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Do you want to be a charming person? Here are some tips.

Charming people make their body language open. They smile, laugh, and maintain eye contact while talking with others. Of course, you mustn’t overdo this. The moment someone senses that you are forcing yourself to smile, or laughing too enthusiastically at a weak joke, they will dismiss you as false. You should also work on your voice. Avoid flat vowels. Whenever you get the chance, chant (吟诵) your vowels out loud, making them as smooth and polished as you can. More generally, keep your voice calm, soft, and clear.

Charming people automatically (自动地) look for the best in everyone they meet and will usually find something good to say about them. Running other people down behind their back is an ugly and charmless trait (品质). Charming people want everyone to be happy and have a good time. Of course, this does not mean they like everyone, but their basic approach is tolerant.

This goodwill is often rooted in a broad mind and a real curiosity about others. Such curiosity needs to be distinguished from nosiness, however. Nosy people are looking for gossip (闲话). They have no real interest in others. They just want to hear about others’ failures because such information makes them feel better about their own life. Charming people think differently. If someone tells them they have just returned from a vacation in Iceland, for example, they do not assume the other person is showing off or trying to outdo them. Instead, they smile, nod and ask what they thought. And their questions will be thoughtful. Rather than just asking how much it cost or what the food was like in a bored tone, charming people will ask whether they chose to go there because they are interested in Viking history, for example.

Few traits are more loveable or more charming than self-effacement (谦逊). Charming people are realistic about their limitations. They don’t loathe (厌恶) themselves and neither do they think they are special. They simply recognize themselves for what they are. And when they run themselves down, they do so with a smile and a laugh, drawing you into sharing the joke. If they fell over during a job interview, or dropped their notes midway through a speech, they would say “oh God, I made such a fool of myself today”, shake their head, laugh and then tell you what happened.

Qualities of Charming People
Voice and body language● Charming people can give others a feeling that they are【小题1】by using their body language wisely and properly.
● Charming people are able to【小题2】themselves calmly, softly and clearly.
【小题3】● Charming people tend to think【小题4】of other people.
● Charming people want to【小题5】everyone even though they dislike him / her.
Curiosity and【小题6】of mind● Charming people’s【小题7】tends to be on others’ good things.
● Charming people also think differently. For example, they will ask questions that are more【小题8】.
Self-acceptance● Charming people can view themselves【小题9】.
● They can treat their failure optimistically and【小题10】.
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High school life, especially in the senior year, is a rollercoaster of emotions filled with challenges and pressures. The constant demand for academic excellence, combined with the expections of college applications, and managing extracurricular (课外的) activities can lead even the best students to feel the weight of stress. However, it’s not only possible but essential to find moments of joy and strategies to reduce the pressure efficiently.

Understanding the nature of stress is the primary step. Stress isn’t just a state of mental unrest; it’s a physiological response. 【小题1】 The body notices any form of demand, challenge, or threat and reacts by preparing for a “fight-or-flight” response. This is an ancient survival process that equips us to deal with threats, whether they’re a challenging exam or a physical danger.

Interestingly, not all stress is harmful. We often overlook the distinction of different stress. Acute (急性的) stress, in contrast to the chronic (长期的), can act as a force. 【小题2】 It pushes us to our limits, motivates us to meet deadlines, and often results in that rewarding feeling of accomplishment.

However, long exposure to stress leads to chronic stress. This kind of stress, if left unchecked, can cause various health issues ranging from mental health problems like anxiety and depression to physical ailments like high blood pressure and even heart diseases.

To reduce the effects of stress, mindfulness and meditation have proven effective. Even on a busy day, sparing just a few moments to focus on one’s breathing or practicing guided meditation can significantly reduce stress levels. 【小题3】 These practices help in grounding an individual, bringing a momentary escape from the chaos (混乱).

Pursuing hobbies or activities that one is passionate about can also be a good way. Whether it’s painting, reading, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in sports, these activities not only divert the mind but also release endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters.

Another aspect is communication. 【小题4】 Sharing burdens, discussing worries, or just talking about one’s day can offer a fresh perspective and often lightens the load. Schools offer services, and there are numerous helplines available to assist students in distress.

So, with the weight of expectations, deadlines, and too many responsibilities, remember to prioritize mental well-being. 【小题5】 Every individual deserves moments of relaxation and happiness.

A.When channeled correctly, stress can be our friend.
B.This response is a swift, automatic sequence designed for survival.
C.Prioritizing self-care isn’t a luxury (奢侈品); it’s a necessity.
D.Every challenge, it approached with a positive mindset, can be an opportunity for growth.
E.Seeding external help or just talking to a friend can be incredibly therapeutic.
F.They attach us to the present, clearing the mental disorder and lifting the spirit.
G.These parts often provide processes adjusted to individual needs.
Welcome every morning with a smile. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.
Starting the day right can give good momentum (动力) for the rest of the day. Having a power morning is a key factor for a fruitful day. Here are some tips on getting the most out of the morning.
Wake up early. In theory, there’s no difference in waking up early or late as long as you get the proper amount of sleep. However, there is a psychological advantage when you wake up earlier than the average person and then you’ll have more time to do preparation before engaging in the real world.
Exercise. Good health is always a benefit with exercise, but studies have also shown that morning exercise helps you to sleep better at nights.
Eat breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. According to the Mayo Clinic, we should choose three from the following four: fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein. Did you know that you can actually gain weight when you skip breakfast?
Take a shower. When you shower, do you do it in the morning or at night? I used to shower in the evenings, but I found that morning showers helped me to be more alert.
Prioritize (优先) your To-Do list. Leo____ the acronym MIT to mean “most important tasks.” Our to-do list might be never ending, but put on top of the list a couple of urgent tasks that will define the day to be a successful one.
Check your emails. Only once. Getting a lot of emails can be very distractive. You actually are more productive when you check them only a few times at fixed time of the day. I only do them 2-3 times a day—once in the morning, once at lunch, and one more as it gets toward the end of the day.
【小题1】The purpose for the author to write this passage is to       .
A.tell you to get up early every day
B.offer you the best way to start the day
C.give you advice about how to arrange a day
D.advise you to prioritize your to-do list every morning
【小题2】If you don’t have breakfast, you may       .
A.lose weight.B.be productive.
C.put on weight.D.be more alert.
【小题3】The underlined word “coined” in Paragraph 6 means       .
【小题4】The author advises you to check your emails only once because       .
A.the emails are not important
B.reading e-mails is distractive
C.you can only read e-mails at fixed time
D.getting so many emails can distract your attention

We all fail, all the time. We might miss a call with a client because of an emergency work meeting, or miss that meeting because another project has suddenly become urgent. And then we (or our families) get sick, and we have to shift priorities around again.

These unsystematic failures are benign, though. They reflect that all of us have limited resources. There simply is not enough time, energy, or money, to do everything you want to do all the time. Part of being a responsible adult is learning to make trade offs: balancing your conflicting goals and trying to get as much done as you can in the time you have.

The thing you really need to watch out for is the systematic failure. The systematic failure happens when there’s a particular goal you want to achieve, but never get to. The causes of systematic failures usually boil down to some combination of these three factors:

1. Short-term pressures versus long-term goals. Most of us prefer to achieve pressing short-term goals rather than put time into long-term projects. Lots of research suggests that our brains are wired to prefer tasks that pay off in the short term rather than those whose benefit is long-term. The people who do manage to accomplish their long-term goals create regular space to make progress on them.

2. _________Without even realizing it, we often do what is easiest to accomplish rather than what we say is most important. Email is a great example. If you are like most people, you keep your email program open at work all day. Consequently, each new message is an invitation to drop what you are working on to check it. It feels like work and it’s much easier than finishing that 100-slide presentation. Simply shutting off email for a few hours a day can remove this source of distraction from the environment.

3. Working for too long. Many workplaces create pressure to stay at the office for more and more hours, which (paradoxically) creates opportunities for systematic failures. Work is not an iron man competition where the last person there wins. Most people have an optimal(最佳的) number of hours they can work each day. For example, I can be productive at work for about 8-9 hours a day. If I spend any more time at work than that, then at some point, I start doing "fake work."

The next time you run into trouble, assess whether it’s an unsystematic failure or a systematic one. When you notice a systematic failure in your life, you need to make a change in your behavior. If you don’t make a change, you will continue to fail.

Finally, if you experience a lot of unsystematic failures, it might be worth rethinking the number of tasks you are taking on. Perhaps you need to offload some responsibilities onto someone else, before you start experiencing more systematic failures.

【小题1】Who was most probably affected by the first factor?
A.Andy who put his keep-fit plan aside due to a lack of free time.
B.Sarah who worked overtime till the next morning to finish her work ahead of time.
C.Philip who missed an important appointment because he has been under the weather lately.
D.Emily who kept her social networking platform on all day to receive updates about friends.
【小题2】Which of the following could fill in the blank as a subtitle?
A.The truth about important goals.
B.Environments that are bad for our goals.
C.The easiest goals that often bring us little.
D.Ways to remove the source of distraction.
【小题3】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How to distinguish systematic failures from unsystematic failures.
B.When you should worry about failure and when you shouldn't.
C.What to do to save yourself from constant systematic failures.
D.Why assessing failures you have encountered is important.
