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Are you sick of going to bed late and waking up tired? Then grab your hiking boots and a tent. A new study suggests that camping in the great outdoors for a couple of days can reset your body clock and help you get more sleep.

The body clock is an internal system that tells our bodies when it’s time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up. Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin (褪黑激素) circulating in a person’s blood at any given time.

In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime, stay high through the night, and then settle back down when it’s time to wake up.

In our modern society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could. And the trouble is, your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, which leads to fatigue. It may also have other health consequences as well, such as diabetes (糖尿病), overweight and heart disease.

Professor Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature. His team recruited (招募) fourteen physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s. Nine went on a weekend camping trip, while the other five stayed home. At the end of the weekend, the researchers reported that in just two days, the campers’ body clocks had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip. By contrast, the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend.

“This tells us we can reset our clocks fast,” Wright said.

Therefore, if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at night. And if that doesn’t work,there’s always camping.

【小题1】The underlined word “fatigue” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.
【小题2】What did Wright's team discover from their experiment?
A.Those staying outdoors reset the clock inside their bodies over a short period.
B.The body clocks of the two groups didn’t show much difference.
C.The body clocks of those who stayed at home remained the same.
D.Changes to the body clock don't necessarily affect melatonin levels in our bodies.
【小题3】According to the passage, to change our sleeping habit, we’d better ________.
A.stay home to reset our body clock and get more sleep
B.stay up late long past sunset and sleep long after sunrise
C.get exposed to more natural light but less artificial light
D.try to reduce melatonin levels as much as possible at night
【小题4】What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?
A.To inform us of a possible way to adjust the body clock.
B.To explain how a lack of sleep is bad for our health.
C.To analyze how the body clock influences our sleeping habits.
D.To explore how the body clock is connected with melatonin levels.
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Prosocial behaviors are those intended to help other people. Behaviors that can be described as prosocial include feeling empathy(同感) and concern for others and behaving in ways to help or benefit other people.

Prosocial behavior has long posed a challenge to social scientists seeking to understand why people engage in helping behaviors that are beneficial to others, but costly to the individual performing the action. Why would people do something that benefits someone else but offers no immediate benefit to the doer?

Psychologists suggest that there are a number of reasons why people engage in prosocial behavior. In many cases, such behaviors are fostered during childhood and adolescence as adults encourage children to share, act kindly, and help others. Prosocial behaviors are often seen as being compelled by a number of factors including egoistic reasons (doing things to improve one's self-image), reciprocal benefits (doing something nice for someone so that they may one day return the favor), and more altruistic reasons (performing actions purely out of empathy for another individual).

Characteristics of the situation can also have a powerful impact on whether or not people engage in prosocial actions. For example, if you drop your purse and several items fall out on   the ground, the likelihood that someone will stop and help you decreases if there are many other people present. This same sort of thing can happen in cases where someone is in serious danger, such as when someone is involved in a car accident. In some cases, witnesses might assume that since there are so many other present, someone else will have surely already called for help. All the examples are what we call the bystander effect, the tendency for people to become less likely to assist a person in distress when there are a number of other people also present.

Why do people help in some situations but not in others? Experts have discovered a number of different situational variables that contribute to (and sometimes interfere with) prosocial behaviors. First, the more people that are present decreases the amount of personal responsibility people feel in a situation. People also tend to look to others for how to respond in such situations, particularly if the event contains some level of ambiguity. Fear of being judged by other members of the group also plays a   role.     People   sometimes fear leaping to   assistance,   only   to discover that their help was unwanted or unwarranted. In order to avoid being judged by other bystanders, people simply take no action.

Experts have suggested that some key things must happen in order for a person to take action.

【小题1】What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.Social scientists feel it hard to understand why helping behaviors exist.
B.Helping behaviors are costly to people who receive the action.
C.Social scientists have been researching on prosocial behavior for quite long.
D.It is quite challenging for people to perform helping behaviors.
【小题2】Prosocial behaviors are motivated for all the following reasons EXCEPT ______.
A.empathy for another individualB.instant benefits of helping others
C.parental influences in the early lifeD.the desire to better one's self-image
【小题3】Why does the author use the examples in paragraph 4?
A.To show that some people are in need of immediate help.
B.To indicate that some people think their help is not needed.
C.To suggest that some people perform helping behaviors quickly.
D.To demonstrate how the situation can impact helping behaviors.
【小题4】Which situation can be described as the bystander effect?
A.When hearing an injured lady crying for help, the neighbors didn't take action.
B.Seeing an old man slipping on the icy road, many people volunteered to help.
C.A woman had a heart attack on the train and you were the only doctor there.
D.On the scene of your colleague's traffic accident, you called the police for help.
【小题5】After the last paragraph, the most possible topic could be ______.
A.possible benefits of prosocial behavior
B.various reasons for prosocial behavior
C.situational influences on prosocial behavior
D.skills and knowledge to provide assistance

For several decades, there has been an extensive and organized campaign intended to generate distrust in science, funded by those whose interests and ideologies are threatened by the findings of modern science. In response, scientists have tended to stress the success of science. After all, scientists have been right about most things.

Stressing successes isn’t wrong, but for many people it’s not persuasive. An alternative answer to the question “Why trust science?” is that scientists use the so-called scientific method. If you’ve got a high school science textbook lying around, you’ll probably find that answer in it. But what is typically thought to be the scientific method — develop a hypothesis (假设), then design an experiment to test it — isn’t what scientists actually do. Science is dynamic: new methods get invented; old ones get abandoned; and sometimes, scientists can be found doing many different things.

If there is no identifiable scientific method, then what is the reason for trust in science? The answer is how those claims are evaluated. The common element in modern science, regardless of the specific field or the particular methods being used, is the strict scrutiny (审查) of claims. It’s this tough, sustained process that works to make sure faulty claims are rejected. A scientific claim is never accepted as true until it has gone through a lengthy “peer review” because the reviewers are experts in the same field who have both the right and the obligation (责任) to find faults.

A key aspect of scientific judgment is that it is done collectively. No claim gets accepted until it has been vetted by dozens, if not hundreds, of heads. In areas that have been contested, like climate science and vaccine safety, it’s thousands. This is why we are generally justified in not worrying too much if a single scientist, even a very famous one, disagrees with the claim. And this is why diversity in science — the more people looking at a claim from different angles — is important.

Does this process ever go wrong? Of course. Scientists are humans. There is always the possibility of revising a claim on the basis of new evidence. Some people argue that we should not trust science because scientists are “always changing their minds.” While examples of truly settled science being overturned are far fewer than is sometimes claimed, they do exist. But the beauty of this scientific process is that it explains what might otherwise appear paradoxical (矛盾的): that science produces both novelty and stability. Scientists do change their minds in the face of new evidence, but this is a strength of science, not a weakness.

【小题1】How does the author think of the scientific method?
【小题2】What does the underlined word “vetted” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题3】According to the passage, the author may agree that ______.
A.it is not persuasive to reject those faulty claims
B.settled science tends to be collectively overturned
C.a leading expert cannot play a decisive role in a scrutiny
D.diversity in knowledge is the common element in science
【小题4】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Put Your Faith in ScienceB.Defend the Truth in Science
C.Apply Your Mind to ScienceD.Explore A Dynamic Way to Science

Visual Symbols and the Blind

From several recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in space. But pictures are more than literal representations.

This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning. To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle(Fig. 1). I was surprised. Lines of motion, such as the one she used, are a very recent invention in the history of illustration.

When I asked several other blind study subjects to draw a spinning wheel, one particularly clever interpretation appeared repeatedly: several subjects showed the wheel’s spokes(把柄)as curved lines. When asked about these curves, they all described them as metaphorical ways of suggesting motion. Majority rule would argue that this device somehow indicated motion very well. But was it a better indicator than, say, broken or wavy lines—or any other kind of line, for that matter? The answer was not clear. So I decided to test whether various lines of motion were liable ways of showing movement or if they were merely specific marks. Moreover, I wanted to discover whether there were differences in how the blind and the sighted interpreted lines of motion.

To search out these answers, I created raised—line drawings of five different wheels, depicting spokes with lines that curved, bent, waved, dotted and extended beyond the perimeter of the wheel. I then asked eighteen blind volunteers to feel the wheels and assign one of the following motions to each wheel: shaky, spinning fast, spinning steadily, jerking or braking. My control group consisted of eighteen sighted undergraduates from the University of Toronto.

All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. Most guessed that the curved spokes indicated that the wheel was spinning steadily; the wavy spokes, they thought, suggested that the wheel was shaky; and the bent spokes were taken as a sign that the wheel was jerking. Subjects assumed that the spokes extending beyond the wheel’s perimeter signified that the wheel had its brakes on and that dotted spokes indicated the wheel was spinning quickly.

In addition, the favoured description for the sighted was the favoured description for the blind in every instance. What is more, the consensus among the sighted was barely higher than that among the blind. Because motion devices are unfamiliar to the blind, the task I gave them involved some problem solving. Evidently, however, the blind not only figured out meanings for each line of motion, but as a group they generally came up with the same meaning at least as frequently as did sighted subjects.

【小题1】The author makes the point that blind people___________.
A.can draw accuratelyB.may be interested in studying art
C.can recognise conventions such as perspectiveD.can draw outlines of different objects and surfaces
【小题2】The author was surprised because the blind woman___________.
A.drew a circle on her own initiativeB.was the first person to use lines of motion
C.included a symbol representing movementD.did not understand what a wheel looked like
【小题3】From the experiment described, the author found that the blind subjects___________.
A.got better results than the sighted undergraduates
B.worked together well as a group in solving problems
C.could control the movement of wheels very accurately
D.had good understanding of symbols representing movement
【小题4】The following diagram suggests that the wheel is___________.

A.steadily spinningB.rapidly spinningC.shakyD.jerking
