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How to make a successful apology. Have you done something that you feel bad about? Is there a person who you have treated badly? Do you need to say “I’m sorry” to someone? Here are five things you can do to have a successful apology.
● Make your apology real. 【小题1】People can tell if you take responsibility for what you did or if you are lying.
● Do not make excuses. 【小题2】It is saying that you were wrong to do it.
【小题3】 An apology should show that you have learned from what you did. Show that you mean what you say.
● Make it clear that you are apologizing. Just saying “I’m sorry” is not enough. Talk about what you did and then say that you feel bad about doing it. 【小题4】
● Be prepared for the unexpected. Be prepared for it to take some time for your apology to be accepted. This may be a long moment, a few minutes, or even days or weeks. The person may stay angry with you. 【小题5】
A.Be patient and hopeful.
B.Make a promise to change.
C.Choose the right time to apologize.
D.An apology will be better accepted if it is sincere.
E.An apology is not explaining why you did something.
F.You can give your apology to the other person as a letter.
G.It is important that the person knows you are apologizing.
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It is known to us that every year of high school is a tough and busy time.【小题1】 We all know that not getting enough sleep is not good for our health, but it has been found that less sleep could even cause us to have fewer friends.

According to researchers from the University of California, people who don’t get enough sleep are less willing to socialize with others.【小题2】

The researchers carried out a small study. They tested 18 young participants who had just had a good night’s sleep, and tested them again after a sleepless night.【小题3】 When each person on the video got too “close”, they could choose to stop the video.

The results showed that the participants kept each person at a distance of 60 percent further back if they hadn’t gotten enough sleep.【小题4】 But when the participants got a good night’s sleep, they allowed the person to get much closer to them.

According to lead researcher Matthew Walker, the less sleep you get, the less you want to socialize with others. In turn, other people may think you’re strange and stay away from you. 【小题5】

So if you want to be a more sociable and popular person, sleeping well might help. “One night of good sleep makes you feel more outgoing and socially confident,” Walker said.

A.They are simply too tired to go out.
B.Too little sleep makes us get sick easily.
C.You may have trouble getting enough sleep.
D.Here are some tips to help you beat your sleep problems.
E.They felt that their personal space was being taken over.
F.This can make you feel lonely and cause you to sleep even less.
G.The participants watched videos of people walking toward them.

I sill remember my first day of second grade. I was led to a classroom. No teacher yet. Girls talking and laughing. Boys playing games.

I took some paper and a pencil, picked a desk, and went to work. Minutes later, a girl came over and sat on top of my desk.

“What are you doing?” she said.

“I am doing Fun with Number” I replied. Then I rose from my seat to get my pencil sharpener. I had no idea that when I stood, the desk would fall over and hurt her leg.

Her name was Lucy. From that day on we got to know each other, and she became my best friend. Now we have been close friends for more than 60 years. We often get together and recall the past.

Some TV advertisements try to tell us what children need for school, new shoes, clothes, and schoolbags. But really, children’s needs are simple. Besides the basics—to be fed, cared for, and loved—they need the gift of friendship.

For years, I feared how people saw me. But one day, I finally understood I didn’t need to be smart or pretty or popular, but just needed to be kind.

My grandson William recently finished his preschool and received a prize for “friendship”. Even an Olympic medal wouldn’t make me prouder! I think children need to know that they are loved. They need to know they have all they need and that the best way to win friends is to be kind.

【小题1】When and where did the author meet Lucy for the first time?
【小题2】What was the author doing when Lucy came over?
【小题3】How do Lucy and the author keep their friendship growing?
【小题4】Besides the basics, what do children need for a happy school life?

How to Make Friends

【小题1】 Indeed, there are many things in life which we alone cannot perform.

We need friends’ help. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show sympathy for us when we are in misery.

【小题2】 For example, when we have passed the graduation examination and are looking for a job, we need experienced and reliable friends to guide us and help us on our way. A good friend is also an adviser, because our own points of view towards things may not be always right. 【小题3】

Of course, we can make friends everywhere. However, I think the best place is school, where we are among a big number of boys and girls our own age, so it is easy to get to know one another in a short time. 【小题4】

In order to make friends, we ourselves must be honest, noble-minded and kind-hearted whereby to leave a favorable impression on others since other people observe us the same way as we do.

At the same time, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us and moreover, they are dangerous to the people around. Worse still, they destroy our friendship with good friends. 【小题5】

A.Indeed, seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake
B.A faithful friend is hard to find.
C.Therefore, it is necessary for us to seek advice from friends.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
E.Besides, we can also make friends among the people who work with us in the community.
F.A proverb says “One man is not good enough to live alone in the world.”
G.The benefits of friendship are boundless and sometimes invisible.
