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By May, after three months, I had lost 22 pounds and reached my goal of 115 pounds. My friends would say “Alice, you look great!” or “How did you lose so much weight?” Those compliments made me feel good and confident.

Soon I dropped to 110 pounds. A few of my friends told me that I needed to stop dieting, because I was starting to look sick. They brought me a present-a bag of chocolates, which I later gave to my sister. My mom would come to my room, with tears in her eyes, and have long chats about how harmful this diet was and begged me to stop. My dad would leave worried messages on my cell phone at school, telling me that it would do serious harm to my body.

By mid-June, when school was coming to an end, I was down to an only alive state of 95 pounds. All of a sudden, I knew I had to do something. I guessed the number itself scared me. I recalled my doctor. He told me about a girl who was 95 pounds and was at the risk of dying. I knew I was putting my life at risk, but for what? To make those who love me worried? Was it worthwhile to be thin?

Now I realize that models in magazines, TV and movies are not realistic. The price to pay for the “perfect body” is living with a dangerous and sometimes deadly eating disorder. And there are more important things to think about than how thin you are.

【小题1】The underlined word “compliments” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
【小题2】Why did the author’s mother come to her room in tears?
A.Because the mother was worried about her daughter’s health.
B.Because the mother thought her daughter was brave enough.
C.Because the mother was sorry to have helped her daughter go on a diet.
D.Because the mother was deeply moved by her daughter’s friends.
【小题3】The author decided to stop dieting ________.
A.after her parents persuaded her out of it
B.when her weight dropped to 95 pounds
C.after she reached her goal of losing weight
D.after her friends told her to stop dieting
【小题4】From the text we learn that ________.
A.there are no models with a perfect body in real life
B.it is too expensive for people to lose weight
C.you will be healthy as long as you stop dieting
D.an unhealthy diet can lead to serious health problems
【小题5】The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ________.
A.the present from the author’s friends
B.having long chats in the night
C.the author’s diet to lose weight
D.the author’s cell phone
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If our bodies actually suffer from eating too much sugar, then why do we like it? And why don 't we have such a strong eager for food like, say, broccoli (西兰花),which is a great source of Vitamin C,vitamin K iron, all things our body actually needs? If it's so bad for us, then why does sugar taste so good? There are hundreds of journal articles trying to answer that very question. Let' s take a look at what they' ve come up with.

Studies have shown that the love children have for sugar may be born with. In other words, kids may have a built-in love of all things sweet. The preference for sweet foods is found to be already evident in newborns, who prefer sweeter formulas (配方). It also seems to be shared by children globally across cultures and climates. There’s further evidence that kids’ taste buds (味蕾) are more sensitive to bitter-tasting foods, further pushing them to reach for the sweets. One study showed that adults tend to maximize their sugar preference at about the level of sugar in a can of soda, but older children still liked drinks that were twice as sweet. The scientists couldn't find a limit to the concentration of sugar younger children preferred. It turns out that the kids still liked the sugary drink even past the point where there was too much sugar to be dissolved (溶解) in water anymore.

Sugar gets a bad fame, but it isn't all bad. Sugar provides our bodies with calories, which we can then change into energy. Children, in particular, need this energy to fuel their rapid growth. Sugar also helps us store fat, which can be drawn on later if needed. Our body knows to pursue the things it needs as a way of signaling our brain to start eating what we’re missing.

As a vegetarian (素食主义者),I know that when I start thinking about stealing the peanut butter sandwich that's been floating around in my kid' s backpack, it' s probably not because the sandwich is so delicious. It' s more likely that I haven't gotten enough protein for the day.

【小题1】What makes so many people study sugar?
A.High sugar intake.
B.Curiosity about Sugar.
C.The love for sugar.
D.The magic effect of sugar.
【小题2】What do the studies show about eating the sweets?
A.Loving sugar is human's nature.
B.A vegetarian doesn't like sugar so much.
C.The older one is, the more sugar one needs.
D.The love for sugar depends on living habits.
【小题3】How does sugar impress us according to the text?
A.Deadly but irresistible.
B.Beneficial but harmful.
C.Necessary but not welcome.
D.Useful but not nutritious.
【小题4】Why does the author steal his kid's food?
A.To store more protein,
B.To treat his illness.
C.To avoid his kid eating more.
D.To meet body' s needs.

Researchers from the United Kingdom and Canada looked at what children ate when compared to their IQ levels. The researcher used surveys to ask parents how often their children ate junk food. The parents were surveyed when the children were aged 3, then followed up 5 years later to see how the diet affected the growing children’s IQ. They found that those who ate more junk food had lower IQ levels than those who ate a more nutritious diet.

“This suggests that any cognitive (认知的) effects relating to eating habits early in childhood may well continue to exist in later childhood, despite any later changes (including improvements) to dietary intake,” the authors wrote.

The researchers found that dietary habits between the ages of 4 and 7 did not have as much of an effect as what children ate at age 3 did. This may be because the brain grows the quickest during the first three years of life, and thus is more easily affected by things such as diet.

“A possible explanation for this is that the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of life. Studies have shown that head growth during this time is associated with cognitive outcome, and it is possible that good nutrition during this early period may encourage brain growth,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers point out that they have found an association between food and IQ, but not a direct cause or effect. Other factors could have played a role in determining a child's IQ. Parenting, genetics, and even family income are all factors that determine how intelligent a child will be.

Despite this, nutritionists tell us that what children eat can affect how healthy they are, how much rest they get, how smart they are during school. All of these things could change a child's test on IQ level. It is not clear whether food affects IQ directly or indirectly.

More research is needed to determine if there is a direct effect between what a child eats and how intelligent they are. However, the study does suggest that there may be more reasons than just physical health to make sure a child gets a healthy diet.

【小题1】What is the best title for the passage?
A.New Research on Healthy Diet
B.Diets Determine Our Heights
C.Children's Health and Junk Food
D.Junk Food Lowers Your IQ
【小题2】Researchers surveyed the parents ______.
A.when the children were between 3 and 4 years old
B.while they were having junk food with children
C.by asking how often their children ate junk food
D.by always following the children
【小题3】From the research we know ______.
A.the more healthy food we eat, the more intelligent we are
B.what we eat during the first three years of life affects our brain most
C.parenting, genetics, and family income have little to do with our IQ
D.it is children’s diet that determines the growth of their brain directly
【小题4】The passage is likely to appear in ______.
A.a science magazine
B.a newspaper advertisement
C.a financial report
D.an education paper

How to Stop Binge Eating (饮食无度)

When it comes to trying to lose weight, stopping binge eating can be very difficult. Maybe you believe that to lose weight, one must go on a diet. Usually, you eat in a certain way until you reach your weight goals.【小题1】Here are some ways to overcome this.

【小题2】Eating healthily doesn’t mean you have to give up food. You can even eat the “bad” foods but you have to consume them in moderation (适中). The good news is that once you start to eat healthily and start cutting sugar out of your diet, you will start losing the craving for sweets.【小题3】

Get support. Sometimes it's hard to stop if you are doing this all alone. So what you can do is to ask some friends or family members to help remind you.【小题4】So ask people around you to remind you of your fitness goals when they catch you binging eating.

Limit your access to food.【小题5】Throw out all of the bad food and replace them with the good stuff. By doing this, you will hopefully be able to stop over eating due to the fact that it will be too much of a problem to actually go to the store and buy junk food.

These tips are just a few things you can do. The important thing to remember is that you need to have the right mindset going into this thing.

A.Try to eat healthily.
B.Don’t hurt yourself.
C.This will only cause you to eat even more.
D.This sort of thinking will cause you to fail.
E.In other words, it gets easy as time goes by.
F.It’s hard to eat a lot when you don’t have food to eat.
G.Usually, we eat more than we want to just out of habit.
