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Kiss crisis, hug horrors and the UK’s handshake headaches

Greeting someone, saying goodbye — these situations fill me with unease. You have a second to make a dangerous decision. One peck(轻吻)? Two pecks? Three? No kisses at all? Why, I think, as I crash into the other person’s face, why can’t it be as simple as a handshake?

A survey by the soap company Radox in May showed one in five Brits now feels a handshake is “too formal”, according to the Daily Mail. Some 42 percent said they never shook hands when greeting friends. For one third of people the alternative was a hug, for 16 percent a kiss on the cheek.

British people are known to be reserved(保守的) — unfriendly, some would say. Handshakes used to work for us because we didn’t have to get too close. But the super-British handshake is no longer fashionable. We want to be more like our easygoing Mediterranean neighbors who greet each other with kisses and hugs.

The trouble is, we still find it a bit awkward. What does a married man do when greeting a married female friend, for example? How should someone younger greet someone older?

Guys don’t tend to kiss one another; my male friends in Britain go for the “manly hug”, taking each other stiffly(不自然地) in one arm and giving a few thumps on the back with words like “Take it easy, yeah?”.

The biggest questions, if you do decide to kiss, are how many times and which cheek first. Unlike the French, who comfortably deliver three, our cheek-pecks usually end in embarrassed giggling(咯咯笑): “Oh, gosh, sorry, I didn’t mean to kiss you on the lips, I never know where to aim for first!”

But then it’s never been easy for us poor, uncomfortable Brits. Even the handshake had its problems: don’t shake too hard, but don’t hold the other person’s hand too limply(无力地) either, and definitely don’t go in with sweaty hands.

Maybe it’s better to leave it at a smile and a nod.

【小题1】What is the article mainly about?
A.Origin of the traditional British way of greeting someone.
B.New trends and problems that Brits have with the way they greet people.
C.Why the author feels uneasy when greeting someone or saying goodbye.
D.Differences in greetings between Britain and other Western countries.
【小题2】What did the survey by the soap company Radox show?
A.It is now considered unfriendly to greet friends with a handshake in Britain.
B.A kiss on the cheek is becoming the most popular form of greeting in Britain.
C.Most Brits no longer offer to shake hands with those they meet.
D.More and more Brits prefer to be greeted with a hug or kiss.
【小题3】The underlined word “awkward” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.not helpful
B.too informal
C.quite embarrassed
D.very interesting
【小题4】Which does the author think might be the safest form of greeting for a British person?
A.A hug.
B.A smile and a nod.
C.A handshake.
D.A kiss on the cheek.
知识点:外国文化与节日社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

There is a lot to learn about the unusual habits and qualities of the British people when you first visit London.

Get to know what to wear. Most men now go for a shirt, and women go for a smart-casual skirt or trousers and top(上衣), or a dress. Some men might keep a jacket and tie at work that they can put on if they have a client meeting or some other reason to look extra smart. 【小题1】 For example, if you head to the Ritz Hotel for tea, or visit the members’ section at: Lord’s Cricket Ground, you will be expected to dress appropriately.

Pay attention to the art of giving praise. 【小题2】 We receive praise, we will often make a self-deprecating(自嘲) comment to emphasize modesty. For example, if you tell somebody “I love your dress”, you expect the reply to be “This old thing? I bought it in Primark ages ago!” In this example, when faced with a self-deprecating British person, you could say, “Well, I think it’s lovely.” 【小题3】

Visiting gardens is common. Gardening is one of the most popular leisure activities in the UK. Two-thirds of British people visit a garden centre each year, which results in great economic value. 【小题4】 In fact, we love the gardens so much that each year the National lead 10Garden Scheme opens over 3,000 private gardens to the public, raising money for charity in the process.

【小题5】 The truly wealthy rarely show off their wealth, and we don’t like to talk about money or how much we earn. A common saying is “money can’t buy taste”. In other words, if you are truly “upper class”, you do not need to show it.!

A.The British like to be modest.
B.This business is worth 25 billion.
C.When it comes to money, less is more.
D.In this way, you will have made their day.
E.We like to wear suits to the gardens and donate money to show modesty.
F.And if you are going to a wedding as a guest, it is best to avoid wearing white.
G.Away from the workplace, however, there are still places that expect a suit and tie.

Christmas is still a few weeks away. But in Holland, Germany and other parts of central Europe, man dressed in red with a big white beard will already be flying from house to house with a big sack and presents for children. “Sinterklaas komt!” as Dutch children say-Saint Nicholas is coming!

It’s obvious from the name that “Santa Claus” comes from “Sinterklaas”. Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6, but there are many things about the saint and his festival that are similar to Christmas. Just as Santa has reindeer, so Sinterklaas has a white horse. Dutch and German children put their shoes out in front of the chimney just like children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve, hoping that in the morning they will be full of presents. With Sinterklaas, however, you’re also expected to put a carrot in your shoe as a present to his horse.

Like Santa, Sinterklaas also judges whether children have been “naughty or nice” in the past year to help him decide whether they deserve presents. But while good children get sweets, the consequences of being bad are far worse than they are with Father Christmas. Naughty children are given a stick so their parents can beat them. If you are really, really bad, Sinterklaas will put you into a sack and take you away.

In parts of Germany and Austria, people also celebrate December 5, but it is a celebration of naughtiness rather than niceness. On “Krampus Day”, bizarre, horned demons (or rather boys dressed in costumes) run around causing havoc and hitting girls with sticks. Authorities have struggled for years to ban the tradition, but have not been successful. Luckily Saint Nicholas always comes next day to put things right.

【小题1】What is the main focus of the article?
A.The history of Christmas Day.
B.The traditions of Saint Nicholas Day.
C.The differences between Christmas Day and Saint Nicholas Day.
D.The connection between Saint Nicholas Day and Krampus Day.
【小题2】Which of the following statements about Saint Nicholas is TRUE?
A.The festival falls on December 5 in most European countries.
B.On the eve of Saint Nicholas Day, people usually eat carrots.
C.In Germany, children expect to get gifts in their shoes on Saint Nicholas Day.
D.Like Santa, Sinterklaas is believed to ride his reindeer from house to house to give gifts to children.
【小题3】What can we conclude from Paragraph 3?
A.Naughty children don’t get anything from Sinterklaas.
B.As well as children, Sinterklaas also brings gifts for adults.
C.Sinterklaas is more generous than Father Christmas.
D.Sinterklaas treats good children better than naughty children.
【小题4】What is the attitude of authorities towards Krampus Day traditions, according to the article?
A.They don’t like some of the traditions and want to stop them.
B.They organize various activities to entertain people.
C.They respect the way people celebrate the traditions.
D.They regard it as an important tradition and try to make it popular.

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated each 31st of May. The aim is to bring attention to the growing use of tobacco and its deadly effects. The World Health Assembly established the event in 1987. This year, special attention is being given to the harmful effects of tobacco marketing to women and girls.

The WHO says the tobacco industry has increasingly directed its marketing campaigns at women and girls. Study shows that women currently represent about twenty percent of smokers while tobacco use among girls is increasing. Data collected from 151 countries show that about seven percent of young girls now smoke. That compares with twelve percent of boys. In some countries, however, the rates are almost equal.

Almost 170 countries have signed an agreement called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control which calls on those governments to ban tobacco advertising to the fullest to protect women. The agreement seeks to reduce the demand and supply of tobacco products. This year marks the fifth anniversary since the treaty went into effect. Up to now, eighty percent of the signers have banned the sale of tobacco products to young people. Seventy percent have required health warnings on tobacco products.

Events are planned in a number of countries to mark World No Tobacco Day. Many of the events are aimed at persuading people, especially the young, not to start smoking. Others aim to educate people about the many health benefits of giving up smoking.

The World Health Organization says tobacco kills nearly five and a half million people a year and has become a top cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that so far in the world one billion people smoke. More than eighty percent of tobacco users live in low and middle income countries. The WHO estimates that tobacco use caused one hundred million deaths in the twentieth century. If current rates continue, that number could reach one billion in this century.

【小题1】The following about World No Tobacco Day is true except     .
A.it was started by the World Health AssemblyB.it is celebrated in May every other year
C.it warns people of the dangers of smokingD.it is meant to protect women and girls this year
【小题2】According to WHO, tobacco industry is to blame because     .
A.it has managed to increase sales of tobacco among women and girls
B.it has hired more women and girls to help with the advertisement
C.it sells its tobacco at a lower price to women and girls
D.it only collects data from more than 151 countries
【小题3】Framework Convention is made to     .
A.increase tobacco productionB.improve the way of tobacco advertising
C.protect women from the dangers of smokingD.estimate the demand of tobacco products
【小题4】What has happened five years after the agreement came into being?
A.The sale of tobacco to the young is banned in most of the signers.
B.Eighty percent of the signers have printed warnings on tobacco products.
C.Seventy percent of the signers are persuading old people not to start smoking.
D.Few signers have told people the advantage of giving up smoking.
