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There are five units in Book4. From Unit1, I know that both Jane Goodall and Lin Qiaozhi are great women of achievement. It’s worthwhile 【小题1】(learn) their spirit. When it comes to Yuan Longping, I have known him since I was in primary school. His hobbies are 【小题2】 (play) mah-jong, swimming and reading. Thanks 【小题3】 his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger. From unit3 I can know Charlie Chaplin better. He is really a master of nonverbal humor. His famous character, the little champ, always walked around stiffly 【小题4】 (carry) a walking stick. He was the first person 【小题5】 (act) the mine. 【小题6】 (fortunate), he has passed away(去世). From Unit1 to Unit3 I know that great people are always leading 【小题7】 busy life. The topic in Unit4 is about body language. If we don’t understand the cultural 【小题8】(difference) between different cultures, there will be many misunderstandings. 【小题9】 general, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads. Among the five units, I like unit5 most, from 【小题10】 I know a number of theme parks. I dream of having a chance to visit all of them in the future.

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