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In my living room, there is a plaque(匾) that advises me to “Bloom(开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy. I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s,when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky. The job responsibilities required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program. Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.

Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County, Kentucky, Appalachian Mountain area. To get to her school from the town of Harlan, I followed a road winding around the mountain. In the eight-mile journey, I crossed the same railroad track five times, giving the possibility of getting caught by the same train five times. Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains, I found it depressing. The poverty level was shocking and the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.

From the moment of my arrival at the little school, all gloom(忧郁) disappeared. Upon arriving at Dorothy’s classroom, I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen. The children had been prepared to show me their latest projects. Dorothy told me with a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for “dinner” (lunch). In case you don’t know, poke greens are a weed-type plant that grows wild, especially on poor ground.

Dorothy never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students. Her enthusiasm never cooled down. When it came time to sit for the testing and interviewing required to receive her Child Development Associate Certification, Dorothy was ready. She came to the assessment and passed in all areas. Afterward, she invited me to the one-and-only steak house in the area to celebrate her victory, as if she had received her Ph.D. degree. After the meal, she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand. She said it was a family heirloom (传家宝), but to me it is a treasured symbol of appreciation and pride that cannot be matched with things.

【小题1】“Early Childhood Development” in Paragraph I refers to ________.
A.a course given by the author
B.an organization sponsored by Union College
C.a program directed by Dorothy
D.an activity held by the students
【小题2】Upon arriving at the classroom, the author was cheered up by ________.
A.the sight of poke greens
B.a warm welcome
C.Dorothy’s latest projects
D.a big dinner made for her
【小题3】What can we know about Dorothy from the last paragraph?
A.She was invited to a celebration at a restaurant.
B.She got a pen as a gift from the author.
C.She received her Ph.
【小题4】What does the author mainly intend to tell us?
A.Whatever you do, you must do it carefully.
B.Whoever you are, you deserve equal treatment
C.However poor you are, you have the right to education.
D.Wherever you are, you can accomplish your achievement.
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William Herschel was born on November 15th, 1738 in Hanover in a family of musicians. In 1757,he fled to England and began earning a living as an organist and later composer and conductor. In 1772, he convinced his sister Caroline to join him as a singer. In their spare time the brother-sister team became occupied in astronomy. William died at his home in Slough, near Windsor on August 25th,1822,and Caroline on September 1st,1848.
Herschel’s first major discoveries were to show that Mars and Jupiter exhibit axial rotation(绕轴自转). Herschel struck fame in 1781,when on March 13th he discovered the planet Uranus(天王星) while engaged in work aimed at determining stellar parallax(恒星视差).This being the first new planet discovered since ancient times, Herschel, until then a mere amateur astronomer relatively unknown even in England, became world-famous. Adopting a historically proven strategy, Herschel named the new planet Georgium Sidum,in honor of the then ruling English king GeorgeⅢ. The trick worked once again, as King GeorgeⅢ gave William and Caroline the titles of“The King’s Astronomer”and“Assistant to the King’s Astronomer”, an honor which came with a life’s pension for both. In 1782 they moved to Bath, and shortly thereafter to Slough, and from this point on William and Caroline could devote themselves entirely to astronomy. The Herschels went on to discover two moons of Uranus in 1787.
While Caroline became increasingly occupied with the search for comets at which she was quite successful, William became for a time interested in the Sun. Inspired by Wilson’s 1774 work, he put forth the theory of sunspots(太阳黑子),an opinion that continued to exist well into the nineteenth century. In 1800,he became interested in the solar spectrum(太阳光谱),and uncovered the first evidence for solar energy output outside of the visible spectrum, in what is now known as the infrared(红外线).In 1801, he published two papers that effectively started the field of solar influences on Earth’s weather.
【小题1】Herschel made himself known to the world mainly by       .
A.discovering the planet Uranus
B.determining stellar parallax
C.discovering two moons of Uranus
D.uncovering the evidence for the infrared
【小题2】It can be inferred from the passage that George Ⅲ        .
A.liked science and technology
B.liked Herschel’s naming of the new planet
C.was interested in astronomy
D.gave Herschel a lot of useful suggestions
【小题3】What do we know about Caroline from the passage?
A.She was successful in music.
B.She was given the title of“The King’s Astronomer”.
C.She died later than her brother.
D.She published two papers.
【小题4】This passage mainly tells readers        .
A.some information about Herschel and his sister
B.how Herschel and his sister discovered the planet Uranus
C.Herschel and Caroline got along well with each other
D.Herschel and Caroline’s major scientific publications

One September night a family had gathered round their fireplace. Up the chimney roared the fire, and brightened the room with its broad flames. The faces of the father and mother had a sober gladness; the children laughed; and the aged grandmother sat knitting in the warmest place. This family of mountaineers was situated in the Notch of the White Hills, where the wind was sharp throughout the year, and pitilessly cold in the winter. Not just that, but a mountain towered above their heads, so steep, that the stones would often roll down its sides and wake the whole house at midnight.

Though they lived in such a remote place, these people held daily conversation with the world. Some travelers, would pause here and pay only for food and accommodation, but meet with a homely kindness beyond all price. When the footsteps were heard, therefore, between the outer door and the inner one, the whole family rose up, grandmother, children, and all, as if about to welcome someone who belonged to them, and whose fate was linked with theirs.

The door was opened by a young man. His face at first wore the sad expression, almost hopelessness, but soon brightened up when he saw the kindly warmth of his reception. He felt his heart spring forward to meet them all, from the old woman, who wiped a chair with her apron, to the little child that held out its arms to him.

“Ah, this fire is the right thing!” cried he, “The biting wind almost froze me. But when I saw this good fire, and all your cheerful faces, I felt as if you were waiting for my arrival. So I shall sit down, and make myself at home.”

After supper, the young man talked freely, feeling himself a member of the family. He was of a proud, yet lonely spirit, so trusting others was not easy for him. However, that night, the educated youth poured out his heart before the simple mountaineers.

【小题1】What can we learn about the family from the passage?
A.They charged travelers lot for food.
B.They were poor but hardworking.
C.They lived in a cold and dangerous spot.
D.They remained cut off from the world.
【小题2】What might be the young man’s purpose to drop by the family?
A.To talk to the family.B.To seek shelter from cold.
C.To keep company with the family.D.To know about the mountain.
【小题3】What was the main reason why the young man felt at ease?
A.The welcoming fire.B.The comfortable chair.
C.The delicious supper.D.The warmth of the family.
【小题4】What would be probably the content of the paragraph that follows?
A.The mountain’s condition.B.The family’s life.
C.Mountaineers’ characters.D.The young man’s story.

When school started in August,I threw myself into everything I did, including playing volleyball. I decided to become beautiful, or at least skinny. I stopped eating completely.Soon I began losing weight, which thrilled me, and I even grew to love the tiredness and lightheadedness(头晕)that came with my poor diet , for those feelings meant that I was winning .

One day my coach, Coach Smith, felt something was wrong with my health. She talked with me about my eating and was angry that I wouldn't listen to her when she tried to make me eat. She tried to persuade me and so we fought constantly. Then my hunger started to affect my performance . I was so tired that practice and games were becoming a struggle. One afternoon Coach Smith asked me what I had eaten and I told her nothing yet. She looked at me, with disappointment in her eyes, knowing she couldn't make me stop, and walked away.

Several weeks later I attended a dinner for our volleyball team.I stood there as my coach managed to say something nice about me.I realised that I had ruined my senior year by being disrespectful, and I had ruined hers as well. So that evening I wrote her a letter apologising and thanking her.

Then one Saturday, as I was reading in the library, I felt someone gently take my arm and say softly,"Jones,how are you doing?"I looked up and saw the familiar face."Thanks for the letter,"she said."It meant a lot."

When I think of a coach,I think of someone who gives instruction-not a friend. But Coach Smith is different, she dealt with my problem in a determined way even though I hated her for it.I didn't deserve her kindness,but she gave it anyway.I will forever be grateful for her help , and now for her friendship .

【小题1】When the author ate a poor diet and had a sense of tiredness, how did she feel?
【小题2】Why did the author fought with Coach Smith?
A.She refused to go on a diet.
B.She caused failure of her team.
C.She changed the training course.
D.She kept her idea of losing weight.
【小题3】Why did the author write a letter to Coach Smith?
A.She felt sorry for eating too little food.
B.She decided to improve her performance.
C.She was grateful for Smith's care for her health.
D.She wanted to build a close relationship with Smith.
