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Over time, habits of negative thinking about ourselves can lower self-esteem (自尊). So if you want to feel better about yourself, try some of these things:

【小题1】 Are you so used to focusing on your problems that they’re all you see? Next time you find yourself trapped in problems or disappointment with yourself or your day, find something positive to deal with it. Each day, write down three good things about yourself, or three things that went smoothly that day because of your action or effort.

Aim for effort rather than perfection. Some people get held back by their own pressure to be perfect. They lose out because they don’t try. Usually, you may think, “I won’t audition (试镜) for the play because I probably won’t get the lead.” 【小题2】

Remind yourself that everyone is good at different things. 【小题3】 Thinking more like this: “She’s a great basketball player — but the truth is, I’m a better musician than athlete. Still, I’ll keep playing because I enjoy it.” It helps you accept yourself and make the best of the situation.

【小题4】 Don’t be afraid to voice them. If someone disagrees, it’s not a judgment on your worth or your intelligence. That person just sees things differently from you.

Set goals. 【小题5】 Then make a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan, and keep track of your progress.

A.Focus on what goes well for you.
B.Take pride in your opinions and ideas.
C.Think about what you’d like to achieve.
D.It’s certain that the role will go to someone else.
E.Recognize what you can change and what you can’t.
F.Train your inner voice to remind you of what you are accomplishing.
G.Cheer on others for their success and keep in mind what you do well.
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How to Deal With Stress

Have you ever felt stressed? 【小题1】 Since stress is a part of life, it is essential to learn how to deal with it. Here are some strategies for dealing with stress and pressure.

Most of the time, stress is a result of feeling overwhelmed. 【小题2】 For example, you could keep a daily organizer and plan your activities. Focus on things that are really important. Do not get caught up in minor issues that only create additional work for you. Break tasks down into manageable bits and tackle them one by one or step by step. Proper planning also helps you avoid the stress of doing things at the eleventh hour.

【小题3】 Doing things that you like such as listening to music, taking a walk, or reading a book can take your mind off things that bother you. Even doing nothing at all can be beneficial. After a short break, you will feel refreshed and more able to tackle a problem or a piece of work.

Finally, do not set such high standards for yourself and others that it leads to dissatisfaction and pressure.

【小题4】 Learn to slow down, let go and look at the positive side of things. If you are too uptight about something, you will not be able to think clearly and make good decisions. In addition, you could hurt the people around you.【小题5】 Then, negative stressful feelings will disappear.

A.To get rid of this feeling, keep yourself organized.
B.Focus on what has already been done and what is good.
C.Besides that, taking time to relax can help you ease stress.
D.If you aim for perfection all the time, you will end up frustrated and stressed out.
E.Well, you are not alone, as every person has to face stress at one time or another.

Making art can reduce stress and anxiety and improve your mood. But you don't have to be a full-time artist to get in on those health benefits. 【小题1】. And the more you do it, the better. Here are the things you need to know to kick-start your creative art habit.

We tend to think that only people who are very skilled at art can call themselves artists. 【小题2】. Everyone is capable of creative expression. In fact, there are no differences in health outcomes between those who identify as experienced artists and those who don't.

【小题3】. Start with what you enjoy-maybe something you've done before, maybe something you loved as a kid. But keep an open mind. Anything that engages your creative mind is good for you. You can do that through many activities: finger painting, cooking, baking, oil painting. And don't feel like you have to stick to one thing. Do whatever you're in the mood for.

You can think about making art like any healthy habit, such as eating well or exercising. Just as you make time to work, exercise and hang out with family and friends, you should make time for your artistic attempts. Doing just 10 minutes of art each day can do wonders. In addition to carving out time, carve out a physical space in your home for art. 【小题4】. If space is an issue, put it all in a basket or a plastic container that's easily accessible.

The more you're able to make art a regular habit the more you’re likely to get this great reward: this wonderful thing that happens when you're in the zone. 【小题5】.We can feel that flow when filling in lines with color, inking and when drawing pleasing backgrounds, such as jungle or garden scenes.

A.Scientists call it "flow".
B.It's good to figure out your mode of creative expression.
C.All you need to do is just make art.
D.It frees one up to explore new ideas.
E.Set up a corner table for your art supplies.
F.Making art helps us to refresh ourselves.
G.But really, anyone can be an artist

In some countries, many families are choosing camping as an affordable way to vacation due to the cost-of-living crisis (危机). 【小题1】 Here are several tips to help make your first camping trip a success.

Camping needs careful planning. Making a detailed list of what to bring ensures nothing important is forgotten. It is advised to pack light and easy-to-set-up tents (帐篷). It’s also important to choose equipment suitable for the season. For families, bringing comfort items like favorite books or toys can make the new environment more welcoming for kids. 【小题2】 Other necessaries like wet wipes (湿巾) are must-haves.

Camping is more than just setting up a tent. 【小题3】 Group camping trips can simplify things, especially when it comes to meals. Sharing meal responsibilities with other families not only reduces the load but also improves the shared experience. Choosing simple and easy-to-prepare foods helps too.

【小题4】 Activities like treasure hunts, campfire stories can turn camping into an adventure. Nature itself offers endless enjoyment, from bird watching to plant recognizing. Moreover, camping is also an opportunity to teach kids valuable life skills and safety lessons. From cooking over a campfire to learning about nature, these experiences are both educational and enjoyable. Safety lessons are also important, like staying within campsites and recognizing dangerous plants.

All in all, camping is a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time with family. 【小题5】

A.Use the experience to teach life skills.
B.Camping should be an enjoyable adventure.
C.It also includes preparing and planning meals.
D.Allow the kids to take part in planning process.
E.Since children can get untidy, packing extra clothes is necessary.
F.With the right preparation and attitude, it can be an unforgettable experience.
G.However, for first-time campers, especially those with kids, the experience can be challenging.
