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It’s all about personal peace, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but also the space around all the senses. People feel that their space is being violated(侵犯) when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman next to you putting on strong perfume(香水) makes you feel angry.

Whether people have had a stronger wish to protect their personal space in recent times is hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire to have space to themselves. In a survey by Trip Advisor, a travel website, people said that if they had to pay more for some extra service, they would rather have larger seats than extra food.

Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers in front of their faces to read in fact keep a distance from strangers.

Go and watch a library table. You will notice that one of the corner seats will usually be taken first, because they are the farthest way. What if someone sits opposite to you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall.

Preference for personal space is different from culture to culture. Scientists have found that Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from other cultures. In Latin cultures, however, people are more comfortable standing close to each other.

【小题1】The writer mainly ________ in this article.
A.tells us how to achieve personal space
B.explains why people need personal space
C.introduces some knowledge about personal space
D.argues for the importance of keeping personal space
【小题2】________ might feel his personal space is safe according to the passage.
A.A person who has to sit next to a lady putting on strong perfume.
B.A person who has been watched by a stranger for a long time.
C.A person who hears strange noises when reading at home.
D.A Latin boy who is chatting with a friend sitting close to him.
【小题3】What can we know from the survey by Trip Advisor?
A.People need a smaller personal space in recent times than before.
B.People have a strong desire for personal space in recent times.
C.There are not enough seats on the plane to meet people’s needs.
D.Food service is better provided than seats on the plane.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The space around the body is more needed than that around all the senses.
B.If you hold newspapers on the bus, your personal space won’t be violated.
C.People usually choose the corner seats first in a library for personal space.
D.Different cultures share the same preferences for personal space.
知识点:社会关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How to Communicate With a Deaf Person

Communicating with a deaf person doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. The trick is to be patient, straightforward, and to remember that deaf people communicate visually.

Method1:Starting Your Conversation

【小题1】 You can do this by moving into the person’s field of vision and waving from a polite distance, or by tapping the person gently on the shoulder.

Position yourself carefully. Make sure that the light in the room is shining directly onto your face, and that you’re not standing with your back to a light.【小题2】

Find out how the person prefers to communicate. Some deaf people are better lip-readers than others. Some deaf people may prefer to write back and forth or to use an interpreter. Man interactions between the deaf and the hearing require a combination of these methods.【小题3】

Method2:Communicating Through Lip-reading.

Keep your sentences simple and use plain language.【小题4】 The more complex your phrasing and vocabulary, the more likely your deaf companion is to miss something.

When someone else is speaking, don’t turn away from the deaf person in your group.【小题5】 You don’t have to look at the deaf person while someone else is talking, but try to make sure your face is visible.

A.Get the person’s attention.
B.It’s important not to talk too quickly.
C.Or, they’ll miss parts of the conversation.
D.If so, it’ll make them feel left out of the conversation.
E.Stand directly in front of the person,at a normal distance.
F.The best way to know which methods are most effective is to ask.
G.Try not to be too difficult when using your words in the beginning.

Adolescent girls seem to use eye rolls as a means of daily communication. Adults on the receiving end often think it a rude manner. Actually, the meanings behind the manner tell us a lot about what it’s like to be a teenager.

Adolescents usually hate being told what to do, and will unconsciously resist even suggestions with which they agree. Imagine a girl who is planning to put on her warmest coat when her well-meaning mother urges her to bundle up. Not a cell in her body is willing to respond with a sincere “Great idea, Mom! I was just thinking the same thing.” But the girl still wants to be warm. With an eye roll the girl advertises her resistance while doing as she intended all along.

Since teenage girls desire independence strongly, taking orders can be especially annoying for them. So how should Mary respond when her parents say she can’t go out until she unloads the dishwasher? She sees no point in fighting back, but still wants to broadcast her objection. Again, by rolling her eyes while putting away the plates, Mary proves that she’s an independent young woman.

Girls also roll their eyes to cover their sorrow. Anna, who is hurting over a fight with a friend, might shoot a skyward look when her dad asks gently, “How’s Julia? She hasn’t come over for a while?” What seems to be a rude behavior might actually be the girl’s brave attempt to hold herself together. Unwilling to rely on her parents for support, Anna turns her dad away with an eye roll to avoid bursting into tears in his presence.

Of course, girls occasionally use eye-rolling as an immature act of aggression. But more often than not, teenage eye-rolling serves as an efficient solution to the typical challenges adolescents face. And it presents adults with a choice: you can take the. behavior personally, or you can try to see things from their perspective.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “bundle up” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Tie up.B.Hurry up.
C.Put on warm clothes.D.Keep cool.
【小题2】What is Mary’s reaction to her parents’ demand in Paragraph 3?
A.She doesn’t obey the order.
B.She displays her annoyance anyway.
C.She fights back against her parents strongly.
D.She proves her independence by putting away the dishes.
【小题3】When Dad inquires about her friend softly, Anna.
A.refuses his kindness.B.bursts into tears
C.relies on him for supportD.looks at the sky all the time
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.What’s Behind Eye Rolling?B.What Does It Mean to Be a teenager?
C.How to Understand More About Girls?D.Why Do Teenage Girls Roll Their Eyes?

Silence is unnatural to man. He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness. In between he does all he can to make a noise in the world, and he fears silence more than anything else. Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence. If he is introduced to another person, and a number of pauses occur in the conversation, he regards himself as a failure, a worthless person, and is full of envy of the emptiest headed chatterbox ( 喋喋不休的人). He knows that ninety nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly, but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure (蜡塑人像).

The aim of conversation is not, for the most part, to communicate ideas; it is to keep up the buzzing sound. There are, it must be admitted, different qualities of buzz; there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito. But   at a   dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person. Most buzzing, fortunately, is pleasant to the ear, and some of it is pleasant even to the mind. He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.

Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not   to know the reason why human beings wish to talk. Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new. Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people’s ears, though they have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel. At the end of an evening, during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time, they just prove themselves to be successful conversationalist.

【小题1】According to the author, people make conversation to _______.
A.exchange ideasB.prove their value
C.achieve success in lifeD.overcome their fear of silence
【小题2】The underlined phrase “the buzzing of a fly” (Para.1),the author means _______.
A.meaningless talksB.the noise of an insect
C.a low whispering soundD.the voice of a chatterbox
【小题3】According to the passage, people usually talk to their neighbors _______.
A.about whatever they have preparedB.about whatever they want to
C.in the hope of learning something newD.in the hope of getting on well
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To discuss why people like talking about weather.
B.To encourage people to join in conversations.
C.To persuade people to stop making noises.
D.To explain why people keep talking.
