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Scientists around the world are striving for effective detection of cancer in the early stages,which is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body,and a Chinese scientist may have found a quick way of knowing whether malignant tumors(恶性肿瘤)exist in a patient's body,with just one drop of blood.

Malignant tumors in early phases can be cured.However,it's extremely difficult to be aware of cancer in its early stages,as patients don't show obvious symptoms and thus it can only be found in its later stages,which is already too late,so to detect cancer early remains a global challenge for scientists.

Back in 1989,scientists have found a kind of heat shock proteins (HSP),named Hsp90α,which existed in human bodies and can be used as a cancer biomarker detection kit.Scientists around the globe have been working on it since then,and more than 10,000 journals have been published on accredited magazines,yet no one has actually turned their research results into medical products.

However,Luo Yongzhang and his team in Tsinghua University's School of Life Sciences in Beijing seemed to have cracked the code,after working on the problem since 2009.The team has produced an artificial Hsp90α protein for clinical use that gains structural stability by regrouping proteins.The test kit can diagnose multiple kinds of cancer by analyzing a drop of human blood.This means they are able to "create" the protein,in any quantity,and at any time they wish to.

The kit has since been used in clinical trials involving 2,347 patients at eight hospitals in China.It was the first clinical trial in the world to test if the protein could be a useful tumor biomarker for lung cancer,and it succeeded. Now,the kit has been approved to enter the Chinese and European markets,24 years after Hsp90α was discovered.

【小题1】Why is cancer hard to cure?
A.Malignant tumors are found too late.
B.Malignant tumors spread too quickly.
C.Its symptoms are shown in early stages.
D.No proper treatment can be applied to it.
【小题2】What do we learn about Hsp90α from Paragraph 3?
A.It was created by scientists in 1989.
B.All magazines have covered the topic.
C.There has been a medical product about it.
D.It can serve as a cancer detection approach.
【小题3】How does the Chinese kit diagnose cancer?
A.By regrouping proteins.
B.By cracking cancer’s code.
C.By breaking down one drop of blood.
D.By producing an artificial Hsp90α protein.
【小题4】It can be inferred that a European with lung cancer in early phases .
A.can’t be cured in the end
B.can be diagnosed with it in time
C.has to be examined in China
D.expects the kit to come into the market
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Described as the world’s most environmentally friendly protein (蛋白质), Solein is made by applying electricity to water to give out bubbles (气泡) of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) and hydrogen (氢气). Living micro-organisams (微生物) are then added to the water to feed on the carbon dioxide and hydrogen bubbles and produce the Solein, which is then dried to make the powder. It’s a chemical change process similar to making beer. The dried Solein has a protein content of 50 percent and looks and tastes just like wheat flour (面粉).

“It is a completely new kind of food, a new land of protein, different from all the food on the market today in how it is produced as it does not need agriculture.” Dr Pasi Vainikka, the chief manager of Solar Foods told The Guardian. The process used to produce Solein—converting water into hydrogen and carbon dioxide is amazing, as the wonder food can be produced anywhere in the world. It’s also 10 times more energy-efficient than photosynthesis (光合作用), and 10 to 100 times more environment and climate-friendly in water use than animal or plant-based food production.

“Solein also contains all the necessary amino acid (氨基酸), but because it is produced using carbon and electricity, it does not require large amounts of land to produce,” the Solar Foods website explains. “Another unique characteristic of Solein is that it is able to take carbon directly from carbon dioxide without needing a source of sugar.”

While Solar Foods does not expect Solein to challenge traditional protein production methods in the next two decades, it does expect it to become a “new harvest” for humanity, which is significant considering so far we have only relied on plants and animals for food. The Helsinki-based company plans to open its first Solein factory at the beginning of 2022 and increase production to two billion meals per year by 2023.

【小题1】Which of the following statements best describes the features of Solein?
A.It is a new kind of food processed when making beer.
B.It is made from water and carbon dioxide by applying electricity.
C.It is a kind of man-made wheat flour.
D.It is produced without consuming much energy and land.
【小题2】What does the underlined word converting in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Humans can completely rely on Solein to survive.
B.Solein is supposed to challenge traditional protein production.
C.There is still a long way for Solein to be put into production.
D.The company thinks Solein would have a rewarding future.
【小题4】What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To make a new kind of technology known to the public.
B.To make an advertisement for a new kind of protein.
C.To introduce a new kind of protein.
D.To call on people to protect the environment.

Early excitement about the next generation of the iPhone is building months ahead of an expected autumn debut(问世). Analysts expect Apple to release three iPhones this year, but the one getting the most attention is a rumored super-premium model to celebrate the iPhone's tenth anniversary. And, for that phone, Apple is expected to change the type of screen the iPhone uses.

Here's a quick look at what you need to know about what it means if Apple switches from its current liquid crystal display (LCD) screens to a type of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) screen called AMOLED.

The essential difference between an LCD screen and an AMOLED one is the presence of a backlight. Thanks to that difference, AMOLED screens can be very thin, which means you can make thinner products. They also provide more vivid colors, which is a reason that television makers have been pushing OLED in its various forms for their big screens. AMOLED screens, in particular, boast(夸口) even greater control over each individual pixel (像素)— which means better contrast for the viewer. These screens can also improve battery life. Because there's no backlight, AMOLED screens can be more energy-efficient when the user is viewing darker subjects, allowing the phone to shut off pixels and stop drawing power.

So why hasn't Apple switched to AMOLED yet? After all, Apple competitors such as Samsung and LG already have these screens on their smartphones.

AMOLED screens are not cheap to produce. It's also not that easy to make the complex AMOLED screens, which could explain why most Apple fans expect that only the highest-end phone will have the new screen.

And then there's the cost. The switch to AMOLED has also been cited as a reason that the price of the high-end iPhone may jump above the $1,000 mark. Beauty, even in a mass-produced world, does not come cheap.

Still, the expense may be worth it, especially as people shoot more photos and videos.

【小题1】According to the passage, when will the iPhone’s tenth anniversary most probably be held?
A.In June.
B.In March.
C.In November.
D.In January.
【小题2】According to most Apple fans, AMOLED screens will only be used on ________ this year.
A.the cheapest iPhones
B.the most massive iPhones
C.the highest iPhones
D.the most expensive iPhones
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence indicate?
A.It is very expensive to become beautiful.
B.Everything has a price.
C.The more you pay, the more beautiful you will become.
D.Practice more, and you will become better.
【小题4】What’s the author’s attitude towards the expected iPhone?

After lab-grown meat, are you getting ready for animal-free cow’s milk? A San Francisco startup believes it has found a solution.

Through a combination of yeast (酵母), cow DNA and plant nutrients, Perfect Day claims to have created a product identical in taste and nutritional value to cow’s milk, but without any cows involved. It will satisfy consumers who love eating dairy (乳制品的) ice-cream, cheese and yoghurt, but loathe factory-style farming and its environmental footprint.

Sales of milk alternatives such as soy, coconut and more recently pea milk are expected to be on the rise. But until now they have not cut traditional milk and dairy production. “The alternatives for yoghurt, cheese and ice-cream are so bad that people don’t even want to try them,” says Perfect Day co-founder Ryan Pandya.

The missing ingredient (成分) in plant-based alternatives is cow’s milk proteins. To make the animal-free cow’s milk, Perfect Day puts cow DNA — which is readily available due to decades of research by the dairy industry — into yeast and adds sugar to create cow’s milk proteins through fermentation (发酵). These milk proteins are then combined with sugar, fats and nutrients to create the final product.

“We’re taking plant nutrients and transforming them into animal proteins the same way that cows do, using the same milk proteins as found in cow’s milk, but much more efficiently, because we’re using a yeast cell not an animal,” said Pandya.

Although comparisons have been made with lab-grown meat, Pandya said they are not using novel technology. Many people initially go ‘oh is this like lab or test-tube milk’, but that’s wrong. There are no test tubes in our fermentation process. The meat folks are trying to invent technology that doesn’t exist today, but our milk is made through techniques that have been in use for more than three decades.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “loathe” mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题2】Which of the following is a part of Perfect Day’s milk-making process?
A.Mixing cow DNA with yeast and sugar.B.Adding sugar and fats to plant milk.
C.Mixing plant milk with cow milk.D.Adding cow DNA to plant milk.
【小题3】What does Pandya think of their product?
A.It tastes like test-tube milk.B.It needs to be tested further.
C.It is produced with existing technology.D.It is well-received by green food lovers.
