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An immigrant is a person living in a country that is not their own, often in a culture with which they are not familiar. There are, of course, translation and interpretation services available to recently arrived minority groups in most host countries.

However, it is more important to provide motivations for language learning for immigrants to accelerate their integration (融合). The language barrier increases intercultural   misunderstandings. Those seeking work are at a disadvantage due to subjective factors (因素) such as employers fearing migrants are unable to learn a trade because of language problems. In workplaces where the majority of employees are from the same linguistic background, which is other than the host language, there is the danger of apathy (淡漠) setting in and it is therefore necessary to encourage immigrants to take advantage of whatever language tuition(辅导)not only to help integration but to achieve self-improvement.

The general tendency is to acknowledge that the government should provide money for the teaching of the language. The British Advisory Board on Naturalisation and Integration stated that some of the pressure for English language classes could be reduced by employers taking responsibility for the language needs of migrant workers. As for their children, a high percentage speak languages at home other than that of their country of adoption which increases the burden on schools to provide an adequate standard of linguistic education.

The goal is for immigrants to become “anonymous”. For example, many Turks in Germany have   lost   their   “visibility”   as   poor   workers   to   become   “invisible”   -   thus   not   immediately recognized as foreigners - but as professionals (doctors, engineers, etc.)

Apart from the responsibility of governments and education authorities, the duty also lies with the individual migrant families. Of course they should not lose sight of their own cultural identity and “cross-cultural exchanges should be promoted to improve the understanding between immigrants and the host population. At the same time, parents must be ready to adapt to their new situation and not influence their children who, through the host country education system, will learn the language quicker and wish to integrate into the local society.

【小题1】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The disadvantages of immigration.
B.The advantages of receiving tuition.
C.The importance of understanding each other.
D.The harmful effects of language barriers.
【小题2】What might the British Advisory Board on Naturalisation and Integration agree with?
A.Employers should pay for their employees’ English language classes.
B.Schools provide various language classes.
C.Government shoulders the responsibility of language training.
D.Immigrant children should speak their mother tongue at home.
【小题3】What does the underlined word ”anonymous“ in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】What should migrant parents do in the author’s opinion?
A.Don’t speak their native language.
B.Learn English from their children.
C.Don’t practice the customs of their homeland.
D.Help their children integrate into the new environment
【小题5】What would be the best title for the text?
A.How immigration changes language
B.Immigration and language
C.Does immigration threaten our culture ?
D.English language requirements for immigrants
知识点:语言与文化 国籍和人民说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In May 2012, Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary and the McCann Advertising Agency gathered a group of language experts to name a phenomenon common in the age of the smartphone. They called the phenomenon “phubbing”, and defined(定义)it as “the act of snubbing(无视)someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention.” It’s not the usual way words begin to exist.

A month later, the first example of phubbing in a major newspaper appeared in a letter to the editor of The Age, published in Melbourne. Since then, the word has appeared in various media the world over. Phubbing has yet to be fully adopted in the U. S. , but we have collected some evidence of it in use.

On 29 September 2015, James A. Roberts wrote in the Huffinington Post, “In the present case, phubbing is a combination of the words phone and snubbing. To be phubbed is to be snubbed by someone using their cell phone while in your company. The “phubb” could be an interruption of your conversation with someone when he or she uses their cell phone or is distracted by it (steal glances when they think you’re not looking) instead of paying attention to you. Maybe worse, you’ve been phubbed if someone used their cell phone instead of communicating with you while staying close to you. Oh, the shame. ”

The meaning and various forms of the word have yet to settle out. Is it phubbing if you’re staring at your tablet instead of your phone? Is the singular noun (and the base form of the verb) spelled phubb, as in the example above, or phub, as in some other sources? These are the sorts of questions we’ll need answers to before we’re ready to consider phubbing and its relations for entry. In the meanwhile, you can of course use phubbing if you feel the need. It seems we all do these days.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about phubbing?
A.Its usage.B.Its birth.C.Its influence.D.Its definition.
【小题2】What may phubbing probably lead to according to James A. Roberts?
A.Obvious embarrassment in life.
B.Heavy reliance on cellphones.
C.Complete ignorance by your friends.
D.Permanent breakup of retalionship.
【小题3】What can we learn from the last paragraph about the word phubb?
A.It arouses heated arguments.B.It proves to be settled.
C.It’s not included in a dictionary.D.It’s not difficult to understand.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Where Phubbing Leads Us?B.Why Phubbing Ruins Our Life?
C.What Makes Phubbing Commonly Seen?D.How Phone Snubbing Becomes Phubbing?

The full stop, which comes from Greek punctuation (标点符号), is usually used to express the end of a sentence but now it frightens young people when used in social media communication as a sign of anger.

According to experts, youngsters used to communicating electronically break up their thoughts by sending each one as a separate message, rather than using a full stop, which they use only to signal they are annoyed. Some have said the full stop is redundant when used in texting because the message is ended just by sending it. “If you send a text message without a full stop, it’s already obvious that you’ve concluded the message.”

Owen McArdle from Cambridge University told the newspaper: “I’m not sure I agree about emails. I guess it depends how formal they are. But full stops are very much the exception in youngsters’ instant messages, and have a new role in expressing anger.”

In 2015, a study from Binghamton University in New York suggested that people who finish messages with full stops are considered insincere. The study involved 126 undergraduates and the researchers found that text messages ending in the most final of punctuation marks-eg “lol.”, “let’s go to Nando’s.”-were considered being less sincere. Unusually, texts ending in an exclamation point-“lmao!”, “what body part even is that? I hope it’s your arm!” -are thought heartfelt.

Research leader Celia Klin said at the time: “When speaking, people easily convey social and emotional information with eye gaze, facial expressions, tone of voice, pauses and so on. People obviously can’t use these when they are texting. Thus, it makes sense that texters rely on what they have available to them-special signs, deliberate misspellings that imitate (模仿) speech sounds and, according to our data, punctuation.”

【小题1】What is the most likely reason for a young person to use a full stop when texting?
A.To show insincerity.B.To conclude the message.
C.To express his anger.D.To suggest it’s a formal message.
【小题2】Which of the following is similar to the underlined word “redundant” in paragraph2?
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.The full stop is not as important as before.
B.The exclamation point is often used to show sincerity.
C.Punctuation is always associated with an angry tone of voice.
D.Deliberate misspellings are frequently used to convey emotions.
【小题4】What could be the best title of the passage?
A.A new punctuation.B.A new role of the full stop.
C.A new generation with annoyance.D.A new way of texting in communication.

Handwritten Chinese characters (文字) can be beautiful. I still remember looking at Chinese and not understanding anything it said and yet feeling a strong attraction. In fact, some students start learning Chinese because of the characters. After having studied Chinese for a while, I realized that handwriting in Chinese takes a very long time to learn.

Living as we do in a digital era (数字时代) with smartphones and computers, most students sooner or later ask themselves this question: Is it really necessary to learn how to write by hand in Chinese? When using smartphones or computers, we can use phonetic input (语音输入) systems, which choose the characters we want for us as long as we can remember how they are pronounced. Since we enter different characters, we seldom need to be able to recognize the difference between characters in detail; the computer makes the right choices for us. Do we really need to write Chinese by hand at all?

I think most people agree that you should learn to write at least some characters at some point as a student of Chinese, although not necessarily straight away and not necessarily all the characters that you can say. But unless you don’t care about written language at all, you should learn the basics of handwriting. Without it, it will be very hard to understand characters. You don’t need to be a calligraphy master (书法大师), but you do need basic handwriting skills to do this. Simply looking at things is, as usual, a bad way of learning.

I think learning the most common 500 characters or so is a good idea for all students. If you actually want to write by hand, increase that to 1, 000. Then learn to handwrite characters outside of the 1, 000 most common on a need-to-know basis.

【小题1】What does the author think of Chinese characters?
A.They are less communicative than English words.
B.They attract some foreigners to learn Chinese.
C.They show the greatness of Chinese culture.
D.They are not really that difficult.
【小题2】What can we infer about characters in Paragraph 2?
A.Characters are very difficult for foreigners to learn.
B.People believe learning to write characters is important.
C.People doubt the necessity of learning to write characters.
D.Characters may disappear with the development of society.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Understanding characters.
B.Being a calligraphy master.
C.Keeping a good learning habit.
D.Learning basic handwriting skills.
【小题4】What’s the author’s attitude to learning to write characters in the digital age?
