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The Ocean Awareness Student Contest(International)

We invite middle and high school students from around the world to attend the 2017 Ocean Awareness Student Contest! The theme is Making Meaning out of Ocean Pollution, and it challenges you to research, explore, explore interpret, and say something meaningful about the connections between human activities and the health of our oceans.

This year, we challenge you to concentrate on one type of ocean pollution and “make meaning” of it through art, poetry or film. We encourage you to connect it with your own life, your own local community, or something else that is personally meaningful to you, but what’s most important is to pick a topic that inspires you.

To take part:

Do research on your own. Ask tough and complex questions, and think about the way science and society help you explain the topic


To explain your topic, create your own work of art, writing, poetry or film.

(3) Submit(提交)

The closing date for entries is on June 13, 2017, at 11:59pm.

Submit as an individual: This means that you are the only creator of your submission .

Submit as a group: Groups can be of unlimited size, but you must provide the names of each group member. There will be one group leader who will be the contact(联系)person for the group and prizes will be awarded to the group as a whole.


The winners will receive scholarships (up to $ 1,500), and each year we give out over 140 prizes(totaling up to $80,000) as well as chances to the winners to work with us and to get their works exhibited and published.

【小题1】The purpose of the contest is to______.
A.encourage more people to explore the ocean
B.direct students to receive more scholarships
C.draw students’ attention to the health of the oceans
D.help students complete their works in various styles
【小题2】The contest is designed for______.
A.college studentsB.teenagers
C.art studentsD.people of all ages
【小题3】To take part in the contest, students are asked to______.
A.submit their works in groups
B.experience the life in a local community
C.exhibit or publish their works in advance
D.do research and explain their topics
【小题4】Which of the following prizes is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Scholarships will be offered to the winners
B.The organizers will let the winners work with them
C.The winners will be admitted to famous universities
D.Chances are that the winners can get their works published
知识点:竞技/比赛人与动植物环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

It is now possible to watch live sport on television on any day of the week, and the present amount of reporting will undoubtedly increase further in years to come. This is certainly having an influence on the live sports events themselves, and there are both benefits and shortcomings to this.

【小题1】 For one thing, with digital broadcasting, there are now many more TV channels than there were even ten years ago. Moreover, sport has become an important form of entertainment, attracting both men and women.

What are the benefits of this televised sport? 【小题2】 Large football clubs benefit financially(财政上) from TV income and the top players can be well paid. Less popular sports also receive money that can be used in training and advertising. What’s more, there is a health benefit to some of the population. 【小题3】

However, there will be some disadvantages if so much sport is on television. Considering football again, many small clubs have suffered financial losses recently, as they cannot compete with the large ones. 【小题4】 Fewer people watch live matches nowadays, preferring to watch from the comfort of their living room. And ticket prices have risen greatly.

In a word, watching live sport on television has both good and bad effects. Televised sport has created many chances and benefited certain people and clubs very much. 【小题5】

A.Why has there been such growth in televised sport?
B.Why are there so many benefits of watching live sport on television?
C.Televised sport can be helpful in increasing people’s value of teamwork.
D.There has been a general falling in ticket sales, especially among smaller clubs.
E.Through televised sport, more people have become interested in actually playing sport.
F.One obvious advantage of televised sport is the money provided by television companies.
G.However, it has also been responsible for changing the nature of live sports events for ever.

As a hockey parent, while watching my son played from Mite to Bantam, House League to Travel, I’ve learned that losing may be best for kids.

In his third season in 2019, my son’s team never lost more than three straight games. There was happiness, boasting, celebration, pizza. In short, it was a typically good youth hockey season. He improved as a player, but did not much change as a person.

However, what happened the next year added its story to the legends of sporting incompetence. Not merely weak but prettily bad, this team lost 40 of their first 50 games, most of the defeats coming in the course of two losing streaks. For a time, I worried that these streaks would kill my child’s love of the game.

But that’s not what happened. As bad as it got, the losing was clarifying. It weeded out the kids who were in it less for the game than the glory, leaving just the die-hards behind. What started as a list of 17 of the team was cut down to 12. It was especially instructive for the kids. It taught him a great truth of the world: For everyone good, there is someone better.

What’s more, the kids were learning the game in a way that only losing can teach. Each player got to play everywhere, to learn and appreciate the role of every position on the ice. They kept an eye on their opponents too, studying and incorporating the tricks of success. In an effort to break the streak, they went back to basics, accepted the wisdom of the hockey ancients: If playing like a team, they can defeat a collection of all-stars; If doing small and unappreciated tasks well, they can get the goal.

This new team had character and could never be counted out, no matter the score. They had learned the most important lesson: You can lose without being beaten. They squeaked into the state tournament, then made it all the way to the final, where the winner was decided in overtime. When they lost that game and went into the handshake line, it was not as runners-up but as a team that had been made into winners in the only way that will stick — by losing.

【小题1】What does the author think about the son’s team in the third season in 2019?
A.The team had a bad performance.
B.The team didn’t live up to the author’s expectations.
C.The team played typically well and won all the games.
D.The team didn’t have the spirit of facing failure.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “clarify” refer to?
A.The losing made the kids better understand hockey.
B.The losing helped the kids learn a great truth of the world.
C.The losing separated true player from those playing for glory.
D.The losing boosted the kids’ teamwork.
【小题3】According to the author, what have the son’s team learned?
A.For everything big, there is something bigger.
B.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
C.God helps those who help themselves.
D.The hardest battle you’re going to fight is the battle to be just you.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.How Kids Can Deal With LosingB.What Kids Can Learn From Losing
C.Why Kids Can Benefit From LosingD.How Kids Can Get Over From Losing
       With the World Cup always held in the European off-season in June and July, when the tiny nation of Qatar beat out USA Australia, Japan and South Korea, as the venue(地点) of the 2022 World Cup Soccer, there were gasps of surprise from the fans – it was not just because of the size of the competitors, but also the fact that Doha sees an average top temperature of 41 degrees Celsius in June and July with the possibility of top temperatures as high as 50°C.
       Since the World Cup cannot be moved to the ‘cooler’ season in January or to a neighboring country with milder weather, Qatar has to figure out a solution to make the game more comfortable. A team of engineering scientists from Qatar University (QU) have taken a more high-tech approach to solving the problem — they’ve reportedly developed a type of artificial “cloud” designed to float above the World Cup venues and provide fans and players with relief from the blazing sun.
       The artificial clouds system was invented by a team led by Dr Saul Abdul Ghani, Head of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at QU, who told Gulf News that the “clouds” would be made from a lightweight carbon structure carrying a giant envelope of material containing helium(氦) gas. The “cloud” would also feature solar panels on its upper surface to power engines that allow the cloud to be moved via remote control. While the country officials have promised to improve some of the issues with solar-powered stadiums capable of reducing the temperatures inside, to a comfortable 20℃, there is still concern of how the players will be able to function in the practice fields.
       The system would initially cost around US $500,000, with prices coming down with commercial scale production. However, since Qatar needs to find a solution, the money is probably to the issue. The bigger question is, will this team of scientists actually be able to conjure up(兑现) something that they have promised? We will all find out in about eleven years!
【小题1】By mentioning “the European off-season”, the author tells us          .
A.why the World Cup is held
B.where the host countries of the World Cup are
C.where the World Cup is usually held
D.when the World Cup is held
【小题2】The artificial clouds system aims to          .
A.carry a giant envelope of material containing helium gas
B.air-condition the venues via artificial cloud system
C.feature solar panels on its upper surface
D.allow the cloud to be moved via remote control
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT promised for 2022 World Cup by Qatar?
A.The tournament season.
B.The tournament venues.
C.The comfortable temperature for training grounds.
D.The comfortable temperature for the matches.
【小题4】About how much US dollars are estimated if four artificial clouds float above stadiums?
【小题5】Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?
A.Will the 2020 World Cup Be Held in the Middle East?
B.Qatar’s 2022 World Cup in High Temperature
C.Will Man-Made Clouds Provide Shade at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar?
D.Artificial Clouds at High Cost Promising Comfortable Season
