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As one comes to some crossroads, he or she sees a sign which says that drivers have to stop when they come to the main road ahead. At other crossroads, drivers have to go slow, but they do not actually have to stop unless, of course, there is something coming along the main road; and at still others, they do not have either to stop or to go slow, because they are themselves on the main road.
Mr. Williams, who was always a very careful driver, was driving home from work one evening when he came to a crossroad. It had a “SLOW” sign. He slowed down when he came to the main road, looked both ways to see that nothing was coming, and then drove across without stopping completely.
At once he heard a police whistle, so he pulled into the side of the road and stopped. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and a pen in his hand and said, “You didn’t stop at that crossing.”
“But the sign there doesn't say ‘STOP’.” answered Mr. Williams, “It just says ‘SLOW’, and I did go slow.”
The policeman looked around him, and a look of surprise came over his face. Then he put his notebook and pen away, scratch his head and said, “Well, I’m in the wrong street!”
【小题1】When he was stopped by a policeman, he ____.
A.was driving at a high speedB.was driving onto the main road
C.was going to stop his carD.was pulled into the crossroad
【小题2】Though slowly, Mr. Williams continued driving at the crossing because________ .
A.he saw a “STOP” sign in the opposite street
B.he paid no attention to the traffic rules
C.he didn't have to stop
D.he was eager to get home
【小题3】Looking round Mr. Williams, the policeman was surprised because__________ .
A.he met a mad man
B.he realized that he himself was mistaken
C.Mr. Williams dared to speak to him like that
D.Mr. Williams would not apologize to him
【小题4】What does “scratch” in the last paragraph mean?
A.to rub the skin of (the head) for uncertainty
B.to strike (the head ) for regret
C.to nodded for sure
D.to look back to search for something
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On September 17, 2022, a father and son set out to begin the first of three legs of the Ironman competition in Oxford. David, 59, and his son, John, 28, weren’t the typical competitors. Despite difficulty in walking, John has his dream of being an athlete. His father would act as his arms and legs, carrying the weight of his son throughout the race.

To qualify as having finished, competitors must complete a hard 140 miles of swimming, bicycling and running in under 17 hours. David and John had participated together in five Ironman competitions, but they had yet to finish in the required time.

The race began with a 2.4-mile swim in the Choptank River. With one end of a rope tied to a belt around his back and the other end to a boat with his son inside, the father eased himself into the water. Swimming while carrying another person is tough enough — David also had to fight with jellyfish (水母).

The pair completed the swim in 90 minutes, and went through with the 112-mile bicycle ride in about nine hours, then set their sights on the final leg of the 26.2-mile marathon with David pushing John in the racing chair.

With minutes left and 200 feet to the finish line, his mom, on the sidelines, handed him the rolling walker. Not that long ago, John could hardly walk 23 steps. But after years of painful training, he increased his step count and was determined to finish the race on his own. He knew time was almost running out and worried they wouldn’t make the cutoff. “Not because I wouldn’t get my moment,” he says, “but because dad had worked so hard.”

After 16 hours, 55 minutes and 35 seconds — with just four minutes and 25 seconds to spare — father and son crossed the finish line together.

As the crowd flooded and cheered on John, the weary father kept a low profile. “He didn’t want his finish line moment,” says John. “He wanted it to be mine.”

【小题1】How did David help his son in the swimming part?
A.By pulling a rope tied to a boat.B.By swimming beside his son.
C.By pushing his son’s lifebelt.D.By carrying his son on his back.
【小题2】Why did John worry about not making the cutoff?
A.He wouldn’t get his moment.
B.His mom would be disappointed.
C.His father had put in lots of effort.
D.The audience had high expectations.
【小题3】What can best describe David’s role as a father?
A.Responsible and selfless.B.Brave and honest.
C.Committed and friendly.D.Gentle and determined.
There are good Santas and there are bad Santas. The good Santas all realize one thing: In the mind of a child, Santa Claus is perfect. That’s difficult. And so they come from around the world to attend the Charles W. Howard School in Midland, Mich. The school offers a three-day, 40-hour course for Santas hoping to be excellent. A former Macy’s Santa named Charles Howard founded the Michigan school in 1937. “Many people will think if you have a suit and you’re a Santa,” said Tom Valent, the school’s current dean. “It’s more than that.”   The school teaches everything from breathing techniques for carol singing to the beard maintenance. There are lessons in child psychology, sign language and even media training for talk-show appearances and call-in shows. Santas also need to make sure they know all the names of the reindeer(驯鹿). What’s harder to deal with, however, is children who ask for Christmas gifts like bringing daddy home or making mommy happy again. After spending time in the classroom, Weir went to the mall to test his training. However, at one point, his hat fell off, and he was unsure how to react. “You’re the real Santa,” Valent said. “Pick that hat up, slip it back on, keep smiling and do your job. You’ve got to stay on top of your game. Even the last one at night, when you’re tired, you’ve got to remember: This one’s forever, so do a good job.”
【小题1】According to the passage, good Santas should be the ones that ______.
A.can offer the children some gifts
B.help adults look after their children
C.have ability to make children happy
D.should be perfect in the mind of children
【小题2】The Michigan school was founded by Charles Howard with the purpose to ______.
A.train the pet reindeer for the Santas
B.earned money from its students
C.train perfect Santas for the world
D.show the world’s concern to the poor
【小题3】According to Weir’s performance, we can conclude that ______.
A.Weir was short of experience
B.Weir was not fit for the job as a Santa
C.Weir did very badly in the game
D.Weir was not a good student in school

Before my family moved to a new home in Eldridge, my 6-year-old son Hayden had shared a room with his sister. Now his sister excitedly had her own room. But the boy refused to sleep alone. “Bad guys will attack (攻击) me at night. I’m afraid of them,” said the boy.

I’d tried everything to get him sleep in his own room, but nothing was helping. Hayden said he couldn’t stop the terrible thoughts. He asked me to call the police to help him. At first, I was afraid that the police officers would pay no attention to us. But, after I took Hayden to the Eldridge Police Department, he made friends with Officer Schwartz at once.

In the Eldridge Police Department, Hayden talked with Officer Schwartz. Then, Officer Schwartz came over to our home. He fully inspected my son’s bedroom to make him believe that there were no bad guys in his room. Schwartz said to my son, “I experienced such thoughts before bedtime, too. But I always made them go away by thinking about happier things instead.” Hayden slept alone in his room for the first time that night.

But Schwartz’s bad guy fighting skills did not stop. The next day, Officer Schwartz returned to our home for a follow-up and to send Hayden off to his first day of school. I am more than thankful that Officer Schwartz took time out of his busy day to talk with Hayden. I know he will remember the kindness he has shown him forever.

【小题1】Why did Hayden refuse to sleep alone?
A.He did not like his new room.B.He met some bad guys during the day.
C.He feared to be taken away by police.D.He believed there were bad guys in his room.
【小题2】What did the author worry about before going to the Eldridge Police Department with her son?
A.Her son would not get better.B.The officers would not help them.
C.The officers would laugh at her son.D.Her son couldn’t make friends with the officers.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “inspected” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】What is Officer Schwartz like?
A.Kind and caring.B.Brave and curious.
C.Serious and careful.D.Smart and honest.
