阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷96

Meaningful relationships make life more enjoyable. In order to attract an ideal mate, you'll need to spend some time preparing yourself to make sure you're ready to be in a relationship with a new person.

Define what an ideal relationship means to you. As you set out to create your ideal relationship, make sure you consider what you want from it. 【小题1】If you want attention and affection, look for someone who gives you that.

【小题2】 Often, one of the biggest things that can get in the way of your future happiness is your past.   In order to move forward in your life, you need to say goodbye to anything you may be struggling with from your past.   Creating an ideal relationship requires commitment to the possibilities of the future, not bitterness about the past.

Be positive. No one wants to be around someone who is bad-tempered or pessimistic all the time. 【小题3】If you want to find an ideal relationship, try to picture the future as full of opportunities. Nobody is perfect, but being positive about yourself and your life will be attractive to potential partners.

Work towards positive changes in your life. 【小题4】 Often, these character quirks(怪癖) are what make people lovable and memorable.   Your family and friends should love you in spite of your flaws.【小题5】Of course you shouldn't change yourself for someone else, unless it is a positive change that you want to make for yourself.

A.Let go of the past.
B.Everyone has faults.
C.Welcome your future challenges.
D.Optimism attracts more optimism.
E.Work on talking things out, even when you're upset at one another.
F.However, there are things you need to work on to attract your ideal partner.
G.If you are looking for stability and security,   search for a partner with those qualities.
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Having a positive attitude is a choice. You can choose to think thoughts that boost your mood and throw a more constructive light on difficult situations. By choosing to take a positive outlook on life, you can begin to shift out of a negative frame of mind. You will find life is filled with possibilities instead of worries. 【小题1】

Understand the benefits of being a positive thinker. Choosing to think positively will help you take control of your life and make your everyday experiences more pleasant. 【小题2】 Being aware of these benefits can help you be more motivated to think positively on a regular basis.

【小题3】 Recording your thoughts can enable you to step back and evaluate patterns in your thinking. Write down your thoughts and feelings at the end of every day can be a valuable way to identify your negative thoughts and make a plan to change them to positive thoughts.

Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Once you're feeling confident that you can spot negative thoughts, you're ready to make active choices about replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This doesn't mean that everything in your life will always be positive. 【小题4】 However, you can work to replace the daily unhelpful thinking patterns with thoughts that help you to flourish.

Surround yourself with positive people. We are often influenced by the people around us. If you find that people around you tend to be negative, look to surround yourself with more positive people. 【小题5】 If you have a close family member or a significant other who is constantly negative, encourage her to go on a journey towards positive attitude with you.

A.Identify your negative thoughts.
B.This will feed your own positivity.
C.Keep a diary to reflect your thoughts.
D.It's normal to have a variety of emotions.
E.It also benefits your mental and physical health.
F.If you want to know how to think more positively, just follow these tips.
G.People who allow themselves regular fun in their lives tend to be more positive.

How to stop procrastinating (拖延)

You know the people who walk confidently into an algebra test without trying to burn last-minute formulas (公式) into their brains? 【小题1】 And it’s easier than you think. Find your procrastination style, and then fix it—right now!

The busy bee

【小题2】Right after you walk the dog, call your grandma, go for a run, eat an apple, brush your teeth...

The fix: 【小题3】You’re simply postponing that one big, terrifying task! To deal with it, break your studying into smaller pieces and put each piece on your to-do list. You’ll get to cross more items off. Plus you’ll start thinking of the test material as many small manageable pieces—rather than one huge piece.

The multitasker

You’re great at getting started—if by that you mean opening a textbook and highlighting while also watching cat videos and eating fruit.

The fix: It’s normal to be bored or hungry, but these things needn’t mean losing sight of your goal. 【小题4】For example, do work for 20 minutes, then watch a video of a cute cat. Dying to hit replay? Get another 20 minutes of research done. Once the tough part (getting focused) is over, you’ll be looking through that textbook before you can say “meow”.

The avoider

You open your backpack when suddenly you’re hit by an anxiety blackout (暂时的意识丧失). 【小题5】

The fix: The anxious part of your mind is working. To put your sensible brain back in the driver’s seat, try meditating (冥想), which sounds a lot harder than it is. Simply sit with your eyes closed and slowly breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Repeat 10 times, and then start your work. You’ll feel more motivated!

A.Sure, you’ll study for tomorrow’s Spanish test!
B.Understand that procrastination isn’t caused by laziness!
C.To stay on track, turn your entertaining activities into your rewards.
D.You can’t ever imagine finishing your work, so you don’t even start.
E.You can become one of them once you learn to keep procrastination under control.
F.You’ll save yourself tons of stress if you outsmart those feelings that get in your way.
G.You may have tricked yourself into thinking you’re being productive, but you can’t fool us.

There are frequent reports on the need of volunteers in so many different charitable organizations.【小题1】 There are actually many ways to find opportunities to help others.When a person is looking for volunteer opportunities and doesn’t care where he volunteers,a good place to look for jobs is through local volunteer centers.These centers may have lists,much like classified ads,requesting volunteers in a variety of fields.It can help to choose a volunteer position that will take advantage of work or life experience.【小题2】 Other employers and companies may not be that picky and are willing to take on anyone who has enthusiasm for the work.

Sometimes people want to become a volunteer in a specific type of work.【小题3】 The best route may be to contact these facilities and find out what available volunteer programs they have.Some programs may require job applications and training,and this training isn’t always free.Looking around at a few programs can help people find the ones that don’t charge for training.

【小题4】 Schools may additionally have volunteer job listings that can help people become a volunteer.Sometimes listings for jobs are exclusive(独有的) to the school and people may find work as tutors or administrative assistants.

It isn’t always necessary to look at non-profit companies to find volunteer opportunities.Plenty of individuals and for-profit companies may benefit from volunteers’help too.A volunteer babysitter or someone who helps a neighbor with the housework can make a big difference in a community.Volunteering doesn’t have to be a full-time commitment.【小题5】

A.Different organizations have different ways to attract volunteers.
B.They may want to help at an animal shelter or work in a hospital.
C.Many schools now have community service requirements for students.
D.It may be an occasional thing that promotes good feelings between neighbors.
E.Many people will give more time if they see the benefit of their volunteer work.
F.But people don’t know how to start sometimes if they want to become a volunteer.
G.Some volunteer positions do require that applicants have certain experience before they are hired.
