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On August 25, an American family’s vacation went terribly wrong. A man, his wife and their three children stopped at a shooting range (靶场) in the southwestern state of Arizona, where people pay to fire guns at targets. Charles Vacca worked for the business, called Bullets and Burgers. He helped the family’s nine-year-old girl shoot a submachine gun called an Uzi. But the girl lost control of the weapon. At least one bullet hit Mr. Vacca in the head. He fell to the ground. Later, he died of his injuries.

No one has been charged with a crime. In fact, the families of both Mr. Vacca and the girl have said they feel very bad for each other. But the event has made Americans talk once again about guns and children. In the United States, federal law bars anyone younger than 18 from owning a handgun. But, many state laws give young people the right to shoot all kinds of guns under certain conditions.

Some Americans say children (like adults) need to learn to shoot a weapon so they can protect themselves. Others say shooting guns is just part of the way they grow up. But “safety” is a word many people use when it comes to children and guns. Last year, the Pew Research Center reported that over one-third of American homes have a gun. So, the argument goes, children could easily see a gun at home, or in the home of a friend or neighbor, and decide to fire it. Indeed, the Nationwide Children’s Hospital says about 1,500 children die every year from a gun accident. Many more are injured.

Laura Cutilletta is a lawyer for the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. She said most U. S. states have firm restrictions on keeping children away from guns in the home. But state laws about children hunting or shooting for fun, such as at a shooting range, are much looser.

In general, most states permit children to hunt or use a gun when an adult is with them. But, Laura Cutilletta notes that even a responsible adult cannot protect a child who is too young to shoot a gun safely. And, she says no one needs to shoot the most powerful guns just for fun.

【小题1】The serious accident happened because ________.
A.Charles Vacca helped the girl shoot the gun.
B.the family went to the shooting range to play guns.
C.the girl was too young to control such a powerful gun.
D.Bullets and Burgers was a dangerous place to play in.
【小题2】Which of the following word can best replace the underlined word in Paragraph 2?
【小题3】What does Laura Cutilletta view about people’s shooting guns for fun?
A.Laws must be made to allow people to use guns safely.
B.She thinks that people who shoot a gun should be fined.
C.She objects to the idea that people play guns just for fun.
D.Adults should be responsible for the safety of children.
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.a gun accident happening at a shooting range
B.a discussion about children’s shooting for fun safely
C.adults’ responsibility to keep children away from guns
D.Americans’ legal right for possessing guns at home
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Hard work really does pay off. Scientists find that perseverance (毅力) leads to better grades and higher achievements in school.

“Being passionate (热诚的) is not enough to ensure academic success,” said researchers, who thought of “courage” as a key to success. This is also regarded as effort in reaching long-term goals, and determination to continue one’s efforts in spite of hardships.

Researchers thought that the finding could help create new training to help children develop the skill and help ensure their future success.

Researchers from the Academy of Finland studied more than 2,000 students from Helsinki. They were followed through their academic career from 12 to 16, from the sixth grade until the ninth grade in local school years. Researchers found that the factor that best predicted courage was related to goals, with previous academic achievements playing no role in developing the skill.

Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro, who led the study, said, “Courage means a young person is really interested in his or her studies and does not give up easily. A key element of courage is high perseverance when facing difficulties and hardships. The important finding is that these factors are the key to success and well-being. Our study shows the power of courage.”

Professor Salmela-Aro also thought it was important to develop new practices and qualities to improve courage in teenagers. She added, “Young people should see everyday school work as part of their life in a broader context and establish achievable goals for themselves. Schools must also serve as a place where it is safe to fail and learn to deal with setbacks. One must not be discouraged by setbacks, but gain(得到) strength and new energy from them!”

【小题1】What can we learn about the research?
A.It takes at least three years.
B.It helps students make progress.
C.It makes many discoveries.
D.It follows 2,000 students abroad.
【小题2】What should students do according to the researchers?
A.Focus on former grades.
B.Achieve their goals.
C.Try all their best.
D.Forget sadness.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “setbacks” in Paragraph 6 mean?
【小题4】Which is the best title of text?
A.Hard work will lead to success
B.Failure is the mother of success
C.Schools should train students’ courage
D.Perseverance is the key to success

BEIJING -- Chinese central authorities have released a set of guidelines on promoting the high-quality development of modern vocational education.

A modern vocational-education system should be established in China by 2025, and China's vocational education should be ranked among the best globally by 2035, according to the guidelines jointly released by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council.

Primary and middle school students should receive formative courses on vocational education to cultivate their awareness of career planning, according to the guidelines. Priority should be given to training talent for emerging industries, including advanced manufacturing, renewable energy, modern agriculture and artificial intelligence, the document says, encouraging vocational schools to set up majors that meet market demand.

Vocational institutions should step up cooperation with enterprises to serve technological upgrading and product research in medium, small and micro businesses, the guidelines add. It also calls on vocational schools to improve the quality of teachers, innovate teaching models and promote overseas cooperation.

【小题1】What guidelines have Chinese central authorities released on ?
A.Promote development of modern vocational education.
B.Set up completed system of modern education.
C.Reform Chinese education.
D.Achieve the next educational plan.
【小题2】When will a modern vocational-education system be established in China?
A.In 2022.B.In 2025.
C.In 2035.D.2040.
【小题3】What is the purpose of primary and middle school students should receive formative courses on vocational education?
A.Improve their study ability.
B.Build up their confidence.
C.Cultivate their awareness of career plan.
D.Encourage them.
【小题4】What is the guidelines which calls on vocational schools to improve except for?
A.the quality of teachers.
B.innovate teaching models.
C.promote overseas cooperation.
D.increase the number of students.

Everyone needs it,but no one wants to ask for it.“Help” has become a sort of dirty word,implying weakness and neediness,that we can’t handle our problems on our own. However,whether it is for your physical,mental or academic health,getting wordsof advice or encouragement from an outside-source can make all the difference.

During a time of such uncertainty,the frequency of people requesting help for anxiety and depression has increased.The current situation has made people realize that asking for help from professionals is the best way to get their problems off their chests and their minds on the road to wellness.

Still,requesting help carries a societal weight. The British Psychology Soeiety found that two types of stigmas(耻辱)exist:public stigma and self stigma. A “public stigma” is external,a collection of beliefs from around us,which holds a heavy weight on our ideas on seeking help. A “self stigma” is internal,assigning ourselves labels based on our state of mental health,claiming we are worthless and undeserving of help.“Public”and“self”stigmas go hand in hand,and when we hear the stigmas being voiced by those around us,we tend to apply them to ourselves because of social influences.

To be our better selves,we have to break the stigma around“help”and accept the fact that some problems are too ough to overcome on our own. If we fail   elevant necessity of getting ourselves ‘assistance in times of need. Despite what society may tell us,it’s not odd or wrong o get help—it’s probably one of the most insightful and courageous things we can do for ourselves.

Each one of us should be able to openly admit that we need help. Sometimes we need support,and that isn’t bad—’s healthy,and remarkably brave.

【小题1】Why is“help”considered a dirty word?
A.It has bad impacts on our health.
B.It makes us confused by an outside source.
C.It prevents us from handling our problems.
D.It implies our inability to solve problems alone.
【小题2】What can we know about   two types of stigmas according to Paragraph 3?
A.We can’t ignore the two stigmas.B.Public stigma weighs over self stigma.
C.We are easily affected by public stigma.D.The two stigmas are based on mental health.
【小题3】What is the benefit of breaking the stigma around“help”?
A.Improving ourselves.B.Becoming more confident.
C.Overcoming problems by ourselves.D.Facing problems bravely.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Help:A Dirty WordB.Help:Feel Free to Seek It
C.Help:A Way to Better UsD.Help:Keep a Distance from It
