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Compliments can be sent in all shapes and sizes. They can range from congratulating co-workers on their hard work to telling someone how good that shirt looks on him or her. 【小题1】 In other words, compliments, no matter how small or great they are, can make anyone feel good. Next time, if you want to give someone some compliments, keep these tips in mind.

• Perfect your compliments. People feel much more appreciated when you say exactly why you think that person deserves some praise. That’s to say, back your compliments up with examples of why you think that person did a good job. 【小题2】

• Don’t put it off. Too many people wait until what they think is the perfect moment to send a compliment. 【小题3】 What you have in your head as a perfect moment may never happen. If you feel that a compliment is appropriate, the best time is now.

【小题4】 Don’t ever tell someone that something he or she has done is great and then point out what he or she was doing beforehand wasn’t so great. Compliments are meant to make people feel good, and that’s it. Don’t bring other things into them because comparing the present and the past can just make someone feel bad about themselves.

• Be selfless. 【小题5】 Not only is this very selfish, but it destroys all of the sincerity right out of the compliments. If you think someone’s hair looks nice, say so — but don’t do it just because you’re having a new hairstyle and want some validation (确认) for your own look.

A.Give a 100% compliment.
B.Don’t be one of those people!
C.It’s always a nice idea to give a compliment with a smile.
D.The best compliment leaves no room for any misunderstanding.
E.Your sincere compliments can make someone’s entire day better.
F.Never compliment someone because you want a compliment back.
G.Adding examples makes your compliments more sincere and effective.
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Are you bored with your daily routine?Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late!

Learn to swim.

Actually, this is so important that it could save your life. If you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to do water sports like water skiing(滑水), surfing and diving.【小题1】 Make sure you do it.

Collect something.

One of the best hobbies for under­18s is collecting things. You could collect Chinese stamps, or you could collect things that make you remember what you’ve done, like cinema tickets for films. The best way to collect is to have a special album to put your collections in and to write what each thing means to you.【小题2】

Try at least one kind of team sports.

【小题3】 You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and that they are also great fun.【小题4】 So you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.


When you are young, get to know all the older people in your family and find out as much as you can about them when they were young. Draw a family tree and make notes about each person so that you won’t forget.

A.Draw your family tree.
B.In that way, you won’t forget.
C.Even taking a boat trip will not be safe for you.
D.And you’d better exchange them with your friends.
E.Teams usually have a good social life, too.
F.Being a good team player is an important skill in life.
G.You should get into good habits when you are young.

Perhaps a friend you’ve known for years has moved away. It’s normal to feel sad and frustrated at not getting to see him in the way you’d like to. 【小题1】 Here are some ideas of how to keep your bond strong.


Seeing a note or card from someone they care about in the letterbox is a sure way to make your friend smile. While it’s good to keep in touch via technology, putting your thoughts down on paper shows how much you care and that you’ve set aside some time to think about them. It doesn’t have to be an essay. 【小题2】 These could be from your holidays, but they can also be found in local shops, museums, and art galleries.


【小题3】 You could put in a packet of their favourite candies, photos of significant people and places, and other objects you think they’d love. You could also include handmade gifts. It doesn’t have to be expensive. 【小题4】 Such a package will make them feel cared about and act as a reminder that you’re there for them, regardless of the distance between you.


Is there a TV series that you both love? While you may not be able to share a packet of popcorn and view it side by side, you could arrange to watch it at the same time and then talk on the phone about it afterwards, sharing your reactions and opinions. 【小题5】

A.It’s the thought that counts.
B.But staying connected is possible.
C.It can also be an e-mail with photos.
D.Postcards are a lovely way to stay in touch.
E.This works well as a way of regularly staying in touch.
F.Once in a while, make a parcel filled with items that are meaningful to your friend.
G.Even when you live far apart from someone, they can still be a big part of your life.

After hours of working, many people find themselves in desperate need of a re-charge. Some people grab a coffee to stay awake.【小题1】

A recent study found that one in five working Americans nap (小憩) during the workday, with 87% of them reporting feeling refreshed afterward. "A power nap can provide the refreshment you need if you're struggling to stay alert or haven't had a good night's sleep," explains Rebecca Robbins, a sleep scientist at Brigham and Women's Hospital.【小题2】However, power naps are only beneficial when they are done correctly.

"You don't have to go to sleep fully," says James Maas, a professor at Cornell University, who is best known for his work in the field of sleep research.【小题3】He says, "20 minutes should be enough to power through the rest of the work day." However, Maas cautions that longer naps are counterproductive and even harmful. If you power nap any time longer than 40 minutes, you're going to wake up feeling very groggy (昏昏沉沉的).

Shelby Harris, a clinical psychologist adds that the best time to take your power nap is between 1and 3p.m.【小题4】

To make the most of your power nap, you'd better choose a comfortable place and time to nap. Also, put your alarm away from the bed.【小题5】One more thing, get some daylight exposure after your nap. It's best to get up, walk around and see some sunlight to fight any grogginess.

A.Naps are not for everyone.
B.It does boost workplace productivity.
C.This helps prevent power nappers turning it off easily.
D.He coined the term "power nap" more than 50 years ago.
E.Napping any later in the day can affect your sleep at night.
F.Sleep experts say that power naps should be quick and refreshing.
G.However, it may be more beneficial to fight your sleepiness with sleep.
