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According to their website, Shape is a magazine for American women with active lifestyles. This women’s health magazine covers everything from diet and exercise to psychology. What is great about Shape is that it knows that it must cover a lot more than Fitness to give women all the information they need to stay healthy. Besides all the great features included in their print magazine, they also have an easily accessible website that anyone can use.

Women’s Day

Women’s Day is not only specifically a women’s health magazine, but also includes a little of what Shape has, along with more information on other parts of life: family, money, travel and style. Many of the articles in Women’s Day deal with specific diseases that are common to women, such as heart disease, breast cancer and others.

Women’s Health

From tips to recent health news to articles about world affairs, Women’s Health has everything that you expect in a women’s health magazine. Another great feature is that Women’s Health has a great website full of information, as well as articles from past magazines that you can check out. This is a great resource, since it lets you get to see articles well at the office.


This magazine covers important topics such as physical fitness, health & beauty, and mental health. It offers something new in each issue, and it’s always easy to understand.

The workouts are clearly presented with good photos to illustrate (说明) every movement, and almost all can be done without making a trip to the gym.

【小题1】What’s the purpose of writing the text?
A.To describe some famous websites.
B.To introduce some health magazines for women.
C.To predict the best-selling writers.
D.To advertise some fashion magazines for women.
【小题2】How is Women’s Day different from the others?
A.It gives people a lot of health information.
B.It provides information on family life.
C.It includes many articles about women.
D.It deals with many life problems.
【小题3】What makes the information in Fitness easy to understand?
A.Good examples.B.Illustrative pictures.
C.Interesting stories.D.Important topics
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A Kind Note from My Student

by lewski711, posted Dec 25, 2021

We’re working on paragraph writing in class. One of the assignments was to write one on your hero. This little bugger (小坏蛋<爱称>) chose me. Please do not judge his incredible manuscript. We’re working that for him. Instead, judge his content.

For those who cannot read third grade :

“My hero is Mr. Lewandowski. He can do magic. He’s good at teaching. He’s good at math. Who is your hero?”

Someone’s getting an “A” for Christmas this year!


dotmatrix wrote: A great teacher is a true gift to our world. Beautiful. ♥.

pluto178 wrote: My son was once asked to write about his hero and he chose me! Boy! Was he sorry the next day when asked to read them out and others had people like Batman and Spiderman? Still I am sure I could rock the outfit. It’s so nice though when someone does this for you.

dance wrote: Bless the little one!

singhharry1996 wrote: That is beautiful to be a kind model for your students! It will stick with them.

butterkind wrote: How sweet!!

janfour wrote: so nice

gardenga110 wrote: Actually, I was able to translate the original third grade manuscript with little difficulty. You have a winner in your class Mr. L. :)

lt33 wrote: Aww that’s sweet he sees something in you that radiates kindness.

Rajni wrote: World owes teacher a lot for their dedication and love for teaching and thereby shape future. ideal citizens. Mr. Lewandowski, you, deserve the honor your student gave you. You are real hero.

Helenconnell2 wrote: I always think students see their teachers in a way that managers and inspectors cannot! So wonderful to see!

【小题1】How does Mr. Lewandowski like the little bugger’s writing content?
【小题2】In what aspect does pluto178 empathize (有共鸣) with Mr. Lewandowski?
A.Being a true gift to the world.
B.Being chosen as a hero by their little bugger.
C.Being dedicated to shaping future ideal citizens.
D.Owning something radiating kindness in themselves.
【小题3】Which reader can make out the pupil’s manuscript with ease?

We are a professional outdoor adventure organization and now accepting applications for this summer season! If you meet the qualifications(资格)below, please email a copy of your résumé(简历)via this link. We pick new trip leaders for our teen summer camps on a rolling basis. We do not have an application deadline. However, the sooner we receive your application, the better!

Our trips have exactly 13 teenagers with three trip leaders in every group. New trip leaders are always paired with a returning trip leader. Employment ranges from three to nine weeks and ends no later than August 16. Language skills and travel experience are considered during the trips.

About The Requirements:
●Clean background check
●Under 27 years old by June 15, 2024
●Proven successful leadership experience with youth
●College graduate, or in the process of completing a degree
●High energy, and good judgment and decision-making skills
●Ability to work with little time off and limited personal time
●Wilderness First Responder and adult CPR(心肺复苏)training
●No more than four points on your driving record in the past three years
About The Trip Leader’s Duties And Expectations:
●Develop leadership, self-reliance, and self-confidence
●Teach teenagers to be possibly active in learning skills
●Join your group and communicate with every teenager
●Keep teenagers’ safety at all times in different environments
●Develop cultural and environmental respect and awareness
●Have the preparation and focus to avoid unsafe events before they happen
●Make sure that safety is in the first place and understood by everyone in every activity
●Maintain high energy to provide the most fun and exciting experience of a teenager’s life
【小题1】What do we know from the text?
A.The leadership qualities are required.
B.The time of applications is strictly limited.
C.The trip leaders’ working hours are very flexible.
D.The number of members in one group is not limited
【小题2】Who is most likely to be a trip leader?
A.One in his 2 0s loves hiking.
B.One in her 30s loves baking.
C.One in his 40s loves exploring.
D.One in her 50s loves traveling.
【小题3】Which is probably the most important part of a trip leader’s quality?
A.A sense of humor.B.An ability to teach.
C.Organizational skills.D.Safety awareness.
