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I will always appreciate my father and his faith.

As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but notice their calluses(老茧)and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a ______, including all his struggles.

One ______, I remember, a drought (旱灾)hit Ontario, turning it into a burning desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last ______ from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which ______ took twenty minutes. That morning, however, the process didn’t go quickly. After forty minutes of ______walking in the field, we ______ needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated and angry. ______ the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves!” Dad laughed. “Just think, my little girl, only ______ dozen left for each of ______ and then we’re done.” Such is Dad----whatever problem he ______, he never gives up.______, the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our county. It was a challenging time for everyone, ______ Dad remained optimistic. He ______ to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plate. Only then did I truly begin to ______ Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.

Dad is also a living example of real ______. From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to ______ our family. He always puts our happiness ______ his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games ______ his exhaustion(疲劳) after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and ______ others first.

Dad,the life ______ I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.

A.brings upB.meets withC.works outD.thinks about
A.in terms ofB.in control ofC.in spite ofD.in place of
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Sending My Boy College

On the plane, Matthew chooses to sit with Sheryl. Then he puts on the headphones, and not a word is _________ for most of the flight. I've taken a break from reading and am staring at my boy. The light from his window is cutting across his face, highlighting his cheekbones and strong jawline, making him look handsome and grown-up. I remember the first time I laid eyes on him in the _________ room. I remember what I whispered to him when his eyes opened for the first time: "Hello. I'm your daddy. I will always be there for you."

After we land, we drive onto the historic and grand campus with the car packed with Matthew's _________. Soon we unload in front of the dorm. Matthew and I leave Sheryl to handle cleanings in his room while I will handle other issues: purchasing a bicycle and discovering where to store it. I am surprised at how little we say to each other and how good that feels. I think it's a result of years spent in each other's _________. Not just dinner or good-nights: it was time coaching his teams. being in the water surfing, standing up to anyone who ever thought about treating him badly.

That evening. even though his room is ready. he says. "Dad. I think I'll stay with you and Mom tonight. "I catch Sheyl's eyes: they are _________. The next morning, after all the freshmen file out of the hall after meeting. Matthew shows his first signs of _________. The president's speech was an ode (颂歌) to them:" the most accomplished" class ever accepted in "the most competitive year" in the school's history. It look this elegant ceremony among a sea of _________ for Mathew to realize the coming pressure. "Dad. what if it's too hard for me here?" he asks me.

"You came from a tough academic school with great grades. You make it happen. This won't be any different. This school _________ you because they know you can succeed."

None of the other kids look scared. "he says. For the first time I can remember since he was a baby, I can see his eyes are welling up. I want to _________ out and hug him. but I don't. Instead I look him in the eve. "Never compare your insides to some else's outsides."

He nods and turns away, "I think I might take a nap."

"Sure, I'll wake you in a while." He curls up in a ball, like he used to. I unfold a blanket, __________him, and tuck it underneath.


My parents announced I was getting my own room. I was wild with _____, because my sister was not great at sharing. _____, my new bedroom was down in the partly unfinished basement (地下室), usually a _____ place for a five-year-old. Because of that, I _____for a while—until I found my great-grandmothers bedroom next to mine. But even so, I was still _____of sleeping in that big, old, terrible basement.

My grandmother _____ completely and started letting me crawl(爬)in bed with her. It _____ well for both of us for a while. But when my parents found out, they were _____ , saying if I continued to do that, I would never be able to make it alone.

Of course, I screamed and cried but _____ . I was forced back. Struggling through several nights, I suddenly hit upon a(n) _____ . When I was sure my grandma was asleep, I got up and _____ as quietly as I could into her bedroom. It seemed like only minutes had passed when I was suddenly being shaken awake. Get back to your room before your parents get up, just to save us some _____ she said softly. I ran back. My door was opened and then shut again. It _____!

After that the_____    repeated every night. Thanks to my grandma, I never had to sleep by myself, but I still had the _____ of my own room.

A.went onB.kept upC.came upD.moved on
A.on purposeB.at lengthC.in turnD.without success

What makes a home? Love, sympathy and confidence. It is a place where love exists among all the members of the family. The parents take good care of their children, _________   the children are curious about the activities of their parents. Thus, all of them are _________ together by love, and they find their home the _________ place in the world.

But for me, sometimes I can’t feel the love from my father and can’t feel the _________of the home. _________ often happen between us.

“BANG!” the door caused a protest (抗议). “Never _________ this house again!” shouted father.

With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the house and ran along the street. A young father who held a child in his arm walked _________ me. I felt as if I saw my _________ from another space: happy and harmonious.

But then I didn’t know _________ it was because I had grown up or because Dad was getting __________. We were just like two people coming from two different worlds. It felt like there was an iron __________ between us that could never be opened.

I wandered the streets __________ a destination in my mind. My heart was__________ on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were fewer and fewer people in the streets, until I had only streets to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still __________. I thought to myself, “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?” After a long hesitation, I opened the door and instantly tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had __________ between us did not exist at all because love is second to none.

A.put heart inB.set foot inC.bury head inD.take interest in
