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Captain Good Fellow

Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00. Free.

Walking Tour of the Town

Forget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30. Wear comfortable shoes!

Films at the Museum

Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.

International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm.

Take Me out to the Ballgame

It’s October, and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold; don’t forget sweaters and jackets.

Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”

“The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall, City College.

【小题1】If you are going on the Walking Tour, don’t forget_____________.
A.your worriesB.your beautiful walk
C.your comfortable shoesD.your learning about local history
【小题2】You can probably eat Chinese, Italian, and Arab food_____________.
A.at the front entrance of City HallB.at Central Park on Saturday
C.at 5:00D.at the Ballgame
【小题3】The Redbirds ballgame____________.
A.is at the gateB.is in the afternoon
C.might be coldD.is outside
知识点:闲暇活动 闲暇活动 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Welcome to LoongBridge Volunteer Summer Camps!. Click HERE to join us!

Type/Focus: Arts, Community Service, Study Abroad, Teen Travel

Description: For this year, we have 3 kinds of programs for young students (aged 8-20) all over the world.

1. Volunteer & Culture Camp (3 weeks): June 29—July 20

-- One-day visit to children Charity(慈善)Villages to give some help, understand their lives, and learn from these children who never give up though they have family misfortunes.

2. Language & Arts Cam (3 weeks): June 25—July 15

-- Chinese language study through high-quality classroom education, one-on-one partnership with local Chinese students, real-life conversation etc.

-- Chinese traditional arts learning including Chinese painting, erhu and paper-cutting.

3. Learning-China Camp (2-3 weeks): July 4-July 20/July 15-August 5.

-- Chinese history learning from visiting museums and ancient capitals of China: Beijing, Xi’an, Luoyang.

-- Learning about today’s China to know its rapid development and new challenges through activities, factory tours, city walks, etc.

-- Understanding the lifestyles of Chinese people in different ages from talks, home visits, shopping experience, etc.

Phone: 010-45652571

Email: info@loongbridge.com

【小题1】The passage is most probably from ________.
A.a websiteB.a magazine
C.a travel guideD.a textbook
【小题2】After joining in Learning-Chins Camp, you can learn ________.
A.Chinese artsB.Chinese painting
C.Chinese geographyD.Chinese history
【小题3】The activities in Volunteer & Culture Camp includes ________.
A.collecting money for childrenB.giving presents to children
C.helping some childrenD.singing songs for the disabled
【小题4】The passage is written for ________.
A.children in Children’s VillageB.students in China
C.tens in BeijingD.teens in foreign countries

MNA (Museum of Northern Arizona) offers exciting programs for you to take part in, starting from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily.

For questions or more information: call MNA at 928-774-5211.

Prehistoric Foods

(4th -6th grade) About 3 hours

Students can learn about prehistoric people through foods and cooking methods used during each time period. They may work with Museum teachers to prepare foods made of native corn and discuss the differences between prehistoric foods and modern foods.

Prehistoric Pottery (陶器)

(4th -8th grade) 1.5 to 2 hours

Students can learn the importance of pottery in prehistoric native cultures. Traditional skills of pottery-making are showed, and students are able to create their own prehistoric-style pot.


(1st -3rd grade) About 1 hour

Children are sent back to the Age of the Dinosaurs. They will learn about the environments and animals that lived during that age. Dinosaur bones, models, footmarks and picture shows help bring the subject to life.

Hunter’s Bag

(3rd -8th grade) About 1 hour

Students are asked to examine objects found in a bag mainly carried by hunters of the period. They can learn about how the earliest Southwest people hunted in the past. At the same time, they can get to know the lifestyle of the earliest people by studying their food and pottery found in a hunter’s bag.

Rocks and Fossils (化石)

(4th -8th grade) About 1.5 hours

Working in small groups, students examine rocks and fossils from the Grand Canyon (大峡谷)and understand the environment there in the ancient past.

【小题1】If Prehistoric Foods begins at noon, the program will finish at about ________.
A.1:00 p.m.B.2:00 p.m.C.2:30 p.m.D.3:00 p.m.
【小题2】For Linda who is in the 2nd grade, in MNA she can ________.
A.learn about prehistoric foodsB.make prehistoric-style pottery
C.learn more about dinosaursD.examine rocks and fossils
【小题3】By studying a hunter’s bag students can learn about the following EXCEPT ________.
A.their foodB.their pottery
C.their hunting methodsD.their housing conditions
【小题4】Which of the following programs last for the shortest time?
A.Prehistoric Foods.B.Rocks and Fossils.
C.Prehistoric Pottery.D.Hunter’s bag.
【小题5】The passage is most probably from a ________.
A.business magazineB.newspaper advertisement
C.science reportD.travel note
