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Tests can be stressful even for the best students. 【小题1】 Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to make your stress much more manageable.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting 6 hours of sleep or less can put you into what's called a sleep deficit(不足),which makes you less sharp mentally and prevents you from performing properly on tests. 【小题2】 This way, you needn't stay up for the test and can get a good night of sleep before your big day.

Study Smarter

【小题3】 Make a list of the most important things you need to learn and hit the items at the top of the list first. This will ensure they're mostly covered if you run out of time. Make a list of all the work you have to do, estimate how long each item will take, and compare that with the amount of hours you have available. This will tell you if you can carefully read or just skim, how many times you can afford to revise the papers.


A proven way to build your confidence is to visualize yourself taking the tests and doing wonderfully. Visualization can not only help you perform better in the tests but can help you remember facts. You can create detailed situations that involve the information you're trying to remember.  【小题4】

Stay Calm

There're several techniques that can help you calm down quickly.【小题5】 Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for a while and then let it out slowly. Your stress will come out with your exhales(呼气).

A.Be organized with your studies.
B.Extra time on tests can bring success to students.
C.Test anxiety has a negative impact on your performance.
D.In this process you can strengthen the facts in your memory.
E.Breathing exercises can be extremely effective in helping you relax.
F.So it's very important to get all your studying done before your exam.
G.There are options for easing stress and potentially improving test performance.
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Building Trust in a Relationship Again

Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences.【小题1】Trust is a risk. But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.

Unfortunately, we’ve all been victims of betrayal. Whether we’ve been stolen from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore.【小题2】It’s understandable, but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship again, what can you do?【小题3】

●Learn to really trust yourself. Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.

【小题4】If you’ve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a "victim mentality". At some point in all of our lives, we’ll have our trust tested or violated.

● You didn’t lose "everything". Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.【小题5】 Instead, it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.

A.It is putting confidence in someone.
B.Believe in yourself.
C.Here are some tips for you.
D.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.
E.They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again.
F.Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened
G.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.


Goals are the guides all through our life. We all have goals that we are moving towards and making a great effort to achieve. This is a good thing. Or can it be bad? How many of us never reach our goals and yet we have tried so hard and really thought about nothing else? I believe the mistake most of us make is that we do not focus on our present situation.

Let me explain. Most of us see our present situation as a stepping stone that we use simply as a means of reaching our final destination. We don’t take time to truly appreciate where we are today and all the great things we already have in our lives. We should focus our attention on the journey and not on the destination, or we will miss the beautiful scenery along the way.

Let’s use our job as an example. Now most of us want a promotion. We have plans to become the manager or general manager in our companies. Unfortunately, most of us will never reach the goal, but will watch others achieve our goal instead.

What we should be doing is focusing on the job we are currently in now. Forget where we want to get to and just focus on the present. You see, what we can control is our performance in our current job. We can decide to be the best we possibly can in our current job. Now this may mean further education to have the skills we currently do not have. It may mean working harder to produce better results than our colleagues. It could simply be a change of attitude, such as stopping complaining and becoming a more devoted and supportive employee. By doing our current job to the best of our abilities, we in fact give ourselves the best chance of promotion.

So the best thing for all of us to do to achieve our goals is to just focus on what we have and where we are now. Do the best and be the best we possibly can in our current situations, and we will give ourselves the very best chance of reaching our goals in the future. We have heard the old sayings and they are true: “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”, “Patience is a virtue”, and so on.

Have patience, have appreciation of what we already have, and take time to help ourselves be the very best we can. Do these things and we will all reach our goals, but more importantly, we will enjoy our life every day.

Title Focus on the present
【小题1】To reach our goals, we should focus on what we have and where we are now.
◆We do not focus on our present situations.
◆Most of us see our present situations as a stepping stone to our destination.
◆We do not spend the time truly 【小题3】 where we are today and what we already have in our lives.

Example—our job
◆Forget the thought of getting 【小题4】. What we should do is 【小题5】our best to do our current job.
◆To be the best in our current job, we should get further education, work harder than 【小题6】, stop complaining and 【小题7】 ourselves to our job.


If we are 【小题9】, grateful for what we have, and take time to help ourselves be the very best we can, we can not only【小题10】in the future, but also enjoy our life every day.

Top Tips for Efficient E-mail Management

For many of us, email is an extremely important means of communication in business. 【小题1】. It allows us to do our jobs from almost anywhere. However, when used improperly, email can do harm to productivity. Here are some tips to better manage your email.

Set fixed email times

Don’t leave your email program open all day. Instead, schedule specific time throughout the day to check your email. 【小题2】. The amount of time it takes to check email and respond depends on how frequently you check messages and how many you typically receive.

Take immediate action

Quick decisions and immediate action will help you keep your email inbox (收件箱) under control. The point is not to delay until tomorrow what can be carried out immediately. Don’t let important emails sit in your inbox for days. If you can’t respond immediately, let the sender know you received the message and will be in touch shortly. 【小题3】.

Manage additional mailboxes

【小题4】? Many people manage various other mailboxes, especially assistants. Approximately 75 percent of assistants manage two or more of their managers’ inboxes in addition to their own. The key to effectively managing another person’s inbox is to discuss their expectations. The key here is to build routines, establish trust and also get permission.


Newsletters and advertising emails can occupy your inbox and hide important messages. Therefore, be sure to clean up the mess. Unsubscribe (取消订阅) from receiving messages from specific senders if you no longer want to receive their advertising emails or have time to read them. To make the unsubscribe process quick and painless, search your inbox for the term “unsubscribe”.

A.It’s convenient and fast
B.Turn off unwanted emails
C.Organize with certain categories
D.Why do emails keep coming in
E.How many inboxes do you manage
F.If you’re not on vacation, respond within 48 hours
G.For example, you can mark your calendar to do this
