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Pop idols are celebrities who burn brighter than regular stars. If a star is someone you can recognize on the street, an idol is someone who will cause a stir at a public appearance.
Without fans, an idol is just an ordinary person, like you and me. As Reese Witherspoon once said while announcing the Oscar for best make-up, movie stars look just like people in documentaries(纪录片) if you see them without make-up.
I was once invited to a private party where about half of the guests were stars and the other half entertainment reporters. Guess what? The good-looking ones were the reporters because they tend to be young, and they glow without make-up.
Some idols are born; some are made. Most idols are created by a machine called the entertainment industry. They may have some charms and talent, but not enough to become famous. They are the raw material out of which a star, or even an idol, is made. An army of behind-the-scenes assistants will hype(炒作) or even make up their virtues and hide their shortcomings.
Paris Hilton is the kind of star who possesses no real talent but yet is quite well-known. This is the result of endless hype. If you are thrust into the limelight often enough, you can become a celebrity without having any talent.
Television contest shows create a much fairer more transparent platform where young people can compete and showcase their talent. The soap opera is another platform for idol making. These drama
series are long, giving an actor much needed exposure. The actors and actresses are always well-lit, made up and beautifully dressed. Now all they need is some good dialogue from the scriptwriter(编 剧).
【小题1】Which of the following statements agrees with the writer’s viewpoint?
A.Most idols are born.
B.The entertainment industry is more popular.
C.Many stars are often good looking
D.Pop idols are not as pretty as you think.
【小题2】Why does the writer use the example of Paris Hilton?
A.To show that hype is an important element in making a star.
B.To indicate that Paris Hilton is very famous.
C.To prove a star often lacks talent.
D.To show a star is popular because of the acting skills.
【小题3】What does the writer think of the television contest show?
A.More practical.B.More formal.C.More equal.D.More competitive.
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Stop in for lunch at Drexell & Honeybee's 15-table restaurant and you'll find a menu filled with down-home cooking: beef and potatoes,chicken and dumplings, and mac and cheese. What you won't find on the menu: prices. At Drexell & Honeybee's, customers pay what they want-or what they can.They leave their money in a donation box near the door.The box is behind a screen(屏幕)that separates it from the rest of the room,so if you can't pay for your meal today-as many people in this poor town often can't-nobody will know,and more importantly,nobody will judge.

How much a customer pays may be different, but it almost always comes with thanks."Today I wasn't able to eat and you guys helped me,”one customer wrote in a thank-you note.“Thank you for bringing blessing(福祉) to this town and me.”Inside the note were twenty cents.

“We want to be that beacon of light to someone in need,” says Lisa Thomas-McMillan,who opened the restaurant with her husband, Freddie McMillan, last year."We might not be able to pull it all out,but we're going to try to help you in some kind of way.”

The entire town of Brewton has rallied behind them.Locals bring in homegrown vegetables,and two farmers keep separate gardens just for the restaurant.A 15-year-old boy even tried donating his prizewinning pig. Thomas-McMillan couldn't accept it (the pig hadn't been examined by the United States Department of Agriculture).The boy sold the pig and put the $457 he made right in Drexell & Honeybee's donation box.

【小题1】The McMillans opened the restaurant to_______.
A.donate money for the townB.help those in need
C.give thanks to localsD.advertise down-home cooking
【小题2】Why is the donation box behind a screen?
A.To make the box noticeable.B.To leave the box in a safe place.
C.To know how much customers pay.D.To save some customers' face.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.The restaurant owners have refused the locals' help.
B.The whole town has supported the restaurant owners.
C.The restaurant owners couldn't satisfy the whole town.
D.The whole town has competed with the restaurant owners.
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.A Bill of GoodB.A Donation BoxC.A Note of ThanksD.A Local Restaurant

A Teacher’s Lifesaving Call

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Julia Koch began what was only her second year as a first grade teacher in a virtual classroom.

One September afternoon a few weeks into the school year, she received a call from Cynthia Phillips, who was having technical difficulties with her granddaughter’s tools for online learning.

Koch immediately knew something was wrong with Phillips. The two women had spoken numerous times before, but Koch had never heard the grandmother sound quite like this. Her words were so jumbled that Koch could barely understand her, though she was able to make out that Phillips had fallen four times that day.

Koch called her principal, Charlie Lovelady, who assured her that he would call and check on Phillips himself.

Just like Koch, Lovelady could barely understand Phillips. He suspected she might be having a stroke—he recognized the signs from when his own father had suffered one. Lovelady was able to make out the word “kids” and immediately became concerned that Phillips’s two grandchildren, aged six and eight, were probably home alone with her—she   is   their primary guardian—and scared. Lovelady asked his office manager to send an ambulance to the grandmother’s home. Then Lovelady called two deans in the school district, to tell them what was going on, both of whom dropped everything and drove to the family’s home.

When they pulled up less than ten minutes later, the EMTs(急救人员)were treating Phillips while the two girls, looking visibly shaken, were outside with a neighbor.

The quick response from Koch and Lovelady saved Phillips’s life. She arrived at the hospital in time to get treatment and before chronic damage occurred.

“If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here,” said Phillips from her hospital bed about a month after her stroke.

Thanks to an extended stay in the hospital, she has regained most of the movement throughout her body except for one hand and a portion of her mouth, which affects her speech.

【小题1】When did the story happen?
A.When Koch was in her first grade.
B.When the grandchildren were having online classes.
C.When Lovelady was with his own father.
D.When the EMTs were giving medical help to Phillips.
【小题2】Why did Koch know that Phillips was in trouble?
A.Because Phillips’s voice sounded strange.
B.Because Phillips had seldom called Koch.
C.Because Phillips spoke a strange language.
D.Because Koch could not hear very clearly.
【小题3】How did Lovelady know that Phillips might be having a stroke?
A.By calling the hospital for advice.
B.By visiting Phillips in person.
C.By recognizing the signs he knew.
D.By asking the office workers for help.
【小题4】The underlined word “chronic” in Paragraph 7 may best be replaced by ____.
【小题5】What is one of the bad effects the stroke left on Phillips?
A.She could not move about properly.
B.She could not speak clearly.
C.She could not have meals properly.
D.She could not use her hands as before.

Generation Y is known as the generation that was born in the 1980s and 1990s, although experts do not agree on when this time started. The people who make up Generation Y are often the children of baby boomers(生育高峰中出生的人).

The millennium(千禧年)generation, as it is often called, has grown up with new technology and can use it in their jobs much better than the older generation can. 【小题1】 They like to communicate via text messaging, Facebook and other online technology. They have high expectations and seek new challenges. 【小题2】

Generation Y youths have a different attitude towards work, which is different from that of their parents or grandparents. 【小题3】 They do not live to work but they work to live.

【小题4】 They want jobs that are flexible, not always having work from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.. They prefer working from their homes and taking a day or two off to spend with their family when the weather is fine.

While baby boomers worked hard, grew up with a company and stayed there for the rest of their lives, Generation Y workers do not want to do the same thing during their whole life. 【小题5】 That means if you don't like what you do then do something else.

A.They want to spend most of their time at home.
B.They expect to change jobs at least a few times.
C.The new generation can be described as energetic.
D.Besides, they often dare to raise questions when confused.
E.The Internet, cell phones, iPads are normal for this generation.
F.Young people expect a different type of workplace than their parents had.
G.They don’t want to work as hard as their parents but spend their life in a meaningful way.
