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To make room for agriculture, trees and other plants are often cleared away so that farmers have space to grow crops. The clearing of forests forces many animals from their homes. They often flee the area in search of a new place to live. There is a big downside to that. Some of those animals are natural predators. They control pest populations. They can help to clear the fields of rats, mice, and other rodents that eat and damage crops.

This happened at one small farming village in Indonesia. After land was cleared for farming, rats and mice began appearing in large numbers. Villagers tried to target the animals by smoking them out and hunting them. But the villagers were unsuccessful.

So, one farmer decided to try another method- a natural one.

Pujo Arto brought owls to his farm. Owls, after all, are experts at hunting rodents. It is what they do. And it worked! However, Pujo Arto didn't stop with his own field. He set up a Natural Predator Program. Now, owls are busy catching rats and mice in the fields around the village of Tlogoweru. There is a huge upside: no need for chemical pesticides which can harm not only rodents, but other creatures.

In 2011, the Indonesian man began setting up boxes where the owls live. He is also raising owlets in the village. After about four months, the young birds are released. These facilities have raised more than owls. They have also raised awareness in the community about the importance of owls. They raised awareness within their community by building homes for those owls. At the same time, government officials helped to create laws to protect those owls.

In addition to controlling pests naturally, there is another upside to the program. His village is now a popular stop for eco-tourists. People interested in learning more about owls, wildlife protection and natural pest control come to his village to learn more.

【小题1】Why did the owls get away from the land around the village?
A.There was no food to eat.
B.There were too many rats and mice.
C.They were smoked away.
D.They had no place to live.
【小题2】Natural Predator Program is         .
A.to use owls to catch the crop-damaging rodents
B.to attract eco-tourists to the village
C.to raise awareness of protecting forests
D.to control pests by using chemical pesticides
【小题3】Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?
a. introducing owls
b. pests being controlled naturally
c. rodents appearing in large numbers.
d. clearing forests
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The importance of protecting owls.
B.Indonesian village uses owls to protect crops.
C.The advantages of using natural predators in agriculture.
D.The government's role in using owls to control pests.
知识点:人与动植物环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Even with an injured leg, a tall, grey-crowned crane (灰冠鹤) walks proudly through a bird shelter in the Rwandan capital Kigali. The shelter—called Umusambi Village—has rescued more than 200 cranes from captivity (囚禁). Olivier Nsengimana founded the Umusambi Village in 2015, and runs it together with the government. Umusambi means “grey-crowned bird” in the Kinyarwanda language. In just four years, the organization has helped to increase the population of these endangered birds from 487 to 881.

Before this work began, local neighborhoods were hunting or catching the birds to sell, said Nsengimana. Nsengimana recently explained why this was possibly happening. In Rwanda, the bird is often a symbol of high social position and wealth. So, they are often raised in private homes or hotels.

In fact, six years ago, he said there were more cranes living in captivity in hotels and homes than in the wild. Nsengimana added that poverty and a lack of awareness (意识) of animal protection in the local neighborhoods also led them to catch and sell the birds illegally. He said raising awareness of their endangered position is helping to protect the birds.

For Nsengimana, his own love of the bird goes back to his childhood. He grew up in a village filled with grey crowned cranes. They not only woke up people in the morning, but they also provided entertainment.

Some of the rescued birds are brought to the village after being injured by illegal hunters. Others come from homes where their owners broke their legs or cut their wings to prevent them from flying away.

At Umusambi Village, the cranes are able to recover. When they are healthy enough to survive in their natural environment, Nsengimana sets them free in a protected forest. However, the cranes are still endangered by illegal hunting and by the destruction of their natural environment. This is happening not only in Rwanda, he said. Cranes are endangered in many other parts of the world, including North America.

【小题1】What is a reason for the illegal selling of the birds?
A.Local people knew little about protecting them.
B.The government didn’t take measures.
C.Their population was too large.
D.They could bring good luck.
【小题2】What happened to the cranes before Nsengimana took action?
A.They lost their homes.B.Many of them got hurt.
C.They were used to tell timeD.They were hunted for meat
【小题3】What may be the future of these rescued birds?
A.Staying in the Village forever.B.Being kept with kind people.
C.Moving to public parks.D.Living in the wild.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Man Reminds People to Protect Endangered Birds.
B.Birds Become a Symbol of Wealth in Rwanda
C.Man Saves Endangered Birds in Rwanda
D.Birds Are Part of People’s Life in Rwanda

In a video, an anxious elephant is pacing back and forth. However, the animal instantly calms down upon hearing a song of American singer and actress Cher. The video was the evidence of the pop singer and animal activists' four-year-long efforts to save Kaavan, the world's loneliest elephant.

Kaavan was just a year old when Sri Lankan officials gifted him to Pakistan in 1985. The now 36-year-old Asian elephant spent a large part of the next three decades chained in a small space at the Marghazar Zoo in Islamabad, Pakistan. He was only brought out regularly to entertain zoo visitors. To make matters worse, his partner Saheli, a female elephant who arrived at the zoo in 1990, died in 2012, leaving the social animal with no companion. Lonely Kaavan's mental and physical health rapidly became worse.

The poor animal's sufferings first caused activists to start a social media campaign that urged Pakistani officials to move him to an elephant sanctuary(保护区). However, their request fell on deaf ears. In 2016, Cher was looking through her Twitter when she noticed messages by fans urging her to help Kaavan. Cher reached out to fellow animal activists Mark Cowne and his wife, Gina Cowne, to help her launch a social media campaign to help Kaavan. They first pushed for Kaavan to rid chains and then persuaded the zoo to add a tin roof over his shelter, water in the pool, and a tire for him to play with.

While the reforms were encouraging, the team soon realized that more needed to be done and set up Free the Wild, a nonprofit organization devoted to rescuing Kaavan and other wild animals in similar situations. It took four years, but in 2020, an Islamabad high court ordered the Marghazar Zoo to shut down and relocate all its animals to new homes.

For Kaavan, that meant taking a seven-hour flight to the beautiful Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary. The elephant is adjusting extremely well to his new home and has even picked his favorite female elephant from the three he has been interacting with since arrival.

【小题1】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The root cause of Kaavan's anxiety.B.The inspiration of Cher's songwriting.
C.The terrible situations Kaavan faced.D.The significance of saving elephants.
【小题2】What was the result of activists' initial effort to save Kaavan?
A.It unluckily ended up in vain.B.It led to a new elephant sanctuary.
C.It was taken seriously by Pakistani officials.D.It won Cher's praise on Twitter.
【小题3】How did Cher and the Cownes help Kaavan before 2020?
A.They set him free from the Marghazar Zoo.B.They managed to find a female partner for him.
C.They took him to Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary.D.They made efforts to improve his living conditions.
【小题4】How is Kaavan's life in Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary?

In a world on fire and underwater, scientists have announced some good news: Several important tuna(金枪鱼) species have stepped back from the edge of extinction.

Two bluefin tuna species, a yellowfin, and an albacore are no longer seriously endangered or have moved off the leading international list of endangered species entirely. The unexpectedly fast recovery speaks to the success of efforts over the past decade to end overfishing. But tuna are not the only species scientists are thinking carefully at the 2021 World Conservation Congress in Marseille, France, which is organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Researchers warn that many other sea species continued to be imperiled. For example, more than a third of the world’s sharks are still threatened with extinction due to overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change.

“I think the good news is that sustainable(可持续的) fishing industry are possible,” says Beth Polidoro, a biologist at Arizona State University. “We can eat fish without reducing the population to the point where it is on the road to dying out or extinction. “ At the same time, she warns that the recovery should not encourage us to catch as many fish as we want. “We need to keep doing what’s working,” Polidoro adds.

The IUCN, which determines the world’s most endangered species on its Red List of Threatened Species, also announced at the meeting that some animals are moving in the other direction, onto the Red List. Like the Komodo dragon, an lizard (蜥蜴), it is at particular risk from climate change.

Of course, the work of protection is never over, and it will require close and continuous attention to make sure neither tuna nor Komodo dragons return to the edge of dying out. But for now, people can celebrate a few wins for the animal world.

【小题1】What is the good news about tuna?
A.They have been removed from the list of endangered species.
B.The fishing of tuna has been put to an end completely.
C.The population of some tuna species has recovered.
D.The number of some tuna species increases slowly.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “imperiled” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】What can we learn from Beth Polidoro’s words?
A.We can fish tuna as much as we want.B.Protecting tuna is a long way to go.
C.We shouldn’t encourage tuna fishing.D.The population of tuna will reduce.
【小题4】What is the writer’s attitude towards the recovery of the tuna species?
