sandwich, for instance, gamma waves generated in various cells within the ‘taste’ area of the brain bring to mind and compare the taste of ham, hummus, wholemeal, sourdough, and so on. Although it may seem useful to be aware of the full range of choice, too much information makes decision-making more difficult, so irrelevant factors get dismissed quickly and unconsciously.

After this comparison stage, the brain switches to slow-wave activity (12 to 30 Hz). This extinguishes most of the gamma activity, leaving just a single ‘hotspot’ of gamma waves which marks the chosen option.

Although there is no ‘you’ outside your brain to direct what it’s doing, you can help it to make good decisions by placing yourself in a situation which is likely to make the process run more smoothly. Doing something that is physically or mentally stimulating before making a decision will help your brain produce the initial gamma waves that generate awareness of the competing options. Getting over-excited, on the other hand, will prevent the switch to the slow brainwaves, making it much harder to single out a choice.

【小题1】Why does the writer mention “knee-jerk reactions” in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the finding of the latest brain imaging studies.
B.To illustrate that decisions are not consciously thought out.
C.To call attention to a kind of neural reaction that is not very complex.
D.To show the difference between decision-making and other brain activity.
【小题2】What does the amygdala do according to the passage?
A.It works out conscious thoughts and emotions.
B.It selects the best action plan for a given situation.
C.It dismisses factors that are irrelevant to the decision to be made.
D.It processes sensory information and generates emotional responses.
【小题3】What can be concluded from paragraphs 4 and 5?
A.Slow-wave activity usually lasts longer than fast-wave activity.
B.The brain prioritizes information before settling on a final choice.
C.Decision-making is difficult when slow-wave activity occurs first.
D.The brain needs as much information as possible to make a decision.
【小题4】How does engaging in stimulating activities help the decision-making process?
A.By preparing the brain to single out the most reasonable choice.
B.By helping the brain switch to slow-wave activity more quickly.
C.By getting the brain to focus on those most relevant alternatives.
D.By making the brain more aware of the factors and choices involved.

People with a rare genetic disorder known as Prader-Willi syndrome never feel full, and this excess hunger can lead to life-threatening obesity (肥胖症). Scientists studying the problem have now found that the fist-shaped structure known as the cerebellum (小脑) — which had not previously been linked to hunger — is key to regulating satiation (饱食) in those with this condition.

This finding is the latest in a series of discoveries revealing that the cerebellum, long thought to be primarily involved in movement harmony, also plays a broad role in cognition, emotion and behavior. “We’ve opened up a whole field of cerebellar control of food intake,” says Albert Chen, a neuroscientist at the Scintillon Institute in California.

The project began with an accidental observation: Chen and his team noticed they could make mice stop eating by activating small pockets of neurons (神经元) in regions known as the anterior deep cerebellar nuclei (aDCN), within the cerebellum. Fascinated, the researchers gathered data using functional MRI to compare brain activity in 14 people who had Prader-Willi syndrome with activity in 14 unaffected people while each testee viewed images of food -- either immediately following a meal or after fasting (禁食) for at least four hours.

New analysis of these scans revealed that activity in the same regions Chen’s group had accurately pointed out in mice, the aDCN, appeared to be significantly disturbed in humans with Prader-Willi syndrome. In healthy individuals, the aDCN were more active in response to food images while fasting than just after a meal, but no such difference was identifiable in participants with the disorder. The result suggested that the aDCN were involved in controlling hunger. Further experiments on mice, conducted by researchers from several different institutions, demonstrated that activating the animals’ aDCN neurons dramatically reduced food intake by weakening how the brain’s pleasure center responds to food.

For years neuroscientists studying appetite focused mainly either on the hypothalamus, a brain area involved in regulating energy balance, or on reward-processing centers such as the nucleus accumbens (伏隔核). But this group has identified a new feeding center in the brain, says Elanor Hinton, a neuroscientist at the University of Bristol in England who was not involved with the study. “I’ve been working in appetite research for the past 15 years or so, and the cerebellum has just not been a target,” Hinton says. “I think this is going to be important both for Prader-Willi syndrome and, much more widely, to address obesity in the general population.”

【小题1】Before the recent study, scientists had assumed that the cerebellum ________.
A.helps control everyday food intake
B.plays a minor role in movement harmony
C.has nothing to do with appetite regulation
D.has a direct link to behavioral development
【小题2】According to the project conducted by the researchers, ________.
A.the healthy testees were more likely to overeat after fasting
B.food images increased the appetite of the testees with Prader-Willi syndrome
C.the aDCN in the healthy testees responded to food images more actively after fasting
D.the aDCN in the testees with Prader-Willi syndrome made no response to food images
【小题3】What does Elanor Hinton imply about future appetite research?
A.It may help in the early diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome.
B.It will have broader implications for the treatment of obesity.
C.The potential feeding center in human brain remains to be discovered.
D.More studies are needed to understand the link between appetite and reward-processing.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.How our brain controls overeating.
B.How the aDCN works up our appetite.
C.How Prader-Willi syndrome can be prevented.
D.How lowering food intake benefits our overall health.

Picture an iceberg(冰山).You'll probably imagine something white as snow rising up out of a blue sea. But icebergs can be all sorts of shades. They can be from a frosty blue to an attractive green.

Researchers and sailors have observed emerald(翠绿色)icebergs for years. A large piece of ice "mast-high" and "green as emerald" even appears in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1834 poem. But they haven't found out exactly why these icebergs look the way they do.

A new paper led by Stephen Warren was published. It all has to do with what icebergs are made out of. Icebergs break off glaciers(冰川)or ice shelves, which happens mainly around Antarctica and Greenland. They begin their lives as snowfall that accumulates over time. So. icebergs contain air pockets with the form of bubbles that spread light. With some exceptions and rare lines, glacier ice tends to look bluish white.

At first,Warren guessed that the green was a product of melt carbon. And it came from rotting plants or sea animals. But samples(样本)didn't prove it. Another idea started to take shape after they had found a high concentration of iron in a sample of sea ice from the Amery Ice Shelf.

When glaciers rub across land, they produce what's known as glacier flour. It is a product of bedrock being ground clown by the moving mass. As glaciers move away, these remains are usually washed out into water. in particles sometimes too small to be noticeable to your eyes. But on land. soil and rocks contain iron oxides that often have rosy colors. like reds, yellows, and browns-and since the sea ice contained 500 times more iron than the glacier ice, Warren wondered whether the remains were responsible for icebergs taking on a green appearance.

He doesn't know for sure. He's hoping to secure money so that he can return to the area and study the icebergs themselves.

【小题1】Why is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem mentioned in the text?
A.It tells why icebergs look the way they do.
B.It describes vividly what icebergs are like.
C.It says causes of the appearance of icebergs.
D.It proves the existence of colorful icebergs.
【小题2】What can we know about Stephen Warren's paper?
A.It draws on researchers' and sailors' views.
B.It is the record of the movement of icebergs.
C.It talks about how icebergs come into being.
D.It is a collection of various social phenomena.
【小题3】What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.A sample of sea ice.B.Warren's first guess.
C.Warren's idea on iron.D.A product of melt carbon.
【小题4】What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The possible reason why icebergs look green.
B.Where most of icebergs eventually disappear.
C.How icebergs take in the colors from glaciers.
D.The way in which icebergs breaks off glaciers.
