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English teacher and Internet entrepreneur (企业家) Jack Ma founded Alibaba 18years ago in his tiny apartment in Hangzhou, China. Now, Ma has become the richest man in China. Every current entrepreneur and business leader should learn from how a Chinese English teacher became such a great success.

Start here, go anywhere. Recognizing the importance of English, young Ma would ride his bike to a nearby hotel and guide foreigners around the city just to learn and practice the language.

He has vision and he had help. Ma saw the Internet’s enormous potential to bridge businesses across China’s huge population early on. So he and his wife brought 17 friends together and pooled 60,000 to start the company. That formed the basis for the company’s dynamic partnership structure and unique culture.

Big problems lead to big opportunities. China’s lack of infrastructure (基础设施) has always been a problem for the enormous nation’s small businesses. Alibaba solved that and now accounts for 80% of the country’s e-commerce.

Innovation comes from unique individuals who think and act differently. Everyone talks about changing the world and making tones of money these days, but those who actually do it are exceptional individuals with breakthrough ideas, uncommon vision and a passion to do great work.

What’s is in a name? Jack Ma was sitting in a San Francisco coffee shop when he thought of how Alibaba overheard the secret of the 40 thieves in his story —“open sesame (芝麻)”—and unlocked untold riches. He simply wanted his company to have a global and interesting name, and realized that Alibaba was a story known across the world. As an additional bonus, Ma said that because it begins with A, it also appears at the top of lists.

【小题1】The article is about ______.
A.Jack Ma’s life storyB.the secrets to Jack Ma’s success
C.Jack Ma’s business teamD.the development of Alibaba
【小题2】According to the article, the first step in Jack Ma’s success came from ______.
A.mastering the English languageB.the unique culture of his partnership
C.innovation from his teamD.the foundation of his company
【小题3】Jack Ma named his company after Alibaba because ______.
A.it begins with an A
B.his team worked out such a good idea.
C.inspiration came to him when he was listening to a story.
D.it came from a story that is well-known around the world.
【小题4】Which of the following words best describe Jack Ma?
A.Ambitious and creativeB.Humorous and innovative
C.Strict and intelligentD.Passionate and considerate
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In a digital age, we almost never write things by hand. However, multiple studies have shown that this act has many benefits.

New brain research, led by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, confirms the same: choosing handwriting over using a keyboard results in better learning and memory.

The study was conducted using equipment to track and record brain wave activity. The participants included 12 young adults and 12 children. This is the first time that children have participated in such a study. Each subject was asked to write by hand and type on a keyboard while wearing a hood with over 250 electrodes. The sensors in the electrodes are very sensitive and pick up the electrical activity that takes place in the brain. Each examination took 45 minutes per person.

The results showed that the brain in both young adults and children is much more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard. According to Van der Meer, plenty of senses are activated by pressing a pen on paper, seeing the letters written and hearing the sound made while writing. These sense experiences build contact between different parts of the brain, opening the brain up for learning.

Van der Meer believes that the results stress the importance of children being challenged to draw and write at an early age, especially at school. ''Learning to write by hand is a bit slower process, but it's important for children to go through the tiring phase of learning to write by hand," she said.

The hand movements used to form the shapes of letters are beneficial in several ways. "If you use a keyboard, you use the same movement for each letter. Writing by hand requires control of your fine motor skills and senses. It's important to put the brain in a learning state as often as possible," Van der Meer added.

【小题1】How was the study carried out?
A.The test lasted 45 minutes in total.
B.There were 24 adults participating in the research.
C.Equipment was used to collect data during the research.
D.Each participant was asked to wear a hood with 250 electrodes.
【小题2】According to Van der Meer, plenty of sensors become active by          .
A.using a keyboard.B.seeing the letters written.
C.copying the sound.D.opening the brain up for learning.
【小题3】Based on the study, in which situation can people learn or memorize better?
A.Recording ideas on the tape.B.Typing articles into the computer.
C.Writing shopping lists on the phone.D.Taking notes by hand during the lecture.
【小题4】What can we conclude from the result of the study?
A.It's a slow process to learn to write.B.It's a tiring process to write by hand.
C.It's vital to get children to draw and write.D.It's beneficial to get kids to type on a keyboard.

She has become the world’s longest-reigning monarch(在位时间最长的君主), following the death of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Oct 13.

Now a new TV series called The Crown, which started to air on Nov 4 in the US, is looking back at the time when Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ of the UK prepared to take the throne(王位)at a 25-year-old. She would face a series of challenges after she was crowned(加冕)following the unexpected death of her father, George VI, in 1952.

       Ever since she took the throne, the queen has seen her country change dramatically. Yet she has remained a constant presence in British lives. How can a queen, a memory from long ago in most parts of the world, still be so popular in modern Britain.

One answer is that the royal(王室的)family knows how to move with the times. Once upon a time, kings, queens, princes and princesses were distant from everyone. Today, while they still have some of the old mystery, the royals are true celebrities(名人)like famous sports and pop stars. Indeed, they are upper-class celebrities. There are hundreds of Hollywood actors, but there is only one queen of the UK.

Because they are seen so much—in magazines, on TV and on the internet—the royals must now be careful. It is not enough to be famous; one must “deserve” this fame. That’s why the new, younger generations of royals are so important to the royals’ chances of surviving. Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton’s commitment to many good causes has also given the royal family an image it highly needs.

In addition, old-fashioned British eccentricity(古怪)explains why the royals have stayed for so song. “The British monarchy is valued because it is the British monarchy,” the BBC noted. “We are an old and complicated society.”

【小题1】What can we learn about Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ from the two paragraphs?
A.She was 25 years old when she became queen in 1952.
B.She was doomed to(注定)take the throne from birth.
C.The TV series The Crown is about Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ’s whole life.
D.She is the oldest monarch in the world after Bhumibol Adulyadej.
【小题2】What should new generatic of British royals probably do in order to stay popular, according to the author?
A.Try to become as famous as possible.
B.Shoot some films about the royal family.
C.Keep their distance from common people.
D.Devote themselves to good causes.
【小题3】The author mentions the BBC’s a comment to show that _______.
A.the UK is a strange nation
B.the British value their old traditions a lot
C.British society is too complex to understand
D.the British monarchy is unique in the world
【小题4】The main purpose of the article is to ______.
A.describe the details of the TV series The Crown to readers
B.describe the daily routines of British royals
C.explore the secrets of the popularity of the British monarchy
D.explain the differences between the old and new generations of British royals

It is quite common for people to have high expectations of other people: much higher than they would for themselves. In fact, sometimes you will see someone criticize another person for doing the exact same behavior that they do. For example, a woman makes note that another mom has gained weight. Yet, this particular mother has gained weight herself. She seems to expect the other mother not to have gained weight, but does not have this expectation for herself. I feel this is a problem that could be holding people back from moving further in life. I have a few tips on how to expect more from yourself and less from other people.

First, you need to always remember that before you expect something out of somebody else, you need to have actually conquered this goal yourself. In fact, maybe try asking yourself, “Why do I even have this expectation of another person?”

Second, start taking a really good look at yourself. You may find what you are doing right now is below your level of expectation from yourself. Use the words. “What do I expect of myself, and what can I do to improve myself?” This will automatically help distract you from focusing on other people. Ultimately, you only have control over your own behavior and you have zero control over other people.

Lastly, the moment you feel you are disappointed because another person did not come through for you; literally say to yourself. “It’s not for me to have those expectations on that other person.” Just the act of letting yourself know in the moment that you’re not supposed to have high expectations of the other person will automatically help you as an individual stop feeling constant frustration, anger, and disappointment from those around you.

【小题1】What can we know from the example in paragraph 1?
A.Many people are too late.B.It is easy for people to gain weight.
C.It is hard for people to lose weight.D.People usually expect more from others.
【小题2】What does the author think of expecting more from others?
A.It is a good quality to develop.B.It shows the powerful strength.
C.It is an improper behavior clearly.D.I may help to get something valuable.
【小题3】Why may you become disappointed when you expect more from others?
A.You can’t be satisfied.B.You are controlled by others.
C.You can’t fix your attention at all.D.You are more excellent than others.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.How to Ask for More from Another Person
B.Who Is to Blame for the High Expectations
C.How to Lower Your Expectations from Others
D.Where to Find Tips to Get on Well with Others
