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On a cold January morning in 2017, four-year-old Eli stands on the bank of Douglas River, hugging a dead salmon(鲑鱼) against his thick red coat. He looks up at his father, Andrew, who nods encouragingly. “Go ahead,” he says. “Put it in.” The young boy drags his feet forward and holds the fish as far as he can into the shallow water. “It’s floating!” Eli yells, delighted. For a moment, it’s almost as if the handsome salmon could come back to life.

Eli’s salmon is just one of 100 or so death bodies that will land in Douglas River in a half-hour activity this morning, deposited by dozens of volunteers. None of the salmon will rise from the dead, but Darrell Wick, president of the Douglas Society, who has promoted this gathering, is in the resurrection(复活) business.

Wick also leads the group’s campaign to recover this urban waterway’s salmon population. “The Douglas Society started looking into the possibility of recovering the salmon in the river in the mid-1990s, and part of a thought in that Lime focused on river recovery in cities worldwide. Back then, the prospects (前景) looked future lefts from the result.

Wick and his group are devoted to giving the river a full make-over. This monumental repair job, supported by approximately $95,000 of funding from the Pacific Salmon Foundation over the past 15 years, has involved recovering the river-habitat of salmon and preventing it from wearing away. Work on the river’s final section was completed in July 2017.

What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Work on Douglas River has ended.
B.Wick’s campaign against pollution.
C.Saving a River to save the salmon.
D.An unforgettable story of the salmon.
知识点:人与动植物环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Antarctic blue whales have been perceived again in the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. An international-team of researchers discovered the animals five decades after whaling (捕鲸业) nearly caused them to disappear forever. “The ocean resources at South Georgia were heavily developed during the early 20th-century industrial whaling,” says lead author Susannah Calderan, an ecologist with the Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Antarctic blue whales were plentiful in the area until whaling began there in 1904, kicking off the beginning of industrial whaling in the Southern Ocean. While hunters originally focused on species that could be easily caught, like the humpback whale, the focus quickly moved to the blue whale. Between 1904 and 1973, 345,775 Antarctic blue whales were killed in the Southern hemisphere (半球)and in the northern Indian Ocean. Around South Georgia, blue whale catches were reported year-round without stopping. Between 1904 and 1971, industrial whaling caused 42, 698 blue whales’ death, Blue whales almost disappeared in these areas.

Researchers studied all Antarctic blue whale data from the last three decades. They examined sightings (目睹)from scientific surveys collected by observers on ships, as well as opportunistic sightings reported by seamen and ship passengers to the South Georgia. They also examined acoustic(声音的)recordings of blue whale.

They found that whale surveys from ships off South Georgia resulted in just one blue whale sighting between 1998 and 2018. But more recent surveys suggest better news. A survey in February of 2020 found nearly 60 blue whale sightings, and several acoustic detections (探测).A total of 41 blue whales have been recognized through photos from South Georgia between 2011 and 2020.

“Their return is very meaningful, as it was widely thought that blue whales at South Georgia might have been hunted beyond a point where they could recover, and might never be seen again in great numbers at South Georgia,” Calderan says. “Our research shows that, populations can recover even from very low levels if they’re given enough protection.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “perceived” in paragraph 1 mean?
【小题2】What does paragraph 2 mainly want to tell us?
A.The development of industrial whaling.
B.The cause of blue whales’ disappearance.
C.The wide spread of blue whales in the past.
D.The tricks of catching blue whales easily.
【小题3】What did the researchers find through their surveys in South Georgia?
A.There is an increasing return of blue whales.
B.Blue whales are in a more dangerous situation.
C.More and more people like watching blue whales.
D.South Georgia is a good place to watch blue whales.
【小题4】What might be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.The risk of killing whales at higher rates.
B.The sign of Antarctic blue whales’ return.
C.The way of protecting Antarctic blue whales.
D.The effect of the great loss of ocean resources.

Gardeners who use pesticides (杀虫剂) are contributing to the decreasing population of British songbirds, a study suggests. Researchers have advocated stopping using poisonous chemicals in gardens in order to reduce the loss of birds and adopt wildlife-friendly practices instead. The results of the University of Sussex study, which researchers call the first of its kind, were published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

The study, which examined information on pesticide use and garden management from 615 garden owners in Britain, found 32 percent of gardens used pesticides, and the number of house sparrows was 25% lower when glyphosate-based herbicides was used regularly. Slug pellets (鼻涕虫杀虫剂) also seemed to have an impact on bird sightings; in gardens where Slug pellets were used, house sparrow numbers were down by almost 40%.

Prof. Dave Goulson, of the school of life sciences at the University of Sussex, said, “The UK has 22 million gardens, which collectively could be a fantastic shelter for wildlife, but not if they are overly tidy and sprayed with poisons. We just don’t need pesticides in our gardens. Many towns around the world are now pesticide free. We should simply ban the use of these poisons in cities, following the example of France.” The Royal Horticultural Society, the UK’s leading gardening charity, said the use of pesticides and herbicides should be avoided if possible and they should only be used, if ever, in small and targeted applications.

The research also found that those who adopted wildlife-friendly practices such as planting native bushes and flowers, or digging a wildlife pond, saw more birds than those who did not. Cannelle Tassin de Montaigu, a PhD researcher within the school of life sciences and an author of the study, said, “It’s encouraging to find that simple measures, such as planting native bushes and trees and creating a pond, together with avoiding the use of pesticides, really make a measurable difference to the number of birds you will see in your garden.”

【小题1】Why are the data mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To help gardeners choose the proper pesticides.
B.To compare the effects of two kinds of pesticides.
C.To reveal the serious influence of pesticides on birds.
D.To inform readers of the importance of house sparrows.
【小题2】What can be inferred from Prof. Dave Goulson’s words?
A.Pesticides should be banned from use all over the UK.
B.France has already made city regions pesticide free.
C.The ideal places for wildlife in the UK are extremely tidy gardens.
D.The gardens in the UK are so tidy that pesticides are not needed.
【小题3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Other methods to keep gardens tidy.
B.Gardeners’ attitudes towards the experiment.
C.Other researchers’ interest in the experiment.
D.Additional ways to increase the number of birds.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper can we probably find this text?

Crossing paths with a wild boar (野猪) can pose fear and joy in equal measure. Despite 700 years of extinction in Britain, the species’ own tenacity and illegal releases from the 1980s have now led to several populations emerging. However, with impacts on both people and the countryside, their right to exist in Britain is heavily debated.

However, the boar’s habitat-regenerating actions that benefit other wildlife, even if they are unloved by many. The few boar in England are threatened again by poaching and culling. Why is more not being done to prevent their re-extinction?

Naturalist, writer and science communicator Chantal Lyons addresses all these complex issues and explains what it might take for us to coexist with wild boar in her new book, Groundbreakers: The Return of Britain’s Wild Boar. In this extract, she explains the history of the wild boar in Britain.

Most of the last millennium was not kind to the wild boar of Europe. But they endured when so many other large animals did not, and their star is ascendant once more. Their population status is rated as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which reports that the species now has one of the vastest geographical distributions of all land animals, partly thanks to humans.

And so, with hindsight, the return of wild boar to Britain was inevitable. If not intentional. There’d been mutterings among environmentalists for decades that the species should be reintroduced. The market got a taste for them.

More farms sprung up, buying in animals from the Continent, where they had never been extinct and the farming of them was already long established. By the early 1990s there were 40 registered breeders in the UK.

Despite thousands of years of trying, one of the qualities that has proven most challenging to breed out of the farmed pig is escapology. Life, as a certain fictional mathematician once said, finds a way. Our woodlands had been waiting for nearly 700 years. Answering whatever call was sounding in their brains, wild boar began to escape from the farms. Or, in some cases, seem to have been variously helped out by storm damage, animal rights activists, hard-up owners and shooters. Each freed individual was a spark. Something new, something hot and bright with potential. Not all those sparks took. But enough did.

【小题1】What were the circumstances that led to the return of wild boars to Britain?
A.The role of the farmed pigs in the ecosystem.
B.Introduction al reintroduction efforts by environmentalists.
C.Capitalistic influence and the market demand for boar meat.
D.Strict enforcement of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act of 1976.
【小题2】How did various factors contribute to the release of boars into the woodlands?
A.Escapology challenge in farmed pigs and the impact on the market.
B.Animal rights activists’ efforts in facilitating boar release.
C.The influence of the farmed pigs on the behavior of wild boars.
D.Storm damage and its role in releasing boars.
【小题3】How did Chantal Lyons explain the historical context of wild boars in Britain?
A.The negative impact of capitalism on wild boar habitats.
B.The role of the farmed pigs in the resurgence of wild boars.
C.The need for stricter enforcement of wildlife protection laws.
D.The inevitability of wild boar reintroduction through human influence.
【小题4】What does the author imply about the freed individuals among the wild boars?
A.They were all successful in establishing new habitats.
B.Each of them contributed to the decline of the wild boar population.
C.The sparks symbolize the challenges faced by the wild boars in the woodlands.
D.Some of them adapted to their new environment, causing the resurgence of the boars.
