听力选择题-长对话 较难0.4 引用1 组卷73
【小题1】How does the woman feel about studying psychology?
A.It would be easy to find a job.
B.She would get good grades.
C.It would help her writing.
【小题2】What degree does the woman already have?
A.A Ph.D. degree.B.A master’s degree.C.BA. degree.
【小题3】How will the woman start her new career?
A.Start at the bottom and keep working.
B.Go straight to Wall Street.
C.Wait patiently for the perfect opportunity.
【小题4】What does the man think about the woman’s idea?
A.Her kids might not support her.
B.It might be hard to make money.
C.She might have problems making friends.
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