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Distance runners often worry about “hitting the wall” during training or races,when negative thoughts become so overpowering that they make it difficult to continue.【小题1】 At that time, the body’s glycogen (糖原) supplies become exhausted. As a result, many runners feel exhausted and discouraged,slow their pace, have trouble focusing and want to quit or walk.【小题2】 Here are a few sports psychologist-approved techniques to try, which could have major benefits for an athlete’s performance and well-being.

1.Make a motivational song list. Distracting (分心) yourself with some great tunes can help you make it to the finish line faster.【小题3】

2.Try the partner system. A running partner can keep you motivated and on-track, and might even improve your performance, research shows.

3.【小题4】 A study on weight-lifters found that mental practices can be as effective as physical practice,resulting in actual muscle increases. Visualizing your if-then plan, for instance, could improve your chance of success.

4.Try “attention narrowing”.【小题5】 Last year, an NYU study found that focusing on an object on the horizon makes the distance feel shorter, and leads runners to go faster and perform better than those who let their minds wander.

With these helpful strategies, your next personal record might be just around the corner.

A.Plan what to do.
B.Visualize achieving your goal.
C.Finding ways to move past those kinds of experiences is very vital.
D.“Hitting the wall” typically happens around 20 miles into a marathon.
E.There is evidence that saying motivational things to oneself benefits a lot.
F.Runners who focus their eyes on an object in the distance get there faster.
G.Studies show athletes run, bike and swim farther and faster when listening to music.
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Social media can connect you to friends and family, bring you the latest and most important news, and help you discover things you would never come across otherwise. 【小题1】. They can lead to negative emotions or distract you from important tasks. Your first thought may be to delete your accounts completely, but you may miss out on all of the benefits. Why not use some of these smart strategies to help you find a good balance?


The contacts on your social media can add up quickly over time as we constantly follow more people. Adding in other junk accounts can make things even worse. The next time you load up one of your social media apps, take some time to unfollow the accounts and people you’re no longer interested in. 【小题3】. If you’re only following 50 people on twitter, for example, you know that you’re not missing too much if you’re only checking your timeline once a day.

•Turn off notices

Fewer notices can help you keep focused and create a healthy habit of checking social media only when you really have to. Notices aren’t too difficult to control these days. 【小题4】. Browse through the options you have inside your apps, too, in case some apps have secret ways to inform you.

•Set time limits

Setting time limits for social media apps on your devices isn’t a perfect approach, as you can easily turn them off if the attraction is too strong. Still, you might find these limitations are effective at reducing the amount of time you spend checking your social networks. 【小题5】, and from there you can set how long you are allowed to use each app for. Despite all of these measures, you’ll definitely still need a bit of willpower as well.

A.Update your accounts regularly
B.Follow fewer people
C.You can find Screen Time options in the iOS
D.Take a look at the phone’s settings and you will see what you can change
E.However, social media contact may cause you problems
F.But these platforms can sometimes be troublemakers
G.This will make a big difference to how often you check social media

Your car isn’t just essential for keeping yourself safe as the colder months draw closer. 【小题1】 Here’s our top tips to help you prepare your car for the cold winter months ahead.

Check your car’s battery

The last thing you want is to be stuck on a country road or a motorway in minus temperatures with a dead battery. 【小题2】, it’s worth getting your battery checked or getting it replaced sooner rather than later.

Don’t forget de-icing spray

【小题3】? You can either sit there with engine running for ten minutes (and make yourself late for work) or clean your windows with de-icing spray and leave in seconds. Never pour boiling water over your car’s windows when they’re covered with ice. Just use de-icing spray instead.

Invest in winter tyres

If you’ve got a long distance to work and back every day, or are planning a long drive over Christmas to catch up with friends and family, then it might be worth considering buying some winter-ready tyres.

Check your car’s wipers

Your car’s windscreen wipers are vital during the winter months. If your wipers are split or damaged, they won’t clear rain away properly and will block your visibility, especially if you’re caught in heavy rain or snow. 【小题4】.


If you’re choosing not to get a new pair of winter tyres for your car, then you should always look at your current tyres to make sure they’re adequately inflated (充气) to the right level. Tyres tend to deflate in colder conditions and this will reduce the control you have over your car when driving, so check your car’s tyres regularly (ideally at least once a month) over the winter months.

Our tips will significantly reduce the chances of you running into trouble on the road this winter.

A.Inspect your tyre pressure
B.Choose proper tyres for your car
C.If you break down for whatever reason
D.Car windows thick with ice in the morning
E.If your car is taking a long time to start when you turn the key
F.This could potentially result in a crash and put you and other road users in danger, so make sure to check these too
G.Taking the right steps to ensure your car is ready for winter can also save you a sum of money in case anything goes wrong

Being minimalist is about intentionally reducing your possessions to the items you value most and increasing the amount of time you spend on the people and activities you truly enjoy. It can take many forms. 【小题1】. This way you can optimize (优化) your life towards ideal.

Try clearing away your possessions

If you think hard, you will realize that the physical things you own are not the most important parts of your life. In this case you can clear away all but the most essential things in sweeps. Focus on keeping things that you value deeply. 【小题2】. Take a few weeks to live without those things. At the same time, notice if the things you've kept are serving you.   


You must have many friends, but how many of them are people who motivate and inspire you to grow and learn? Becoming minimalist means that you evaluate how well they fit into your ideal life and maximizing your social time spent on people who lift you up. Then you can also free up more time to spend on other priorities in life.【小题4】.

Take time for introspection

Introspection, which means you sitting with your own thoughts, is what people are terrified of in so “busy” a world. 【小题5】. You can put your phone on silent, turn off the TV and block out distractions and just sit with your thoughts. You will come face to face with some uncomfortable truths. But pushing through to the other side is where the magic happens.

Even though everyone embraces minimalism differently, each path leads to the same place: a more meaningful life with more time and more freedom. Hopefully you will get there.

A.Have less possessions to enjoy more
B.Anyway, you should make space to think
C.People are eager for another way of living
D.Consider your lifestyle around relationships
E.Get rid of things that you don't need any longer
F.It’s worth focusing your time on people that matter
G.The important part is to figure out your flavor of minimalism
