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In many countries in the world, public money is mostly used for preserving Architectural heritage in different ways. In my opinion, these funds are being spent effectively by this way. Old buildings such as historical buildings should be protected and turned into wonderful places for learning and visiting so that we can gain appropriate benefits from them.

Personally speaking, using public funds for architectural heritage preservation is accurate as the society can take numerous advantages from this. First of all, these historical buildings, palaces, shrines (神殿), ... are striking evidences for past lives and buildings. For example, before cameras were invented, there was no way to show how a life of a king was during his age. However, with his castle and exhibits, researchers can build up assumptions. The second considerable benefit of preserving architectural heritage is for tourism. In my country, every year, Hue welcomes thousands of visitors to its ancient capital, which contributes greatly to the province’ s income.

Among distinct types of old buildings, I suggest preserving historical one as a studying and attraction spot. This is because, along with tourism purpose, old houses and palaces surviving throughout time, witnessing the country's important events are huge material for both students and researchers. Schools can use them for practical history lessons, which help children to learn more effectively.

To sum up, spending public money for protecting architectural heritages is a brilliant choice of most governments in the world. Besides, I think we should concern more about preserving historical buildings, turn them into visiting and learning areas in order to get the best out of them.

【小题1】What is the author's attitude to using most public money to preserve architectural heritage?
【小题2】What is the advantage of using public funds to protect architectural heritage?
A.Making money.B.Gaining inspiration.
C.Preparing for future.D.Improving the environment.
【小题3】Why do schools use historical buildings?
A.Their materials are unique.
B.Students have an urgent demand.
C.They help increase students' knowledge.
D.They do good to students' communication skills.
【小题4】What's the best title for the text?
A.Ways of Architectural Heritage Protection.
B.Architectural Heritage Is a Treasure of Society.
C.Architectural Heritage Protection -- a Wise Choice.
D.Views on Using Public Money for Architectural Heritage.
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What would you do when you find some special souvenirs that perfectly combine the rich elements of the Forbidden City and the functional creativity of daily life with funny and cute images? Buy them!

The Forbidden City has always shown its solemnity to the public over the centuries. But since it publicized its creative souvenirs for the first time in 2013, it made a big hit and attracted people's attention for not only its ancient heritage but also its various stylish cultural products.

For most travelers, bringing home something as souvenirs of a visit or as gifts to family and friends marks a meaningful end of the journey. As a result, the Forbidden City always sells cultural items that are creatively designed and present high functionality and great quality at reasonable prices.

From the window to the roof, from the emperors' clothing to the empress' jewelry, the Forbidden City explores its abundant elements to get inspiration for its cultural products, trying to make its ancient culture into people's daily life.

It is recommended to go to the row of small houses next to the east of Shenwumen, where there are Culture Products Exhibition and stores with an official permit.

Curious visitors may be interested in their top sellers, including Court Beads earphones, Qing Official Headwear umbrellas, Mini Imperial Cat fridge magnets, Dragon-Phoenix Robe protective cases for mobile phones, emperor series tapes, Qing Dynasty princess bookmarks, and more.

Online stores on T-mall and Taobao, two e-commerce platforms under the Alibaba corporation are also available for buying creative cultural products from the Palace Museum.

From varieties of souvenirs to food service, some people worry that businesses may make the Forbidden City money-centered and damage its original culture. In fact, the Palace Museum has gained benefits through cultural creativity products by making billions of dollars over the years, but all its income is used for the management of the museum and repair of relics, as well as charity work.

Although there are some arguments against too much business, you can't deny that the 600-year-old Forbidden City is becoming younger and more energetic through these museum products.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase "made a big hit" most probably mean?
A.Made money.B.Became popular.
C.Experienced failure.D.Suffered criticism.
【小题2】Which of the following is the reason why the Forbidden City sells cultural products?
A.To make money.B.To follow the tradition.
C.To satisfy tourists.D.Unknown.
【小题3】Tourists to the Forbidden City can buy souvenirs in places except ________.
A.ShenwumenB.Culture Products Exhibition
C.stores with official permissionD.T-mall and Taobao
【小题4】What's the author's attitude towards business in the Forbidden City?

Cultural traditions shape who you are. Lear n more about your traditions and how you can preserve them by means of the followings.

Share your culture art.

Each culture is carried by different forms of art. Museums often house items like clothing, music instruments, and visual artworks. However, beyond these exhibits, there exist tools crafted by ancestors, which present the traditions through generations’ wisdom. 【小题1】

Attend or organize major events.

Your country, religious organizations, or immigrant ethnic groups almost certainly celebrate major holidays or cultural festivals. 【小题2】 If there aren’t any of those in your area, you can arrange your own events.

Cook family recipes.

Find some recipes from your grandmother’s cookbook. 【小题3】 As you knead dough (揉面) or follow the right amount of spices, you might remember meals from your childhood or holidays. Cooking your family recipes can help you inherit the family tradition and make it possibly passed down.

Promote your dialects (方言).

Language shapes culture to some degree. Therefore, promoting a dialect contributes to the protection of a certain culture. 【小题4】 So if you know one of them, help to spread it. With more and more people speaking, these dialects could be successfully preserved before they go extinct.

Spend time with other members of the community.

The best way to preserve your culture is to keep it alive. 【小题5】 Many aspects of culture are difficult to learn in books and museums, including body language, and humor. But you can get to the core (核心) of the cultural experience through daily communication.

A.Participate to get a broader view of your culture.
B.Culture helps people adapt to the world around them.
C.Smell and taste have powerful connections to memory.
D.Record your family tree with the help of family members.
E.Unfortunately, thousands of dialects are at risk of extinction.
F.Gather as a group not just for holidays, but for ordinary meals or just conversation.
G.The skills involved in shaping a stone tool represent one of the earliest cultural practices.

Discoveries at the famous Sanxingdui ruins in Southwest China show that the region’s ancient Shu Kingdom Civilization shared similarities with the Maya.

The Sanxingdui ruins belonged to the Shu Kingdom that existed at least 4,800 years ago and lasted more than 2,000 years, while the Mayan civilization built its city-states around 200 AD.

The bronze-made remains of trees unearthed at the ruins of the Shu Kingdom resemble the sacred ceiba tree, which symbolized the union of heaven, earth and the underworld in the Mayan civilization. “They are very important similarities,” says Santos, a Mexican archaeologist (考古学家) stressing that “the representations of trees in both cultures provide a symbolism that is very similar”.

The findings at the Sanxingdui ruins, considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, also show a new aspect of Bronze Age culture, indicating the ancient civilization already had technologies that were thought to have been developed much later.

While the time span between the Shu kingdom and the Mayan culture is great, the findings highlight the closeness between the two civilizations. They developed in areas with comparable climates and reflected their worldview through related symbols. “In the end, man is still man, independent of time and space. What we have is that, at this latitude (纬度), both the Shu people and the Mayans looked at the same sky and had the same stars on the horizon,” the expert says.

One notable feature of the recent discoveries at Sanxingdui was the cross-subject work and technology applied by teams of Chinese archaeologists, which allowed the unearthing of artifacts as fragile as silk remains, which other types of less careful digging methods would not have been able to register.

Cooperation between Chinese and Mexican archaeologists could benefit projects in the Mayan world, where the rainy climate and humidity are problematic for the conservation of ruins.

“Every time our cultural knowledge increases, regardless of whether we speak one language or another, what it shows us is that we continue to be sister cultures and, therefore, the exchange of such knowledge is fundamental,” says Santos.

【小题1】What is a similarity between the Shu Kingdom and Maya civilization?
A.Their starting time.B.Their historical origins.
C.Their cultural symbols.D.Their ceremony traditions.
【小题2】The findings at the Sanxingdui ruins have proved that ________.
A.silk was a common clothing material then
B.some technologies were developed much earlier
C.the Bronze Age started earlier than previously assumed
D.the Shu Kingdom and the Mayan world had close contact
【小题3】What is a common challenge for the conservation of both ruins?
A.Damp weather.B.Positioning of ruins.
C.High latitude.D.Language barriers.
【小题4】What is the focus of Santos quote in the last paragraph?
A.Our cultural knowledge is increasing.
B.The benefits of speaking a different language.
C.The increasing sisterhood in culture between China and Mexico.
D.The importance of the exchange of cultural knowledge.
