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Stay-at-home or working mom?

Nowadays, there is a heated discussion: Which is worthwhile, being a full time working or a stay-at-home mum? Readers share their opinions and you're welcome to add yours.

Catherine (China)

I love being a stay-at-home mom. In the beginning it was truly rough for me from being a workaholic(工作狂) to staying at home. Yet, I did not want my child to face growing up with both parents at work. So after discussing it with my husband, we decided that I would be the one to stay at home. Now, our daughter is soon to be 3 years old, and has an amazing personality. It's not for everyone but it is very rewarding in the long term.


Taking care of children is a temporary job, and children will grow up and leave. The longer women are out of the workplace, the harder it is to enter it. Women need to realize and accept that you do not want to be dependent on anyone for basic food, clothes and shelter. It has been hard to work and take care of my kids but I make it work.

Cynthia (US)

Some days I think we shouldn't give up on our careers. And some days I'm jealous of the moms who get to stay home or at least work part time. I'm the only one that supports the family, so there will never be an option for me. I have the career and title I've always wanted but now I can't help but think it's at the expense of precious time with my family.

Celina (US)

Being a stay-at-home mom isn't always easy, but it is worth it! Being there with my children means they are getting the exact love and care I want them to have. We do not have a lot of money, but we've sacrificed to make it possible.

【小题1】What can we learn about Catherine?
A.She stayed at home because she was tired about her job.
B.Her daughter was very naughty.
C.Her husband agreed with her staying at home.
D.She accustomed herself to staying at home easily.
【小题2】How many working moms in this passage?
【小题3】Which one is NOT true?
A.Celina feels dissatisfied with the life now.
B.Cynthia has no other choice but to get a job.
C.Sassy is determined to be an independent woman.
D.Catherine thinks that being a stay-at-home mom is worthwhile.
知识点:家庭生活 议论文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Top tips for home-learning

The following are some general tips to help you learn at home.

【小题1】 Think about how you’re going to spend each day. Get up at the same time each day( not too late!) and get dressed as if you were going to go to school. Make a timetable to plan activities for the clay—put 20-30 minutes of English learning into your timetable and see ideas below for activities.

Exercise and have a healthy diet. Try to take some exercise each day. There are lots of exercise guides being shared online. So find one you enjoy and follow the videos that are offered. Try to eat meals at regular times.【小题2】

Keep in touch with school friends.【小题3】.However, you don’t have to be connected every minute of the day! Work out what you think is a good amount of time to be connected to friends.

Think of others and help when you can.【小题4】, hut it's also going to be difficult for the other people in your home. Your parents/carers will be adjusting to changes in their own lives too and will have additional concerns about their jobs etc.

Learn something new.【小题5】This is the perfect opportunity to learn skills that take time. There are many video guides to help you. So improve your typing skills, learn how to cook—whatever you want, hut try to make the most of this extra time.

A.Plan your day
B.You can benefit from it
C.This is a difficult time for you
D.Set yourself a challenge to learn something new
E.Continuous learning helps keep pace with times
F.Keeping in touch with your school friends is important
G.Ensure you eat fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water

How do you get a man to do his share of the housework? If you are like most women, you’ve faced this question the hard way.

A man will enjoy a clean, orderly house, but he usually won’t make the effort to clean or organise it. This doesn’t mean that a woman has to do all the housework; she may have to manage many of the household duties, and request her partner’s participation. A woman can often say that men and women should take equal responsibility for housework.

Very few men are raised to be fully responsible for housework, and many men look on housework as women’s work. On the other hand, most men will readily work around the yard, make repairs and complete projects on weekends or evenings, and it’s important that you give your man appreciation for those things, too. Most men will take on a little additional housework around the house if asked politely. They are even more likely to do housework if they can choose what they want to do, and do it without being monitored.

Here’s the key: men want to feel that they are doing housework either because they want to do a task, or because they simply want to please their women. Men are much less likely to take on household tasks they consider uninteresting and unimportant. In other words, men are likely to do a household task just for the good of the house.

【小题1】The passage is mainly about how to _______.
A.get men to take on some houseworkB.get men to serve their families
C.praise men’s houseworkD.make men do all the housework
【小题2】Accordin g to the passage, a man _______.
A.is willing to do housework
B.likes to be told to do housework
C.is taught to be responsible for housework from childhood
D.likes a clean house but doesn’t make efforts to clean it
【小题3】In order to get men to do some housework, women should often_______.
A.order them to do their shareB.ask them to do some housework politely
C.blame men’s lazinessD.monitor men’s work
【小题4】According to the passage, the underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that men won’t ____.
A.work without any paymentB.do unimportant household tasks
C.do housework without women’s praiseD.please their wives

Sten Kirkbak, father of four and co-founder of XPLORA, shares his thoughts on how parents can balance screen time with playtime.

Establish rules around screen time early on

Before giving your child their first smartphone, make sure that both you and your child learn about digital responsibility so that your child can fully understand and respect these boundaries. 【小题1】 They include not responding to texts from unknown numbers, never sharing their personal information online or with anyone they don't know, among others.

Make a contract for the whole family to agree to

【小题2】 It is a good way to better establish consistency, clarity and respect around screen time for both of you. It could cover everything from specific times when digital devices are off-limits to all family members, to agreeing on a selection of games that can be played without supervision.

What about parental controls?

When your child first begins to use their smartphone, establishing parental controls is a good idea. 【小题3】 But be sure to explain your reasoning for your controls to your child, so that they understand why they can't have access to some things.


Telling your child to avoid screens if you are constantly attached to one is likely to result in tension and frustration. As a parent, it's important to be a good role model for your child, not only with regards to technology but within everyday life.

Reinforce the value of physical play

I recommend finding ways to replace screen time with play and physical activity. 【小题5】By making the toys and games that your child looks forward to playing with accessible, they rely less on technology for passive entertainment.

A.Lead by example.
B.Basically, important rules vary.
C.Come up with the contract together.
D.Going for an outing will be an appropriate choice.
E.Or you can reward your child with items they enjoy if they do so.
F.For example, you can limit access to internet browsing on your child's phone.
G.Once they understand these rules, they will learn to reduce the screen time gradually.
