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Beer is one of the world’s most popular drinks. One of beer’s most important ingredients(成分)is water. Beer makers say you need up to five liters(升)of water to make one liter of beer. If water becomes limited, then, will people have to stop making beer? Beer makers have already thought of that possibility. So, in some cities, people are testing out beers made from collected and filtered rainwater.

They are also collecting rainwater and water from the beer-making process for use inside the beer factory. Sierra Nevada is a well-known beer factory in California. It uses rainwater for cleaning and washing toilets. Beer makers understand the importance of saving water. If there is no water, there is no beer.

That is why Stone Beer Company, near San Diego, California, worked with a local water treatment program to make beer. The program is called Pure Water San Diego. It wants to provide one-third of the city’s water by 2035.

Working with Pure Water, the beer factory used purified water that came from wastewater. Wastewater is water that has already been used for showers, washing dishes or toilets.

Stone is a large beer factory. It has customers across the U.S. and Europe. Some of their beers are among the best in the United States. So it was a big deal when Stone released a special beer called Full Circle Pale Ale in March. Many websites and newspapers wrote about the beer. They reported that it was made from “toilet water.” Local television stations recorded people's reactions as they tasted the beer.

Stone later wrote a blog post saying it was not happy with all of the news coverage-especially reports that centered on the idea of “toilet water.” But it was happy that the experiment was a success.

The beer was only made for a special event. Stone Beer is not permitted to sell in stores or at the restaurants.

【小题1】Why do some beer makers use rainwater to make beer?
A.To try new sources of water.
B.To make special taste for beer.
C.To reduce the cost of production.
D.To give up pure water in production.
【小题2】What did Stone Beer Company want Pure Water San Diego to do?
A.Help it to develop new kind of beer.
B.Supply the majority of water to the city.
C.Make waste water clean enough to make beer.
D.Deal with its waste water from the beer production process..
【小题3】What do we know about the special beer?
A.It was welcomed by the public.
B.Few people dared to taste it.
C.It will be sold in large quantities.
D.It received great attention from the media.
【小题4】What did Stone Beer Company think of the reports about the beer?
A.They are satisfying.B.They are disappointing.
C.They are surprising.D.They are beneficial.
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A dying battery is a huge annoyance for cell phone users. But for engineers? It’s an inspiration. “Can we design a smartphone which can make a phone call and have a conversation without the need for any kind of battery?”

Shyam Gollakota is a computer scientist at the University of Washington. He and his team have indeed designed a battery-free phone. It looks like a circuit board(电路板), with touch-responsive number buttons. And it runs on just a few microwatts of power, which it harvests from light, and from the radio signals coming from a nearby wireless base station.

The team achieved the battery-free, energy-efficient design by abandoning two of power-hungry features of modern cell phones. One, it skips digital-to-analog conversion(数模转换). And two, it does not produce its own wireless signals to make calls. Instead, when receiving signals, it absorbs incoming radio waves from the base station, and changes them directly into vibrations(震动)of its speaker. When sending signals, it uses the vibrations of its onboard microphone to change the way radio waves are reflected back to the base station. And it works.

This piece of equipment does have limitations:It can be only 50-foot away from the base station. The voice quality is pretty low. And you can’t check Facebook either. “Yet, we’re going to get there. This is again a first step. Think of it as like:you need to make a first move to basically get someplace where you can harvest power to do other operations,” said Shyam.“Andit’s those other operations that will be extremely important. Because, battery or not, you could argue that voice calls are by now just a completely basic feature of our smartphones.”

【小题1】What can we learn about the battery-free phone?
A.It is in a large size.B.It has no need of power.
C.It is in the shape of a box.D.It must rely on a nearby base station.
【小题2】What does the battery-free phone send to the base station?
A.Radio waves.B.Wireless signals.C.Digital signals.D.Microphone vibrations.
【小题3】What does Shyam Gollakota think of the battery-free phone?
A.It has made great progress.B.It will have a bright future.
C.It can’t function like a smartphone.D.It has too many disadvantages.
【小题4】What does the text mainly tell about?
A.Information on new types of battery.B.A report about a science experiment.
C.News about the phone development.D.An introduction to a new invention.

Though not as mainstream as devices like smartphones and fitness trackers, more companies are now experimenting with the concept of connected garments. Among the pioneers is London-based CuteCircuit, which has been creating fashionable smart clothing since 2004. The company’s latest creation is the “Sound Shirt,” which allows deaf people to “feel” live music by transforming the tunes into touch sensations in real time.

The fashionable jacket achieves the incredible function using software that changes the music into data and wirelessly sends it to the 16-micro motors fitted inside the clothing’s fabric. The devices shake in sync (同步) to the intensity (强度) of the music being played, allowing the wearer to feel each instrument individually. The series of touch-like sensations across the wearer’s body enables them to feel the entire works, resulting in a fully amazing musical experience.

To ensure the shirt is comfortable, the designers chose to leave out wires and instead wove conductive textiles (纺织品) into the garment’s fabric. Francesca Rosella, co-founder and chief creative officer of CuteCircuit, explains, “There are no wires inside, so we’re only using smart fabrics — we have a combination of microelectronics and very thin, flexible and conductive fabrics. All these little electronic motors are connected with these conductive fabrics so that the garment is soft and stretchable.”

CuteCircuit, which has been testing the Sound Shirt for three years, expects to make it available to the general public shortly. Priced at $3,673 (3,000 pounds), the smart jacket will not be cheap. However, twin sisters Hermon and Heroda Berhane, who lost their hearing at a young age, believe the hi-tech garment is a worthwhile investment, especially for deaf people with a passion for dancing. “It’s almost like feeling the depth of the music,” says Hermon. “It just feels as though we can move along with it.” Heroda agrees, adding, “I think it could definitely change our lives.”

This is not CuteCircuit’s first groundbreaking smart garment. Over the years, the company has produced hundreds of shocking connected outfits. Among them is an interactive concert dress for American musical artist Nicole Scherzinger that displayed tweets from her fans. Also fun is the HugShirt which enables people to send hugs to loved ones who are not physically in the same area.

【小题1】What is “sound shirt” meant for?
C.Deaf people.D.Travelers.
【小题2】Paragraph 2 mainly talks about the sound shirt’s_____________.
A.working principleB.powerful function
C.special materialsD.fashionable design
【小题3】How did the designers keep the shirt comfortable?
A.By using wires.
B.By using smart fabrics.
C.By using electronic motors.
D.By making it very thin.
【小题4】Why did the writer mention twin sisters Hermon and Heroda Berhane?
A.To persuade us to learn from them.
B.To get the public to know them better.
C.To state the smart jacket is affordable.
D.To prove the smart jacket enjoys promising future.
【小题5】The function of the last Paragraph is to ______________.
A.add some background information
B.introduce the company’s new products
C.praise the contributions the company has made
D.appeal to the public to buy the company’s products

Described as the world’s most environmentally friendly protein, Solein is made by applying electricity to water to release bubbles of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Living microbes(微生物) are then added to the liquid to feed on the carbon dioxide and hydrogen bubbles and produce the Solein, which is then dried to make the powder. It’s a natural fermentation(发酵) process similar to beer brewing. The dried Solein has a protein content of 50 percent and looks and tastes just like wheat flour.

“It is a completely new kind of food, a new kind of protein, different to all the food on the market todav in how it is produced as it does not need agriculture.” Dr Pasi Vinikka, the chief executive of Solar Foods told The Guardian. The process used to produce Solein — converting hydrogen and carbon dioxide to calories — is amazing, as the wonder food can be produced anywhere in the world. It’s also 10 times more energy-efficient per hectare than photosynthesis (光合作用), and 10 to 100 times more environment and climate-friendly in water use than animal or plant based food production.

“Solein also contains all the essential amino acids(氨基酸), but because it is produced using carbon dioxide and electricity, it does not require large amounts of land to produce,” the Solar Foods website explains. “Another unique characteristic of Solein is that it is able to take carbon directly from carbon dioxide without needing a source of sugar.”

While Solar Foods does not expect Solein to challenge conventional protein production methods in the next two decades, it does expect it to become a “new harvest” for humanity, which is significant considering so far we have only relied on plants and animals for sustenance. The Helsinki-based company plans to open its first Solein factory at the end of 2021 and scale up production to two billion meals per year by 2022.

【小题1】Which of the following statements best describe the features of Solein?
A.It is a new kind of food containing all the nutrition.
B.It is made from water and carbon dioxide by applying electricity.
C.It is produced without consuming much land and energy.
D.It is a kind of man-made wheat flour.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “converting” mean?
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The company thinks Solein would have a rewarding future.
B.Solein is supposed to challenge traditional protein production.
C.There is still a long way for Solein to be put into production.
D.Humans can completely rely on Solein to survive.
【小题4】What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To promote a new kind of technology.
B.To introduce a new kind of food.
C.To make an ad for a new kind of protein.
D.To call on people to protect the environment.
