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The Power of a Name

My full name is Lily Myunghi M. When my parents gave me this name, they created an important part of my identity that will be part of me forever.

My first name, Lily, was inspired by a story my mom heard a long time ago. Some people wanted to get rid of their tiger lilies, so they dug a deep, deep hole and threw the tiger lily plants in. For years, they felt they had succeeded in killing the lilies. But one spring, strong, green stocks rose to the surface. My mom named me Lily because she hoped for a beautiful daughter, who would also be strong and resilient, just like those orange blossomed lily plants.

My middle name is Myunghi. My mom, who is of Korean heritage, wanted to honor our Asian roots. The middle name means "clear-eyed girl" in Korean. My parents chose it because they believe life is difficult, and they hoped being "clear-eyed" would help me find my way in the world.

However, in English, Myunghi loses its beautiful meaning. It becomes the hesitation on people's faces as they stumble over its mere two syllables(音节). It becomes the surprised expressions of classmates who have never heard a name anything like it before It becomes a blushing(脸红的)little girl, embarrassed by her own name, a name that her parents put so much thought into.

When I was younger, I hid my middle name, pre tending it didn't exist. Looking back, I pity the girl who was too ashamed to reveal her full name to anyone.

My grandparents were raised in Korea, where parents take great care choosing a name with a meaning that will help their child through life. My grandparents were born into the Japanese Occupation of Korea and assigned Japanese names, which stripped(剥夺) away their cultural identities bit by bit.

I've grown to love and appreciate my name. I no longer hide my name, but instead, proudly announce it, since my grandparents could not. I accept this special part of my identity that was chosen especially for me.

My full name is Lily Myunghi M. It paints a magnificent picture of unconditional love, hope, and heritage coming together to form a girl. And that girl, is me.

【小题1】We can know from the story that tiger lilies
A.are strong plants
B.are green stocks
C.have white blossoms
D.grow in deep holes
【小题2】Why did the author try to hide her middle name when she was younger?
A.She was ashamed of her Asian roots.
B.She felt awkward about her unusual name.
C.She felt it difficult to pronounce the name.
D.She was too shy to fit in with her classmates.
【小题3】What does the author intend to tell us?
A.A good name brings a bright future.
B.Her name helps to keep her identity.
C.She appreciates the love from her parents.
D.Parents often pick an unusual name for the child.
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When hiring a new employee, the resume (简历) becomes a valuable tool. Not only does the resume help to create a picture of the potential employee, it also provides information to explain any questions about the resume. Therefore it is essential for an employer to learn to read a resume.

Firstly, the cover of the resume should be judged carefully. An applicant has enough time to create, review and edit his or her resume before presenting it and therefore he or she should create a resume that is both filled with relevant content and aesthetically (美学观点上) pleasing. If the applicant doesn’t dedicate time to designing a resume well, will he or she take the time to complete the responsibilities assigned to him or her? Therefore, during the first review, an employer should spend about ten seconds looking at the resume, checking that the cover sheet is addressed to the correct company and the objective matches the job description. The second review involves deeper analysis. But at this point, several applicants should be wiped out.

Secondly, don’t overlook those who are young. Many companies are hesitant to hire employees that are coming straight out of college because they don’t have experience. Actually, while recent graduates may have no work experience, they can be very knowledgeable and up-to-date on trends in the field. Younger employees tend to be valuable in a world that relies more and more on technology and social media. Furthermore, many students have had internships (实习) or conducted research with their professors. Even studying abroad can prove valuable as small businesses are realizing the importance of the global market. For example, experiences abroad can be useful for marketing in foreign countries.

Thirdly, don’t be hesitant to hire older employees. Some companies fear that older, more experienced employees are going to ask for higher salaries or are going to fail to know about technology. This is probably true in some cases, but definitely not in all. Older applicants may not have grown up with cell phones but that does not imply they are not capable of mastering modern technology. Many applicants will already be fluent “speakers” of technology or can be easily trained.

Lastly, references (推荐人) can provide information about an applicant’s personality and job history and, therefore, should be taken advantage of by anyone reviewing a resume. Can the references be contacted? Is the number out of service and the e-mail address non-existent? Do not hesitate to ask former bosses why their former employees were fired. References have known the applicant for much longer than an interviewer has.

How to read a resume
Paragraph outlinesSupporting details
【小题1】the cover of the resume.● Reject those who do not 【小题2】their resumes well.
   Check   the   cover   sheet   and   the   objective   of   the   resume   before
【小题3】it deeply.

Don’t ignore young applicants.
● Don’t refuse to hire young employees because of their 【小题4】
of experience.
   Recent graduates have   their own 【小题5】       ,   suc knowledgeable and up-to-date on trends in the field.
● Their internships, research conducted with their professor
experiences 【小题6】       are of great importance.

h   as   being s, and even

Don’t overlook older employees.
【小题7】       all older and more experienced employees will ask for higher salaries or fail to know about technology.
● Some older applicants can 【小题8】       modern technology well
and be trained easily.

【小题9】 references.
● Gain information about the applicant’s personality and job history from his/her references.
● Ask the applicant’s former bosses for the 【小题10】       for firing

At just 40 years old, hip-hop star Kasseem Dean, more popularly known as Swizz Beatz, has amassed (积累)a track record, lifestyle and nearly $ 70 million net worth that would inspire most of us to retire early. So why does Dean continue to both work extremely hard and try projects that come with the risk of rejection?

During our interview for Uncommon Drive, a video series for USA & Main that seeks to find out the motivations and magic of world-class business people, Dean provided a memorable answer: "You only have so much time - once it's gone you don't get it back. Don't focus on money; focus on building something greater than yourself. If you're not making history, you're wasting your time on Earth."

When you look at his answer, you will learn two important lessons. The first is in "making history". Doing so requires awareness. You must fully understand what has and has not been achieved in the market you've entered. Dean makes every effort with the goal of creating something important that has not been done before and will be remembered for its impact beyond his years.

The second part of his statement is just as powerful. In this interview, he never once said he is "trying" to make history. Instead, he has told himself that no matter what difficulty there is, it's just going to happen. "I'm going to make history." Dean said.

After talking to Dean for nearly 45 minutes, it was clear to me that he has removed all ego(自我)from a statement that might otherwise be misread as false pride. I believe it's a brilliant hack - rather than focus on all the reasons why a project can't be realized, he has convinced himself of the possibility.

【小题1】What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To list an example.B.To offer an explanation.
C.To lead to the main topic.D.To make a summary.
【小题2】What motivates Dean to continue to work hard?
A.His desire to be famous.
B.His wish to be wealthy.
C.His life goal to leave his mark on history.
D.His adventurous spirit and imagination.
【小题3】What can we learn about Dean in the interview?
A.He takes pride in his work.
B.He always believes in himself.
C.He can predict the possibility.
D.He gets prepared for his career.
【小题4】What's the title of the text?
A.How does Kasseem Dean face rejection?
B.Why doesn't Kasseem Dean want to retire?
C.How does Kasseem Dean make history?
D.What makes Kasseem Dean work hard?

Mrs. Strickland did not talk much, but she had a pleasant gift for keeping the conversation general; and when there was a pause she threw in just the right remark to set it going once more.

“Why do nice women marry dull men?”

“Because intelligent men won’t marry nice women.”

Mrs. Strickland had the gift of sympathy.

There was another thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland. She managed her surroundings with elegance. Her flat was always neat and cheerful with flowers. The meals in the little dining room were pleasant; the table looked nice; the food was well cooked. It was impossible not to see that Mrs. Strickland was an excellent housekeeper. And you felt sure that she was an admirable mother. There were photographs in the drawing room of her son and daughter. The son — his name was Robert — was a boy of sixteen at Rugby. He had his mother’s fine eyes. He looked clean, healthy, and normal.

“I don’t know that he’s very clever,” she said one day, when I was looking at the photograph, “but I know he’s good. He has a charming character.”

The daughter was fourteen. Her hair, thick and dark like her mother’s, fell over her shoulders, and she had the same kindly expression and untroubled eyes.

“They both look like you,” I said.

“Yes, I think they are more like me than their father.”

“Why have you never let me meet him?” I asked.

“Would you like to?” she smiled and her smile was really very sweet.

“You know, he’s not at all literary,” she said. “He has no interest in literature.”

“He’s on the Stock Exchange, and he’s a typical broker. I think he’d bore you to death.”

“Does he bore you?” I asked.

“You see, I happen to be his wife. I’m very fond of him.” She smiled to cover her shyness, and her eyes grew tender.

“He doesn’t pretend to be a talent. He doesn’t even make much money on the Stock Exchange. But he’s awfully good and kind.”

“I think I should like him very much.”

“I’ll ask you to dine with us quietly some time, but mind, you come at your own risk; don’t blame me if you have a very dull evening.”

【小题1】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Mrs. Strickland is a very good housekeeper.
B.Her daughter looks more like her than her husband.
C.Her son, clever or not, has a pleasant character.
D.Mrs. Strickland doesn’t love her husband because of his dullness.
【小题2】What does the sentence “I think he’d bore you to death” imply?
A.Mrs. Strickland doesn’t think her husband is a dull man.
B.It must be boring for the guest to talk with Mr. Strickland because of different interests.
C.Mrs. Strickland fears that her husband will make the guest die.
D.The guest will finally find Mr. Strickland is a humorous host.
【小题3】Which is the closest meaning to the underlined word “awfully”?
【小题4】What does the author think of Mrs. Strickland in this passage?
A.Elegant and attractive.B.Dull and unconfident.
C.Beautiful and unlucky.D.Bitter and foolish.
