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In 2012 my wife and I decided to open our bookstore in spite of unfavorable situations. The challenges facing small bookstores were-and remain-significant. Apart from the obvious rise in online selling, the increase in the popularity of e-books has negatively affected independent providers.

The question is why a new, small-scale(小规模的)provide would voluntarily enter such a challenging market? From a personal view, our reasoning was sound: we wanted to share our love of great books and reading for pleasure with as many like-minded people as possible.

Having done our homework, one thing became clear. In order for us to succeed, we would have to offer something that none of our larger competitors already provided. And so we started the Willoughby Book Club. We set up our website in the summer of 2012, and we haven’t looked back.

The idea of service is simple. We offer a range of book subscription gift packages, available in three-month, six-month and 12-month options. Our customers choose a package, tell us a little about the person they’re buying it for, and we use this information to send the receiver a hand-picked, gift-wrapped book once a month. We also recently decided to give one new book to Book Aid International for every gift subscription sold. These books are sent out to sub-Saharan Africa, supporting the educational work there. Within four months of starting out, we won the Young Bookseller of the Year Award at the 2013 Bookseller awards.

Our brief journey from new booksellers to award receivers has been challenging and rewarding. The biggest thing we’ve learned is that, despite the pressures facing independent providers, there is a place for them in the UK market. It’s just a question of finding it.

【小题1】What challenges do the couple have to face when opening their bookstore?
A.Their bookstore is in an unfavourable place.
B.They are short of money and manpower.
C.Their books tore has limited great books.
D.Online selling and e-books are gaining popularity.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “sound” in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】In order to succeed, the couple have taken practical measures except ________ .
A.setting up a book club
B.building their website
C.sending the customers gifts every month
D.aiding some Africans by giving them new boos
【小题4】What’s the author’s opinion on being an independent provider?
A.It is anything but challenging.
B.It is difficult but worth it.
C.It is too difficult to succeed.
D.It is just a question.
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On many days I admit that I feel depressed, days when it seems that the efforts, the struggles, and the sacrifices of so many people fighting for social and environmental justice, fighting prejudice and racism, are fighting a losing battle.

But without hope, all is lost. It is a crucial survival character that has supported our species from the time of our Stone Age ancestors. Certainly, my own improbable journey would have been impossible if I had lacked hope.

Like all people who live long enough, I have been through many dark periods and seen so much suffering. I was in New York on that terrible day in 2001. I still can remember the disbelief, the fear, the confusion as the city went quiet except the whistles of the police cars and ambulances on the streets emptied of people.

It was ten years after that day that I was introduced to the Survivor Tree, a Callery pear tree discovered a month after the collapse of the towers. All that was left was half a trunk that had been burned black, with roots that were broken and only one living branch.

She was almost sent to the dump, but the young woman who found her, Rebecca Clough, begged that the tree be given a chance. And so she went to be cared for in a nursery in the Bronx. Bringing that seriously damaged tree back to health was not an easy task, and it was touch-and-go for a while. But whenever you give her a chance, nature returns. Eventually the tree made it. In the spring, her branches are bright with blossoms. I’ve seen people looking at her and wiping away tears. She is a symbol of the resilience (适应力) of nature — and a reminder of all that was lost on that terrible day 20 years ago.

The Survivor Tree, brought back from the dead, had not only put out new leaves herself but also nurtured (养育) the lives of others. Now do you understand how I dare hope?

【小题1】What can we know about the author?
A.She wanted to fight for justice.
B.She once lost hope in her journey.
C.She felt hopeful despite many difficulties.
D.She planned to remove prejudice and racism.
【小题2】Which of the following can best describe the author’s feeling on the terrible day in 2001?
A.Scared and annoyed.B.Frightened and shocked.
C.Thrilled and desperate.D.Disappointed and puzzled.
【小题3】What happened to the Survivor Tree after the towers fell down?
A.The tree was slightly damaged.B.The tree nearly got abandoned.
C.The tree was destroyed on the spot.D.The tree got nothing but a trunk left.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To call on people to protect nature.
B.To show the great strength of a tree.
C.To expect people to care for damaged trees.
D.To share the author’s reasons to keep optimistic.

My first shopping in a general store was in Miss Bee’s when I spent the summer with my grandmother in New York.

“Go get them yourself” Miss Bee said, ignoring the shopping list held up before her nose. “I’m not your servant, so just get yourself a basket from that pile over there and start filing.”

It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found the first item on my list―a pork can be placed between boxes of cereal and bread. Next up was toilet paper, found under the daily newspaper, and Band-Ads, found next to the face cream. The store was a puzzle, but it held some surprises too. I found a new Superman comic behind the peanut butter.

I visited Miss Bee a couple of times a week that summer. Some times she short-charged me. Other times she overcharged or sold me an old newspaper instead of a current one. Going to the store was more like going into battle. I left my Grandma’s house armed with my list—memorized to the letter—and marched into Miss Bee’s like General Patton (巴顿将军) marching into North Africa.

All summer long she found ways to trip me up. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda (小苏打) and memorized its location on the shelf than Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me hunt for it all over again. By summer’s end, however, the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes.

The morning I was to return to Brooklyn, I stopped into tell her that she was mean (刻薄的). To my amazement she laughed and said. “Well, I don’t care! Each of us is put on this earth for a reason. I believe my job is to teach every child I meet ten life lessons to help them. Think what you will, but when you get older you’ll be glad our paths crossed!”

I thought the idea was absurd until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles.

“It’s too hard,” she said. “Could you finish my math problems for me?”

“If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?” I said.

Suddenly, I was back at that general store where I had learned the hard way totally up (结算) my bill along with the cashier. As my daughter went back to her homework, I wondered: Had Miss Bee really taught me something all those years ago? I took out some scrap paper and started writing.

【小题1】Why did the writer spend a long time doing her first shopping in the general store?
A.She was too young to remember all the items on the list.
B.Miss Bee didn’t treat her kindly.
C.Her grandmother asked her to buy too many things.
D.The store was in disorder and she was not familiar with the shop.
【小题2】What did the writer mean when comparing herself to “General Patton” in Paragraph 4?
A.She was well prepared and full of confidence.
B.Going shopping in the store was a challenge to her.
C.She was very aggressive, taking Miss Bee as the enemy.
D.Going shopping was so fun that it was like playing a war game.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 6 probably suggest?
A.The writer would benefit from the experience of shopping in Miss Bee’s.
B.The writer would find shopping in Miss Bee’s store very interesting.
C.The writer would be happy to meet Miss Bee again later in life.
D.The writer would realize that Miss Bee could become her friend.
【小题4】At the end of the story, the writer might write down the following EXCEPT         .
A.Don’t be so quick to judge other people
B.The best teacher isn’t only in school
C.Stick to your dream whatever happens
D.Things can be learned in daily routines

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) —During his leisure time, Mahinda Dasanayaka packs his motorbike with books and rides his mobile library—across mostly muddy roads running through tea-growing mountain areas—to underprivileged children in backward rural parts of Sri Lanka.

Having witnessed the hardships faced by children whose villages have no library facilities, Dasanayaka, a child protection officer for the government, was looking for ways to help them. Then three years ago, he launched his program, called “Book and Me”.

He purchased a second-hand Honda motorbike for 30,000 Sri Lankan rupees($162), On his off days—mostly during weekends—he rides his motorbike, which is fixed with a steel box to hold books, to rural villages and distributes the reading material to children free of charge.

He began the program in 2017 with 150 books—some of his own and   others donated by friends colleagues and well-wishers. His collection includes about 3,000 books on a variety of subjects. So far, he said, his program has benefited more than 1,500 children, as well as about 150 adults.

“I wanted to do something for children who are burdened with an exam-centered education. . . And to change the way kids look at society, to change their perspectives and broaden their imagination,” he said.

Apart from giving away books, Dasanayaka also speaks to the children for a few minutes, usually under a roadside tree, highlighting the value of reading, books and authors. He then conducts a discussion on books the children have read, with the aim of eventually forming reading clubs.

While Dasanayaka spends his own money on his program, he is not wealthy, with a take- home income of 20,000 rupees ($108) a month from his job. He said he spends about a quarter of that on gasoline for his mobile library.

【小题1】How did Dasanayaka start “Book and Me”?
A.With a large sum of money.
B.With a used motorbike and 150 books.
C.By subscribing to books for children.
D.By borrowing a steel box from his workmate.
【小题2】What do we know about Dasanayaka from his words in Paragraph 5?
A.He is uncertain about his program.
B.He is trying to better kids’ living conditions.
C.He is seeking to change kids’ ways of thinking.
D.He is optimistic about the existing schooling system.
【小题3】Why does Dasanayaka hold discussions on books kids read?
A.To keep in touch with them.
B.To prepare to start reading clubs.
C.To check their reading assignments.
D.To know about their preferences of books.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.A Reading ProgramB.An Education Officer
C.A Library on WheelsD.A Motorbike on Road
