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My family recently did our first major road trip, traveling from our Maryland home to Disney World in Florida. Though we’re no strangers to travel, a trip of this length was a new experience for us with three children. What helped us enjoy our trip so much? Our schedule, of course! So keeping a schedule when you travel can help make your trip a success.

Don’t sleep the day away.

I know you’re on vacation. The kids have a break from school, and you’re excited to be out of the office. Let everyone sleep for a bit, but Still make it a point to rise at a reasonable hour and get active to start the day. Not only will you see and do more on your trip, but it will make it easier to eat regularly, get the kids down at nap time (午觉), and then go to bed without a struggle.

Eat regularly.

Time is easy to go by while you’re running through a theme park, or exploring (考察) a museum. Be prepared for meals because hungry kids are often quick to turn into a headache for you. Pack a snack and drink bag and make sure to stop regularly for a bite to eat while you’re out. Keeping a regular meal schedule can help everyone keep up their energy and enjoy the day.

Take a nap.

Does your baby take a daily nap? Naps are very important for baby’s development. They also help little ones to pick up their strength, or vacations can be exhausting (疲惫的) for little minds and bodies.

Go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Everyone can get tired out on vacation. Don’t allow anyone to stay up late every night. Mom, dad, and kids are all sure to be miserable if they don’t get enough sleep. If bedtime gets delayed (推迟), adjust your travel plans accordingly.

【小题1】Why does the author write this passage?
A.To tell the readers what fun it is to travel.
B.To introduce some attractions of Disney World.
C.To introduce one of his travel experiences to the readers.
D.To give some advice on keeping a schedule while traveling.
【小题2】From the passage, we can infer that       .
A.the writer is a stranger traveling in the U.S.
B.the writer is familiar with travel and has much experience
C.a proper schedule helped the writer enjoy his trip to Maryland
D.eating a little more helps little children to recover their strength
【小题3】What kind of people is the passage mainly written for?
A.Travelers to the U.S.
B.Travel companies or agencies.
C.Teenagers crazy about traveling.
D.Parents who plan a family travel.
【小题4】During the trip, the author will agree that       .
A.taking a nap during the day is necessary for the children
B.games and enjoyable activities can last until late at night
C.brunch is a good choice if you sleep late in the morning
D.the bedtime should be changed if the travel plan changes
知识点:旅游观光 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America, a popular destination(目的地) for tourists. Here are some package tours for you.

Amazon Rainforest Tour

A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest, From there, you'll spend one day travelling by boat to your hotel in the middle of the forest. You can then spend three days explore(探索)the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.

Machu Picchu Tour

This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your destination, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.

Cusco Tour

Spend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food,and go shopping at the local markets.

Lake Titicaca Tour

Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. There, a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days. Both the island and the Uros homes are made of water plants from the lake.

For more package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfo@travelperu,org.

【小题1】At which place can tourists learn more about the Inca Empire?
A.Cusco.B.Lake Titicaca.C.Machu Picchu.D.The Andes Mountains.
【小题2】What is special about Machu Picchu Tour?
A.It is the only ancient city tour.
B.It allows one to get close to nature.
C.It is a physically demanding walking tour.
D.It experiences various means of transportation.
【小题3】What do the four tours have in common?
A.They are all totally free.
B.They are tours in the Andes.
C.They are all four-day package tours.
D.They are mainly designed for the young.
【小题4】What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To compare four different tours.B.To draw people to visit Peru.
C.To introduce Peru to the world.D.To show the unusual beauty of Peru.
【小题5】In which of the following parts would you probably read this passage?

Join the 2022 SAVE THE FROGS! Costa Rica Osa Ecotour

We invite you to join the 2022 SAVE THE FROGS! Costa Rica Osa Ecotour! This research-focused adventure will take you to the amazingly biodiverse Osa Peninsula in southwest Costa Rica. There are lots of frogs to be found, making the Osa Peninsula a perfect place for the SAVE THE FROGS! Ecotour. Your participation directly funds the world organization!

Ecotour Highlights

•Search for poison dart frogs, redeyed tree frogs, glass frogs, monkeys, sloths, parrots, toucans and more on nature trails.

•Spend time in beautiful natural areas with incredibly knowledgeable local guides.

•Assist sea turtle researchers on a wonderful beach.

•Learn all about amphibians(两栖动物), tropical rainforests, and environmental conservation.

In short, even if you are not a frog fan, as long as you love nature and wildlife, you will have an incredible time on this Ecotour.


We have carefully chosen locations that are amazing, unique and thoroughly unforgettable, and that offer the best in travel, wildlife, culture and education.

DateDay of
Place in
the Day
A Night Location
20220706WednesdayPuerto Jimenez
Brazos rainforest
Los Mineros Guesthouse
National Park
Los Mineros
20220708FridayOsa ConservationOsa Verde BioLodge
20220709SaturdayOsa ConservationOsa Verde BioLodge
20220710SundayOsa ConservationOsa Verde BioLodge
20220711MondayOsa ConservationOsa Verde BioLodge
20220712TuesdayOsa ConservationOsa Verde BioLodge
20220713WednesdayPuerto Jimenez
Trip Pricing

The 2022 SAVE THE FROGS! Costa Rica Osa Ecotour pricing is as follows:

•Base cost for one participant: $3,345

•Base cost for a party of two: $6,345

•Base cost for a party of three: $9,245

•Base cost for a party of four: $11,845

•Student Discount: Fulltime students receive a $100 discount.

Sign Up for the Ecotour Here

Please click here and complete the Expression of Interest Form if you would like to join the tour.

【小题1】Where will visitors spend most of their time during the Ecotour?
A.At Osa Conservation.B.At Puerto Jimenez Airport.
C.In the Dos Brazos rainforest.D.In Corcovado National Park.
【小题2】How much will a couple and a student boy pay for the Ecotour?
【小题3】What do we know about the Costa Rica Osa Ecotour?
A.It is only intended for the frog lovers.
B.It is full of fun, adventure and education.
C.It is the most famous tour in Costa Rica.
D.It is a project funded by the government.

Overtourism happens when the number of tourists or the management of the tourism industry in a destination becomes unsustainable (不可持续的). When there are too many visitors, the quality of life for the local community can be affected, the surrounding natural environment can become worse, and the quality of the tourists’ experience can fall.

However, in most places, overtourism is not a hopeless situation. Destinations all over the world have already showed ways to overcome the obstacles presented by overcrowding and unsustainable tourism management.

East Africa, for example, has turned the gorilla (大猩猩) visiting into a once-in-a-lifetime experience by putting limits on daily permits, while maintaining conservation efforts inside native forests and offering jobs to local guides. In Antarctica, the Antarctic Treaty limits the size of ships that land there as well as the number of people they can bring ashore at one time; it also requires a minimum guide-to-tourist ratio (比率) while tourists are off the boat.

Local governments, of course, are largely responsible for keeping sustainability in the tourism industry. But approaches to reducing the negative effects of overtourism can come down to individual travelers as well. One of the best ways is to become a responsible tourist by looking outside of the mainstream travel destinations. Consider outer cities or less-visited attractions to avoid crowds altogether while experiencing the destination’s daily culture outside of the popular areas. There are countless places that want and need more tourists to explore.

If you just have to visit the popular destinations, consider visiting during their off-season. People who rely on tourism to live on need support during the off-season more than any other time of year. Besides, it will save money since accommodations and flights tend to be cheaper. Even better, off-season travel puts less pressure on the environment.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “obstacles” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
【小题2】What step has been taken concerning gorilla visiting in East Africa?
A.Reducing local guides.B.Limiting daily permits.
C.Expanding forest coverage.D.Attracting local visitors.
【小题3】Which should be mainly responsible for sustainable tourism?
A.Local authorities.B.Individual tourists.
C.Travel agencies.D.Native people.
【小题4】What advantage does off-season travel have?
A.It suits the young and the old.B.It improves visitors’ mental health.
C.It’s much cheaper and less crowded.D.It offers more cultural destinations.
