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Here come some of the ways advised to keep delighted and a healthy mood by Harvard.

♦ Be grateful and say thanks often

【小题1】. The tiny purple flowers on the sidewalk, the beautiful sunset, and the smile in your partner’s eyes. When you have a grateful heart that is appreciative of life’s beauty, wonder and blessings, you’re automatically filled with delight. Always be appreciative of the blessings in your life. And it’s equally important to express your appreciation to those who’ve made your life better in some way.


If your tendency is to imagine the very worst case whenever you have a trouble, train yourself to change that tendency. Ask yourself what good can come from the situation or what you can learn from it. Optimism surely fuels success and delight.【小题3】. Try to find humor and laughter in life’s everyday struggles.

♦ Understand and forgive

Step into others’ shoes and understand a situation from another’s perspective, and we’re more likely to handle the situation with objectivity and effectiveness. There will be less conflicts and more delight.

Hate and anger are forms of self-punishment. When you forgive, you’re actually practicing kindness to yourself. Most importantly, learn to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes.【小题4】.

♦ Keep learning and be a problem solver

Learning keeps us young and olive. When engaging our brains toward productive uses, we’re much more likely to feel delighted and fulfilled.

Delighted people are problem solvers. When facing a challenge in life, they don’t beat themselves up and fail into a depressive state. 【小题5】. By becoming a problem solver, you’ll build up your self-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever you set to.

A.Be optimistic and laugh often
B.Pay attention to the little details in your life
C.Do what you love freely and live happily in the present
D.Laughter is the most powerful treatment to anger or depression
E.It’s through our mistakes that we learn and grow to be bigger and better
F.Only by making mistakes repeatedly will we realize it is normal to make mistakes
G.Instead they face the challenge and channel their energies to finding a creative solution
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Be at your best!

What does your brain need to work well? Here are some things it needs.

Good food

Experts say that breakfast is much more important than any other meal. 【小题1】. So don’t miss breakfast—especially before an exam! But you need to eat a good breakfast—junk food won’t work.

A regular supply of energy

Your brain needs a regular supply of energy, so you need to eat carbohydrates (碳水化合物). They’re found in bread, rice, pasta and beans. 【小题2】. They work more quickly than bread and rice, so they give you a short burst (爆发) of energy, but afterwards you feel more tired.

A continuous supply of oxygen (氧气)

Your brain needs oxygen, which it gets from exercise. 【小题3】. You also need a good supply of iron because iron helps your blood to carry oxygen round your body.


【小题4】. Not getting enough water will stop your brain from working well. And remember, water isn’t as expensive as sweet drinks!


Your brain needs several hours’ sleep, so it can ‘update’ itself, just like a computer. Experts say that when you study for a test or an exam, you should get some sleep as quickly as possible after you’ve finished studying. This helps you to remember what you’ve learned.

A.A short break
B.A good night’s sleep
C.It works best in the morning.
D.Exercise improves your memory too.
E.Water is much better than sweet drinks.
F.Your brain works better when you have eaten.
G.Chocolate, biscuits and sweets are not good for your brain.

Feeling like what you do is worthwhile is arguably a significant key to a happy life. But what this means is different for each person. These strategies can help you find your purpose so you can begin living a more meaningful life.

Donate time, money, or talent

【小题1】. Altruistic (利他) behaviors include volunteering for a nonprofit organization, donating money to causes you care about, or simply helping out the people around you on a day-to-day basis.

Listen to feedback (反馈)

It can be hard to recognize the things you feel passionate about sometimes. After all, the things you love to do may have become so ingrained (固化) in your life that you don’t realize how important they are. 【小题2】. This is a good chance of displaying your passion and purpose.

Start conversations with new people

It’s easy to surf social media while you’re alone on the subway. Resist that urge. 【小题3】. Ask them if they are working on any projects or what they like to do for fun. Talk to them about organizations with which they are involved. You might discover new activities to explore. And those activities might be key to helping you find your purpose.


Are you regularly sharing articles about climate change? Are there pictures of you engaging in a particular activity over and over, such as gardening or performing? Consider the conversations you enjoy holding with people the most when you’re meeting face to face. Do you like talking about history? Or do you prefer sharing the latest money-saving tips you discovered? 【小题5】.

A.Explore your interests
B.Otherwise, it may drag you down
C.Spread sunshine to people through your smile
D.Instead, take the time to talk to the people around you
E.You can develop helpful habits in your search for purpose
F.The things you enjoy sharing may reveal your purpose in life
G.Fortunately, other people might be able to give you some insights

It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find – “I’m too tired”, “I’m busy” or “The weather is bad”. Don’t worry! 【小题1】

※ Take baby steps.

You’ll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right? When you do too much too soon, you’ll end up injured and disappointed. Take it easy as you get started. Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week. 【小题2】


Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When it’s part of your routine (日常), you won’t even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day.

※ Keep it real.

You’re not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week. 【小题4】 For example, If you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you can’t do 30 minutes at once, break it up into 10 or 15 minutes’ sections. Gradually, you should increase your workout schedule from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for 15 more minutes each time.


【小题5】 So even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward (奖励) yourself. Go out with friends or buy a pair of jeans.

A.Do it for yourself.
B.Try to get used to it.
C.It takes weeks to see real changes.
D.Keep a fitness diary to record your progress.
E.Aim for something that is realistic as a first step.
F.The following ways can keep your fitness schedule on track.
G.When it gets easy for you, you’ll surely make it more challenging.
