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Martha had been working for Miller Laboratories for two years, but she was not happy there. Nothing significant had happened in the way of promotions or salary increases. Martha felt that her supervisor, a younger and less experienced person than she, did not like her. In fact, the supervisor often said unpleasant things to her.

One day, while talking with her friend Maria, she mentioned how discouraged she gave her the name of a cousin of hers who was director of Human Resources Department for a large chemical company. Martha called him the next day and set up an interview on her lunch hour.

During the interview, Mr. Petri said, “You’re just the kind of person we need here. You’re being wasted in your other job. Give me a call in a day or two. I’m sure we can find a place for you in our organization.” Martha was so happy she almost danced out of the building.

That afternoon, Ruth Kenny, her supervisor, saw that Martha had come in ten minutes late from her lunch hour and she said, “Oh, so you finally decided to come back to work today?”

This was the last straw. She could not take another insult. Besides, Mr. Petri was right: she was being wasted in this job.

“Look,” she said angrily, “if you don’t like the way I work, I don’t need to stay here, I’ll go where I’m appreciated! Good-bye!” She took up her things and stormed out of the office.

That night she called Maria and told her what had happened and then asked Maria, “What do you think?”

“Well,” said Maria carefully, “are you sure about the other job?”

“Well, not exactly, but…”

Maria continued, “Will you be able to get a recommendation from Ms. .Kenny if you need one?”

“A recommendation? .. .from Ms. Kenny?” hesitated Martha, in a worried tone.

“Martha I hope you didn’t burn your bridges,” Maria said. “I think I would have handled it differently.”

【小题1】Martha is unhappy in her job because ________.
A.she has not advancedB.the work is not significant
C.her supervisor is younger than sheD.there is too much work with little payment
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.At her supervisor’s criticism, Martha lost her temper.
B.Mr. Petri felt Martha was not valued in her present job.
C.Martha’s interview with the director was on her lunch hour.
D.Martha got the name of the director through her cousin.
【小题3】What does Maria think of Martha’s decision?
A.Martha has handled the matter properly.
B.Martha shouldn’t have set the bridge on fire.
C.Martha should have found a new job before leaving.
D.Martha shouldn’t have lost her temper with her supervisor.
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Winslow Homer was a famous American painter. Since Art History class in college, I had always admired his works and I was lucky to see a large exhibition of his works when I was in my early 30s. It was at this event that I bought a print of his painting. “Snap the Whip.” I had it framed and until I retired from teaching it always hung in my classroom

I thought it truly captured(捕捉) the freedom and fun of childhood. In the painting, a group of young boys are playing a game arm in arm on grass ground in front of a farm house. They are jumping and laughing wildly with great joy. One of the boys is falling down to the ground. They are not even wearing shoes!

During my last year of teaching, there was a young woman in her first year of teaching right next door to me and we got to be good friends. She had been an art student before taking up education. Her eyes were drawn immediately to this print when she entered my room. So on my last day of teaching, after the students had left, I took the painting off the wall and walked next door and gave it to her.

She was really surprised, but very pleased to have it. I was pleased that she liked it and all the students she would have would treasure(珍爱) it as much as I had. We found the perfect place for it on one of her walls and hung it together. Thank you for bring back this wonderful memory for me.

【小题1】What is the topic of the painting?
A.Homeless children.B.The nature of children.
C.Hard-working farmers.D.The pleasure of working.
【小题2】Why did the author give away his favorite picture to the woman?
A.She was his student.
B.She was very fond of it.
C.She needed it in her teaching.
D.She would pass it to his students.
【小题3】How did the author feel after seeing the painting hanging in the woman’s room?

It is 6:00a.m.on the first day of the school year. In Chery brook Technology High School, mathematics teacher Eddie Woo is already at work.

One of the first things before the first bell rings is to set up his tripod(三脚架)and iPad in the middle of the classroom. “I’m Mr. Woo. I record my lessons. I record all of them. In fact, I’m about to record this one,” he explains to his new maths class.

He started posting videos online in 2012 for a student who was sick with cancer and missing a lot of school, so he started sharing them across the country and beyond. Wootube now has more than 38,000 subscribes(用户) and has attracted almost 4 million views worldwide.

Cherybrook Technology High School principal(校长) Gary Johnson said Mr. Woo was helping maths teachers in Australia and making maths popular again. “He has an ability to simplify(简化) maths to a level where kids can really understand it.” Mr. Johnson said.

12-year-old student Emily Shakespear said Mr. Woo’s teaching style made maths easy and interesting. “I don’t want to say it, but he sucked me into maths,” she said. Owen Potter, who attends high school in Cobar. agreed. “It’s difficult to understand how someone in Sydney can influence thousands of people across the whole country,” he said.

Mr. Woo won the 2017 University of Sydney Young Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement, and he was one of 12 Australian teachers honored at the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.

【小题1】Eddie Woo set up an iPadin the middle of the classroom with the purpose of ________.
A.listening to musicB.playing a video
C.recording his classD.showing pictures
【小题2】What can we infer from the statistics(数据)in the third paragraph?
A.Mr. Woo’s teaching videos online are very popular.
B.Mr. Woo had made a lot of money by selling videos.
C.Mr. Woo posted videos online helping many adults.
D.Mr. Woo created his Wootube in 2012 in Sydney.
【小题3】According to Gary Johnson, Mr. Woo’s maths lessons are ________.
A.difficult to followB.easy to understand
C.simple to handleD.challenging to learn
【小题4】What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Mr. Woo is the most well-known maths teacher in Australia.
B.Mr. Woo graduated from the University of Sydney with honors.
C.Mr. Woo won the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.
D.Mr. Woo’s contributions to teaching have been recognized.

When I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). Week by week her list grew: I was very thin, I wasn’t a good student, I talked too much, I was too proud, and so on. I tried to bear all this as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.

He listened to me quietly, then he asked. “Are the things she says true or not? Janet, didn’t you ever wonder what you’re really like ? Well, you now have that girl’s opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.”

I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t change (like being very thin), but a good number I could—and suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I go to fairly clear picture of myself.

I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it.“That’s just for you,” he said.“You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears in anger and feeling hurt. When something said about you is true, you’ll find it will be of help to you. Our world is full of people who think they know your duty. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do.”

Daddy’s advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, I’ve never had a better piece of advice.

【小题1】What did the father do after he had heard his daughter’s complaint?
A.He told her not to pay any attention to what her“enemy” had said.
B.He criticized (批评) her and told her to overcome her shortcomings.
C.He told her to write down all that her“enemy” had said about her and pay attention only to
the things that were true.
D.He refused to take the list and have a look at it.
【小题2】What does “Week by week her list grew” mean?
A.Week by week she discovered more shortcomings of mine and pointed them out to me.
B.She had made a list of my shortcomings and she kept on adding new ones to it so that it was growing longer and longer.
C.I was having more and more shortcomings as time went on.
D.Week by week, my shortcomings grew more serious.
【小题3】Why did her father listen to her quietly?
A.Because he believed that what her daughter’s “enemy” said was mostly true.
B.Because he had been so angry with his daughter’s shortcomings that he wanted to show this by keeping silent for a while.
C.Because he knew that his daughter would not listen to him at that moment.
D.Because he wasn’t quite sure which girl was telling the truth.
【小题4】Which do you think would be the best title for this passage?
A.Not an Enemy, but the Best Friend
B.The Best Advice I’ve Ever Had
C.My Father
D.My Childhood
