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Everyone experiences tiredness at work sometimes. At some point (usually around 2:00 pm), you find yourself ready for a nap (打盹). Your energy changes naturally throughout the day. Productivity expert Chris Bailey examined this motivation, focus and energy levels for 21 days and found that all three tend to spike between 7:00 and 8:00 am, 11:00 and 12:00pm, and 6:00 and 7:00 pm. In addition to all those highs, he also noticed time when focus, energy, and motivation were nowhere to be found. Chris was tired at work.

Your peak time productivity time may be different from Mr. Bailey’s, but the overall shape of your energetic graph would still look like a series of zigzags (锯齿). The amount of sleep you have, the food you eat, and how you exercise are a few of the factors that cause rises and falls in your energy level.

We can fill up on coffee and sugar as much as we want, but we are fighting a natural downturn in energy when we do this. Your tiredness may seem like an inconvenience, but it’s really your body tell you that it needs rest.

Our bodies operate on a natural clock called circadian rhythm(生理节律). This sleep/wake cycle is perfectly adapted to give us enough sleep over the course of a 24-hour period. Natural light is the primary means that your body uses to assess whether or not you should be asleep.

Therefore, circadian rhythms do not agree with the average 9-5 job. Irregular sleep schedules, the light from electronic devices, and natural light exposure for a long time can also affect the cycle. This is why people working the graveyard shift have an increased risk for developing health problems. They must remain awake when their body tells them it’s time for bed, and their sleep constantly disrupted when they try to stay awake on days off.

【小题1】Which of the factors does not contribute to the differences of the peak of productivity time according to the author?
【小题2】Why do people fail to work energetically for eight hours according to the author?
A.Because our body assesses our needs for sleep according to natural light.
B.Because the light from electronic devices stops them from concentrating on their jobs.
C.Because most people choose to stay up late at night for recreational activities.
D.Because of the stress from their jobs and busy schedule that they can not cope with.
【小题3】Who is likely to develop sleeping problems according to the passage?
A.A manager who needs to travel a lot.
B.An athlete who trains hard for champions.
C.A guard who has to work in a museum at night.
D.A bus driver who drives from 6 am. to 1 pm.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.The reasons for sleeping problems.
B.People have downturns when they work for natural causes.
C.How people can fight against the low energy levels when they work.
D.How to develop healthy sleeping habits.
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My House

My mother moved a lot when she was growing up on account of Grandpa being in the army. She hated having to adjust to new schools and make new friends. That’s why I thought she was joking when she put forward the idea of moving. But she was completely serious. “For just the two of us,” my mother said, “an apartment in the city will suit our needs much better.” Personally, I think she’s lost her mind. I guess I can understand why she would want to move, but what about me and what this house means to me?

I suppose if you looked at my house, you might think it was just another country house. But to me it is anything but standard. I moved into this house with my parents ten years ago. I can still remember that first day like it was yesterday. The first thing I noticed was the big front yard. To me it seemed like an ocean of grass — I couldn’t wait to dive in. The backyard was full of gnarled (扭曲的,粗糙的) and scary trees that talk on windy nights. But I grew to like them and the shadows they cast in my room. My father and I even built a small treehouse, where I often go to remember all the wonderful times we had before my father’s death.

This house is special — maybe only to me — but special nevertheless. It’s the little seemingly insignificant things that make this house so special to me: the ice-cold tile floors that make me tremble on midnight; the smell of my father’s pipe that still exists: the towering bookcases of my mother; the view outside my bedroom window.

This house holds too many memories, memories which would be lost if we gave it up.

【小题1】Why did the author’s mother decide to move?
A.Because she hated the countryside.
B.Because Grandpa was on constant move.
C.Because Dad’s death made her lose her mind.
D.Because she thought a city flat more fit for them.
【小题2】What impressed the author when she first moved into the house?
A.The treehouse.B.The green grass.C.The big trees.D.The cold floors.
【小题3】How did the author let us feel that the house was special to her?
A.By arguing whether the house was standard.
B.By explaining why the house suited their needs.
C.By describing the small things related to her house.
D.By comparing the differences between country and city life.

Humans are emotional beings, showing feelings in our behavior and facial expressions. But whether these mean the same thing in different cultures has been hotly debated. Now a new study has found that in different social contexts, such as weddings, funerals and sports, people indeed show universal facial expressions.

For the new study, Alan Cowen’s team used a machine learning model, Deep Neural Network (DNN), to systematically analyze facial expressions in thousands of different contexts. These contexts come from more than six million videos uploaded to You Tube between July 2009 and May 2018 by people in 144 countries.

Facial expressions were rated by English speakers in India by selecting applicable emotions from a list of 31 labels, resulting in a total of 16 distinct facial expressions. Meanwhile, contexts were classified in a separate experiment. The results showed that people from different cultures share about 70% of the facial expressions used in response to different social and emotional situations.

“This supports Darwin’s theory that expressing emotions in our faces is universal among humans,” the study co-lead author Dacher Keltner said. “The physical display of our emotions may define who we are as a species, enhancing our communication and cooperation skills and ensuring our survival.”

However, Lisa Barrett, from the Northeastern University College of Science notes that the English speakers in India were given the emotional word ratings rather than labeling the expressions themselves. They used emotion labels such as “anger”, “fear” and “sadness” instead of descriptive terms, thereby inferring the emotions behind the expressions.

She further comments that the raters (评定者) saw the faces in contexts which can’t necessarily be separated from the emotions themselves, and that the key point is that the raters are from just one country. “The ultimate value of Cowen and his colleagues’ study might lie not in the answers it provides,” she concludes, “but in the opportunity for further discovery that it opens up.”

【小题1】What can we learn from the text?
A.The study is opposite to Darwin’s theory.
B.People in different cultures show similar facial expressions.
C.The team conducted the study by downloading facial expressions.
D.Facial expressions and contexts were classified in the same experiment.
【小题2】How did Alan Cowen’s team conduct the study?
A.By using a learning machine.
B.By uploading videos to YouTube.
C.By analyzing facial expressions.
D.By using emotion labels.
【小题3】What can we infer from Dacher Keltner’s words?
A.Social success is dependent on facial expressions.
B.Facial expressions have constantly changed over time.
C.Social skills reflect the ability of one’s expression management.
D.Facial expressions play a vital role in humans’ development.
【小题4】What is Lisa Barrett’s attitude towards the study?

There a few key tips will help you effectively present your work and your ideas in the professional world.


Probably the most important aspect of a presentation is what you do in advance. Preparation is vital in organizing your thoughts and ideas into a whole that makes sense to your audience. Plus, knowing the material backwards and forwards means that you can be quicker and more accurate in answering questions and will allow you to ad-lib (随口说出) or go off script( 脚本;手迹)in a personal and confident manner.

Practice with a friend

Along with the preparation for the presentation itself, it’s important to practice what you’re going to say ahead of time, preferably with another person who could give you feedback. Practicing in front of somebody else, instead of just a mirror, will allow you to get an objective perspective on your performance, while also giving you a bit of an audience to work with. 【小题2】.

Breathe and relax

During the actual presentation, it is important to remember to breathe and relax. This can be hard to remember when you’re in the midst of what you’re doing in front of an audience, but breathing will automatically slow you down and relax you duringIt. 【小题3】. I would advise a couple of deep breaths before starting a new slide point, just to keep your timing right.

Control your body language

【小题4】. When giving a presentation, just as important as what you’re saying is how you say it. Project confidence by looking out at people in the eyes and directing your presentation to the audience instead of behind them. It can also be a helpful tip to have open and inviting body language which can create a connection with the people you’re presenting to. 【小题5】.

A.Organize your thoughts
B.For instance, a few hand gestures are of great help
C.Prepare properly
D.The most important thing is to have fun and try to show you are listening
E.Find someone who is patient enough to sit through your talk, and comfortably supporting you, but also giving constructive criticism
F.Breaths can also effectively act as pauses in the presentation and give you a chance to gather your thoughts
G.Researchers say that the majority of communication is non-verbal, and I tend to   agree
