语法填空-单句语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷278
(1) (2018·江西赣州一中冲刺压轴试卷)Dr. Ge Yun operates __________ people with all types of birth defects.
(2) (2018·陕西省榆林市第二中学第七次模拟)Robot groups are already __________ use. The online store Amazon uses robots to move items in its huge storage buildings.
(3) (2018·湖南湘潭市高三下三模)The survey shows that roughly three-quarters of the 86 tree species surveyed have shifted their population centers westward __________ 1980.
(4) (2018·黑龙江模拟(九))All in all, we students should behave ourselves and keep away __________ violence.
(5) (2018·四川双流中学一模拟)The term “parkour” was first introduced by David Belle and Sebastiar Foucan in the early 1980s. __________ that time, they were two teenagers.
(6)(2018·重庆江津中学诊断测试)There was once a beautiful girl who hated herself because she was blind. She also hated everyone else __________ her boyfriend.
(7) (2018·湖南长沙长郡中学最后一卷)The movie also served __________ a springboard for Chinese tourism to Thailand.
(8)(2018·河南省实验中学高考英语模拟)I was a member __________ bird conservation organization at the time, so we often took care of injured birds.
(9) (2016·张家口蔚县一中期末)There I would watch the bamboo trees bend __________ the pressure from the wind.
(10)(2016·山东师大附中高三二模)She said her name was Miss Bai She and kindly offered to show me __________ the city.
(11)(2016·福建漳州高三一模)There was a note __________ his teacher informing that my son was invited to attend the competition but the parents were expected to pay for their children.
(12)(2018·江西省新余市届高三二模)During the eighteenth century, it was usual for several neighboring towns to get together to select a faraway spot __________ a dump site(垃圾场).
(13)(2017·湖北枝江市第二高级中学高三下模拟)In addition __________ many awards Damon has received, including Academy Awards and Golden Globe Awards, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2007 for his work in the film industry.
(14)(2018·河北邢台高三上期末)__________ this particular occasion, the moon will appear 7 percent larger and 16 percent brighter than usual.
(15)(2018·山东菏泽市九校高三上期末联考)There will always be someone who will stop you in the street, asking for directions __________ the nearest ATM.
(16) (2018·安徽六安一中高三适应考试)The “new four great inventions” are all related __________ China’s high-tech innovation (创新), which has improved the people’s living standard.
(17)(2018·东北师大附中高三四模)Northerners tend to eat more meat and dairy for the purpose __________ fighting against the cold weather.
(18) (2018·江西临川一中高三模拟)You are not wearing your seat belt, so you can slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds __________ a lot of fun.
(19) (2018·河南信阳高中高考模拟二) Caring for an elderly parent can take great efforts emotionally and physically, and the financial challenges can sometimes seem __________ our ability.
(20)(2018·云南省曲靖一中高考复习五)The music of Beijing opera can be divided __________ the Xipi and Erhuang styles.
(21) (2018·南昌二中高三三轮第二次模拟)On top of that, the system can help cut the time needed to check class attendance __________ only a few seconds.
(22)(2018·石家庄市第二中学高三最后一卷)Do you want to keep up __________ the latest research and discoveries in science?
(23)(2018·安徽A10联盟最后一卷)One day, however, Han skipped the housework and joined some friends __________ a “game” of throwing rocks at passing cars.
(24) (2018·吉林省实验中学高三第10次月考)The national railway operator said it will adjust bullet train ticket prices on six railway lines according __________ passenger numbers.
(25)(2016·广东惠州高三调研)Another conflict started __________ him and me, but this time it was about color of the object.
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【小题1】Most of us are more focused________our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.
【小题2】In India,for example,most people traditionally eat________their hands.
【小题3】The study suggests that the cultures we grow up________influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us.
【小题4】Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she give voice________her opinion on the subject.
【小题5】I hate it when she calls me at work — I’m always too busy to carry________a conversation with her.
【小题6】I’m going to________advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.
【小题7】When their children lived far away from them,these old people felt cut________from the world.
【小题8】That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help.________short,he’s reliable.
【小题9】Many businesses started up by college students have taken________thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.
【小题10】Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but________Thomas Edison.
【小题11】Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 ℃________the average.
【小题12】Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes________animals both on land and sea?
【小题13】A common memory they all have________their school days is the school uniform.
【小题14】Unfortunately,________the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.
【小题15】Tony saw a toy________a shop window.
【小题16】When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day ________the same time,they warm up again for the night.
【小题17】They believe that there are transport developments________the corner that will bring a lot of changes for the better.
【小题18】Most people work because it’s unavoidable.________contrast,there are some people who actually enjoy work.
【小题19】These comments came________response to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.
【小题20】The little pupil took his grandma________the arm and walked her across the street.
【小题21】This meeting room is a non-smoking area.I would like to warn you________advance that if you smoked here you would be fined.
【小题22】Peter will take________his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.
【小题23】The whole team count________Cristiano Ronaldo,and he seldom lets them down.
【小题24】Tom had to turn________the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.
【小题25】There is no doubt that this candidate’s advantage lies________his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.
【小题26】Body language can give________a lot about your mood,so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.
【小题27】It is said that body language accounts________55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.
【小题28】People won’t pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying________expression.
【小题29】It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life________his great wealth.
【小题30】The Scottish girl________blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.
【小题31】What we expect from you is working hard rather________hardly working.
【小题32】That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help.________short,he’s reliable.
【小题33】Check carrots,potatoes,onions and any other vegetables________store and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting.
【小题34】________addition to the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.
【小题35】Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.________the other hand,it could just put you in debt.
【小题36】Our club is open to everyone regardless________age,sex or educational background.
【小题37】Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay________shape.
【小题38】How could you turn________such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months?
【小题39】I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network; I can’t seem to get________
【小题40】Is this your necklace,Mary? I came________it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.
【小题41】Terry,please look up________your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you.
【小题42】When the sports hero turned________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms.
【小题43】As a grassroots singer,she reads everything she can get hold________concerning music,and takes every opportunity to improve herself.
【小题44】The two countries are going to meet to break________some barriers to trade between them.
【小题45】—Dad, I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.
—I see.I’ll go right away and pay him________
【小题46】It was a real race________time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it.
【小题47】A serious study of physics is impossible________some knowledge of mathematics.
【小题48】The Smiths are praised________the way they bring up their children.
【小题49】Before you pay a visit to a place of interest,look in your local library________a book about it.
【小题50】An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered________chance a long lost antique Greek vase.
【小题51】Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always________the way whenever she tries to.
【小题52】________behalf of everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.
【小题53】It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner.________the meanwhile,I’ll set the table.
【小题54】I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you.________regard to the party on July 1st,I shall be pleased to attend.
【小题55】The manager wants to see changes in the company,and I am sure he will________time.
【小题56】Team leaders must ensure that all members get________their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.
【小题57】At the last moment,Tom decided to put________a new character to make the story seem more likely.
【小题58】Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set________on their life journey.
【小题59】Butterflies feed________a sweet liquid produced by flowers,which bees and other insects collect.
【小题60】Mother always complains that children wear________their shoes very quickly.
